It will take more than 10 yrs to repair the damage being done to our gov.
I wonder if we’ll ever see amendments to the constitution, it has been a long time. I’d like to see corporations declared to not have rights as if they were citizens.
The US falls behind more countries in average lifespan, education and avg income.
Economical collapse in multiple countries, including the US. Like Great Depression II.
One or more leading countries in the world to recognize some form of AI as sentient.
WILL it be sentient? Or what do you suppose will be the development that causes us to go, “holy shit, it’s real this time!”?
I think they’re just saying they’ll incorrectly consider it sentient because we’re always lead by morons, it seems.
This year will be declared the year of the linux desktop.
And so will the year after, and the one after…
GRRM isn’t going to finish the books.
Nor is Patrick Rothfuss. I believe he probably outgrew the story he was telling.
Preperations for the 2038 bug (similar te the Y2K bug) start too late about 2035
Linux Desktop gets stronger, even if its slow
I may or may not manage to finish hosting Nextcloud mostly save on the internet
Rise in suicide rates
fall of fanservice isekai (pls)
Rise of the fediverse (could be slow)
Just curious as a casual PC gamer. What would make the average person care enough to switch to Linux?
Also as a casual pc gamer, here is my take.
I just started getting into github projects, and have learned a few things. Like windows and linux can be ran on the same operating system (called wsl) for free and already built in windows. It is pretty useful for developer projects. The point being, there is a good chunk of gamers that are tech savy. Learning linux is not that hard especially with no barriers to entry.
But MAINLY, because people are tired of changing operating systems.
Windows 10 has INCREASED in popularity more than windows 11 compared to last year for steam users. Since Windows 10 will be officially discontinued in a year, that is actually bonkers. This shows that people (gamers) are getting tired of making unnecessary changes/updates to things that aren’t broken and work fine.
Linux is a free option for that. BUT… until you can play all steam game son linux, the switch won’t happen. The linux popularity will only increase once games can be run on it. Then, the gamers will teach their families how to use linux, which won’t be hard, because distros like Ubuntu are already user friendly (Macs are also based off linux as well). It has desktop, file exploration, browsers, etc.
Since most people just use their computers for work, email, social media, streaming, etc., there is actually no reason for people not to use linux really. The only reason they haven’t is because they are not per-installed on computers and windows is already ‘free’.
Thank makes sense. It pissed me off a lot when I was playing Bannerlord and upgraded to windows 11 only to have the game freeze frame every frequently when it never happened on windows 10. Also some of the UI options are worse.
Depends on the “average” person You are allowed to stop reading at any point!
- if one only uses the browser anyway why not use an os that is easy to install, gets updates for like forever, can run on a potato and just works
- it supports more hardware (especially that it does not require tpm) making it cheaper when choosing used hardware + is more resource efficient
- It has no ads build in
- being able to drag games fullscreen from one desktop to another with windows key* pressed and mouse drag (at least arch + plasma)
- users being able to choose their own difficulty from easy and less flexible (mint) to specific (bazzite, looks like a games console but for steam) to advanced (arch) and further
- no account needed to use it (+ no nag screens except maybe on install but way less than windows)
- able to be installed on a USB stick and be used on every pc that lets you boot from it, can even be tested without install
- Installing software is much easier and safer as one does not need to visit some website to download an exe but only needs to open the program store or look up the name and then simply copy paste something in the console and press enter
- a lot can be updated at once, not only the system but programs as well with one simple command (or the update button in discover or something like that)
*dont really know how else to call it XD
specific: gamer -> proton works wonderful to emulate win games that have no intrusive anticheat (protondb is your friend) office -> open office or if they want a more ms office thing Softmaker (but its paid & some things are not supported, has no subscription options tho) artist -> gimp and krita are your friends
cons (to be a bit fair):
- some things (like how to download programs) can be massively inconsistent between platforms (glancing at ubuntu)
- its not windows and will never be so it can be challenging to adapt (like using the console or installing programs)
- MS office is not native to linux and needs compatibility layers (like proton or wine) or even a VM
- could be a hassle for students or workers where MS software is required
Sorry for the dump, i am not sure if i properly answered your question or you got what you wanted to know
Yeah you did. Thank you for the response and indepth analysis.
Gaming performance. And not getting f-ed up by Windows again, and again, and again.
A war will happen.
It will either be a civil war within the US but involving all of North America.
Or the literal 3rd world war. With usa and Russia fighting against Europe, where Canada is one of the main battleground.
I really wish I’m wrong, but I predicted drump’s colonialist ambition over Canada years ago. I also remember being laugh at by everyone around the table at a diner so saying conservatives were making nazism acceptable again. Well guess what.
I’m sacred that your correct but dearly wish you aren’t.
Or a revolutionary war. Less likely, maybe, but I think that’s what it’s down to. Will it be civil or revolutionary in nature?
GTA6 will almost be complete
Planning to come out the same day as The Elder Scrolls VI does.
By level of confidence, from top to bottom:
Bitcoin will dump soon and then raise up again around 2028
Trump will stay in power until next elections (and yes, elections will still take place)
Ukraine will have to surrender to Russia around late 2025-early 2026, boosting authoritarian regimes around the world
Linux desktop share will raise to 6% by 2027
Ukraine will likely cede territory but not a total surrender. It would give both sides an exit.
Yeah I sure meant that
TBF, Russia still has elections. Just no chance of Putin ever leaving.
The elections are commonly rigged, and budgetary employees are often forced to promote Putin and the United Russia party.
I think Trump is going to die in the next 10 years.
Rootin for cholesterol
Well unfortunately it’d just go to Vance 🤢
Well yeah, but at least he’s just evil, not insane.
The today’s “brave new world” will start turning into Orwellian Big Brother society. It’s already happening. Of course neither option is great but I prefer drugs, orgies and idiots to surveillance, absolute police state and slaves/prisoners.
It’s inadvisable to think about people being after you, “how would I hide,” etc…but if you give it a thought or two, you might realize it would already be very, very, very difficult to escape nearly omnipresent surveillance. You just need to put one or two headlines together…
“Google Tracking Your Phone Even Before You Open App/Potentially Even When Phone is Off”
“DOGE Has Gained Access to Americans’ Private Data”
Etc… We let it sneak up on us and we’re going to find it’s seemingly all there at once.
In Finland the Police has been demanding full access to fingerprints originally gathered for passports and IDs (of around three million citizens) which means that the police could use them for other than their intended purposes. AND it looks like the police is finally going to have their way in this matter. This is how a police state is build, one step at a time until it’s too late to complain.
More floods, storms, droughts, extreme heats, fewer animal/plant species, more garbage everywhere
I’ll go by (very broad) regions:
The United States experiences a brain drain and Trump’s death (all but inevitable in 10 years, whether by natural causes or other means), will cause a major rift in the Republican Party. Democrats will somehow fail to capitalize on it and then blame online leftists, famously the kingmakers of American politics.
Canada will become a de facto part of Europe. Bike lanes will be added.
Europe will experience an economic boom as it’s basically forced to develop new industries, becomes the default destination for scientific research, and the Euro begins to replace the dollar as the currency of choice for international trade contracts. France, especially, will benefit as it isn’t reliant on the U.S. for military support, space launch capabilities, etc. and will become the default NATO weapons supplier.
Russia will have a deep post-war depression even if it takes Kyiv due to brain drain and sending so many young men into a meat grinder.
China will have a medium-sized economic crisis but ultimately (after Xi) enact long needed reforms (kind of like when Mao died and Deng Xiaoping enacted reforms).
India will have a major crisis as Hindu Nationalism goes too far and people begin to revolt.
Central Asia will keep on keeping on. (I don’t know a lot about Central Asia.)
Latin America will increase trade with China and Europe at the expense of the United States. Bolsonaro will go to the hospital 50 more times and be bit by an even more exotic bird. Argentina will benefit most from the decline of the U.S. as a reliable trading partner.
Israel will annex the West Bank and Arab countries will isolate it. Saudi Arabia’s line city will still be in the planning stages. Iran will develop a nuclear deterrent but the power of the Supreme Leader will be weakened and shift to the elected officials because of economic problems.
The Maghreb will benefit from Europe’s rise and increased trade. West Africa will experience an economic and population boom and become an inexpensive manufacturing hub. The Horn of Africa will probably remain a shitshow (but hopefully I’m wrong about that). Central and Southern Africa will also experience significant growth but at a slower pace than West Africa.
Australia will lose another war with emus as New Zealand wisely allies with the Emus. They will force Australia into a humiliating peace deal that ultimately leads to a third Emu War, much like WWI’s onerous peace terms led to WWII.
Ocean acidification and rising sea levels will begin to fuck everyone and scientists will scream about it but it’ll be the following decades when that sort of thing really wrecks the world economy.
Nintendo will somehow sell me the same games for the 5th time.
As an Australian I will welcome our new emu overlords. I presume this will lead to some major social changes where men take on the primary role in childcare and where feather dusters become a status symbol.
All of this is entirely too possible….
Who are you future man?
This was such a nice read, thank you Mr. Shit the beetles
By 2035 everyone who actually likes computers will be primary using Linux.
I choose to interpret this as “Barely a handful of people survived WW3, and only because they were protected from the radiation deep in their basement server rooms.” (No hate, I heart less than three 🐧)
In order of hopeful least hopeful:
- I finally create my first ever original song using something like Vocaloid or UTAU. Would absolutely prefer Vocaloid because I tried v6 once and it was so much nicer than UTAU/OpenUTAU and so much easier.
- I actually finish a Wattpad series I started instead of letting it rot after I lose interest.
- Pokémon Empire (my absolute favorite fan game, just below Uranium) doesn’t get nuked by Sintendo.
- The devs still working on Uranium finish the post game and let you capture the legendaries mentioned in the Tsukiyomi village museum(?).
- I finally get the remaining books in the Bakuman manga series and actually read the whole series. I’ve got the first 9 volumes, so I should hopefully be done at some point before the end of the decade, assuming my favorite place to go for used manga has the other 11 volumes at some point or doesn’t close down.