Alright, I’ll keep my promise. All the homies can hit it.
Keep it light, keep it moving.
I am doing no harm.
Alright, I’ll keep my promise. All the homies can hit it.
“Look how much weight I gained not to be confused with that guy. I’m sick of it, nothing works!”-shirt
And in front of his employees asking for tips & suggestions. You know damn well he told every person he could to pump his ego. He’s an insecure frat boy.
Also, he’s biting his lip. You need the Serious Face to make the proper salute.
Whoa I’m saving this one. Imgur could accidentally get a glitch that deletes these videos for no reason whatsoever. You never know!
What’s there to speculate about? They should start speculating their blindness.
If you ever get the chance, I recommend the book A Cabinet of Medical Curiosities: A Compendium of the Odd, the Bizarre, and the Unexpected by Jan Bondeson.
The book talks at length about medical conditions, including the human tail, the cleft pallet and also intersex. It talks about XY females, SRY transposition/deletions, the Guevedoche males from Dominican Republic who are indistinguishable from females until about the age of 12 when their testes drop, and the prevalence of more subtle forms of intersex that go under-diagnosed. It also touches in fetal development and general genetics including the inversion of sexual chromosomes in birds and reptiles.
It’s a great dive into the complexity of biology and particularly sexual development. I suspect you won’t be so sure of what you think is normal after exploring its barrage of edge cases that deeply contemplate the nature of genetic sex that creates these deviations: Nothing in biology is set and it’s all subject to change.
98.5% of those have a gender identity that conforms with their biological sex.
There are many more people today who have incorporated a hybrid gender precisely because they don’t fit into neat categories. People call them femboys and tomboys because everything about their gender expression is mixed. You can’t tell me with a straight face they’re just pretending. The whole category is called “gender non-conforming”.
Yup. A huge amount of people grow up to adulthood not knowing they’re intersex until they get tested. Talking percentages ain’t shit when your population is an entire dominant species!
That’s always what I figured, that they’d fumble if you turned the question around and asked them to define woman or man. Buncha chumps.
E: le spelling
There’s always that one commenter, eh.
heart went out
That cold, shriveled, thorny accessory organ flew across the room at match speed and took someone’s eye out.
He can nazi what the other guy’s saying.
Even if it’s renamed it’s still part of the American continent. Bigoted USians will argue it means the USA and the rest of Latin America will laugh in their face. I don’t know of any Latino who doesn’t consider themselves an American. The whole thing is so stupid.
Nope, those are my huge fucking hands.
I don’t see the issue with donating more money than they can use. Their contribution to society is immeasurable and the more Wikipedia the better as far as I’m concerned! :D
I haven’t heard anyone say they’re drowning in money, but it you have links I’d love to read them.
I don’t see any Janes claiming xantophobia. What’s the percentage of xantophobes in the world, even? Do you see any large images of solid yellow around? Because you have one ophidiophobe here already speaking up with a phobia sitting at 10% prevalence. Actually, I know a handful of ophidiophobes and you might too. How many secret xantophobes do you think you know? It’s probably zero. How about arachnophobes? At least one, I bet, and they probably fly out of the room at the sight of one.
So I ask again, why does it have to be all or nothing? Ask anyone what the three top animal phobias are and I guarantee snakes is one of them every single time. If someone asks nicely, it takes three actions to fix an image that spans the entire screen. I really hope I’m being clear that the problem is the large images.
You say you don’t mean to demean but you’re not making a good case for it by jumping to extremes and diluting what I’m saying.
Coming from a Texan, no less.
I’m still getting messages, too. Weird.
Why is it all-or-nothing? If it was a partial image I’d understand but the image blatantly spans the entire screen on both mobile and web. this is far from every other common phobia depicted as an image and quite a common one at that.
Maybe I’m blazed off my rocker, but isn’t that an approximate definition you’d get from a biology prof. if they’re in a hurry? I swear I heard something like that in one genetics class many moons ago. (I know the actual quote is probably wrong, but the rest is meh ok yeah sure.)