I’ll go by (very broad) regions:
The United States experiences a brain drain and Trump’s death (all but inevitable in 10 years, whether by natural causes or other means), will cause a major rift in the Republican Party. Democrats will somehow fail to capitalize on it and then blame online leftists, famously the kingmakers of American politics.
Canada will become a de facto part of Europe. Bike lanes will be added.
Europe will experience an economic boom as it’s basically forced to develop new industries, becomes the default destination for scientific research, and the Euro begins to replace the dollar as the currency of choice for international trade contracts. France, especially, will benefit as it isn’t reliant on the U.S. for military support, space launch capabilities, etc. and will become the default NATO weapons supplier.
Russia will have a deep post-war depression even if it takes Kyiv due to brain drain and sending so many young men into a meat grinder.
China will have a medium-sized economic crisis but ultimately (after Xi) enact long needed reforms (kind of like when Mao died and Deng Xiaoping enacted reforms).
India will have a major crisis as Hindu Nationalism goes too far and people begin to revolt.
Central Asia will keep on keeping on. (I don’t know a lot about Central Asia.)
Latin America will increase trade with China and Europe at the expense of the United States. Bolsonaro will go to the hospital 50 more times and be bit by an even more exotic bird. Argentina will benefit most from the decline of the U.S. as a reliable trading partner.
Israel will annex the West Bank and Arab countries will isolate it. Saudi Arabia’s line city will still be in the planning stages. Iran will develop a nuclear deterrent but the power of the Supreme Leader will be weakened and shift to the elected officials because of economic problems.
The Maghreb will benefit from Europe’s rise and increased trade. West Africa will experience an economic and population boom and become an inexpensive manufacturing hub. The Horn of Africa will probably remain a shitshow (but hopefully I’m wrong about that). Central and Southern Africa will also experience significant growth but at a slower pace than West Africa.
Australia will lose another war with emus as New Zealand wisely allies with the Emus. They will force Australia into a humiliating peace deal that ultimately leads to a third Emu War, much like WWI’s onerous peace terms led to WWII.
Ocean acidification and rising sea levels will begin to fuck everyone and scientists will scream about it but it’ll be the following decades when that sort of thing really wrecks the world economy.
Nintendo will somehow sell me the same games for the 5th time.
All of this is entirely too possible….
Who are you future man?
The United States of America will become Ununited. A group of states will break away and wall themselves off from the rest of the country, creating their own Trump worshipping society. They will create their own version of utopia and tell stories about how the rest of the world is going to die off because they will make everyone transgender and have no more children. The rest of the world will rejoice and join together in actually fixing climate change, eradicate poverty and spread the Eurovision worldwide.
In 100 more years the walled off states will emerge to repopulate what they expect to be an empty planet with their own eugenically created race of clones and finally realise that they were completely and utterly wrong.
Russian President Musk
I’ll adopt a cat. 🤞
EDIT: I read the question wrong, but I’m keeping it up.
Your answer is my favorite.
Blood in the streets. Only question is, whose?
Trump either dies suspiciously or gets openly assassinated.
California secedes from the union which starts off hopeful but ends in their own Calexit debacle.
The severing of intercontinental data cables leads to the isolation of formerly global communities.
There are more Republicans in California than Texas. Secession is not gonna happen.
He might just have a heart attack from all the McDonald’s
Ameriscum here. Trump starts a war to create plausibility for holding on to executive power past current term limits. Which has happened in American history. Not the starting part as an ends to a means though. I’m scared.
…When in American history did a president start a war in order to serve more than two terms?
45 men have served as President of the United States, two of them non-consecutively. The only one of them to serve more than two full terms was Franklin Delano Roosevelt from 1933 to 1945, being elected four times and dying in office. At the time, no term limits for President existed, and World War 2 was certainly not started by the United States.
OP’s probably thinking about Vietnam and Nixon. And Johnson.
This one is the most probable of all the replies. Mostly because Trump has been following Putin’s playback.
Albeit it might not be a full on conflict with a new nation but just a significant escalation i.e. Taiwan and China.
America will suffer an economic depression and become more isolationist which will allow the depression to continue unabated. Millions die of starvation and exposure.
Millions die of starvation and exposure and preventable disease.
Yes, and as someone with a pricey cancer treatment at the moment which I can only afford due to Medicaid, there is a very good chance I will be one of them.
Fuck cancer, I hope you kick the shit out of it!
You and I don’t always see eye to eye on some issues, but I hope you know that I am always wishing you well and strength in your continuing battle. This internet rando wants you to be around and be here for decades to come. I’m pulling for you.
Nostradamus over here. How did you manage to scrap that conclusion together? No one could possibly predict that outcome.
That’s Nostradumbass to you.
On the optimistic side, I think it’s likely a gene treatment is developed that greatly extends the lives of dogs.
Or on the pessemistic side, the research that would lead to that is defunded because someone mistakenly believes it will make transgender dogs.
“Saltwater Intrusion” is going to become a fairly common story in coastal areas in a few years, to the point it becomes normal. The way everyone has just accepted fire season in the western US.
Which, in turn, will bring more and more shady water-rights selloffs and thefts, main affecting marginalized communities.
Saltwater went further up the Mississippi than ever last year? If not a record, it was close enough.
For those that haven’t lived a major hurricane, floods and winds slinging salt inland is bad mojo. Issues last for decades, even given an ecosystem that can handle the occasional shock.
World War 3: Return of the Civil War
Pandemic 2: Bird Measles
Depression 2
All at the same time
Another economic depression in the US, on a similar scale to the 1930s, maybe a lot worse. Probably a lot sooner than 10 years.
For a run-down of some of the key reasons, this video is long (40m), but worth a watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqtrNXdlraM
The attacks on transgender people will spread to the rest of the LGBTQ community, then the disabled, then immigrants, then Jewish people, and so on. Because first they came for the transgender people and we didn’t speak out.
Fediverse will be regulated by law or some nonsense, making it exactly like the centralized platforms.
President Elon Musk serves half of his third term as permanent president of the United States. All public transit and bike lanes are abolished in favor of cars, and many people go broke after losing their jobs after being unable to afford to make it to work. Inflation is at an all time high with everyone being nostalgic about today’s prices where everything is still affordable. He also makes it illegal to be transgender. We go back to democracy when some rando who deliberately changed their name to a Mario character assassinates Musk.
The next smash cuts a character everyone loves but also has the three house leaders.
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters conveniently forgot about Amazon.
Reddit shuts down or lives on as a husk like 𝕏. Or even better, Elon buys reddit, calls it 𝕏 Communities and throws out brand materials like “subreddit” in favor of generic “community”. Place becomes 𝕏 Draw and is only powered by AI image generators. Each pixel costs one dogecoin and users generate ai images at the resolution of the pixels they own.
Nintendo’s next console is a Switch 3.
Everyone has a folding phone now.
changed their name to a Mario character
Is Musk going to be killed by his own daughter???
The attacks on transgender people will spread to the rest of the LGBTQ community, then the disabled, then immigrants, then Jewish people, and so on. Because first they came for the transgender people and we didn’t speak out.
I think it’s already done spread, this is not a “in the next ten years” situation. They’re speedrunning it.
Humans are quite bad at predicting the future, so I’m going with an easy one.
China will do nothing and somehow win.
@remindme@mstdn.social 10 years
@TheImpressiveX Ok, I will remind you on Saturday Mar 10, 2035 at 11:48 PM UTC.