So, what should I do? What does it mean to be yourself, while trying to change?
Do you normally wear giant purple fluffy hats with large feathers protruding out of them? Probably not. If you knew that the girl you were interested in specifically liked seeing giant purple fluffy hats with large feathers protruding out of them, would you acquire such a hat at approach her claiming the hat is honestly part of your normal wardrobe? Your answer should also be no.
Being yourself means not try to act like someone you aren’t to try to appeal to someone else. The main reason is that its not really a reflection of who you are, and if the girl is successfully attracted to you when you something fake, its not you they are attracted to, its the fake thing. So thats the “be yourself” part.
Now the “while trying to change” part. You don’t have to have a laundry list of your faults ready to rattle off to the girl you’re talking to for the very first time. However, as the relationship progresses, you can start to be honest about some shortcomings you have of yourself, and your actions to try to improve. Something like “By this age I should be able to pay all my bills on time, but just this last month I paid the electric bill two days late even though I had the money already. Its something I’m working on. A year ago every single one of my bills was late and my water was almost shut off from non-payment. I’m happy with my progress, but I’m not at the finish line yet”.
A note for the “trying to change”: That part should never end in your life. You should constantly try to be better version of yourself (as you define it). It doesn’t mean you should require yourself to have massive successes in life year after year, that’s just not realistic. The path should always be toward “better” though. Again, “better” is however you define it (this is part of “being yourself”). While an obvious goal might be graduating from college, another equally valid goal could be to commit and follow through practicing the guitar for 30 minutes a week, or possibly even never leaving your socks on the floor. Life will come at you and knock you down sometimes, and that may affect the short term results of your “no left out socks” goal, but its important to stand up again and get back on track.
You’ll get older and what is important will change for you too. You get to constantly re-adjust what your goals are. This is the fun part of life! Your goals are your own. What you choose has a feedback loop of defining and reinforcing the “being yourself” part.
Nazi Germany? No, they weren’t really around long enough.
I’m talking about the time before they were gone, specifically 1939:
“The German-Soviet Pact was signed in August 1939. It paved the way for Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to invade and occupy Poland that September. The pact was an agreement of convenience between two bitter enemies. It permitted them to carve up spheres of influence in eastern Europe, while pledging not to attack each other for 10 years. Less than two years later, however, Hitler launched an invasion of the Soviet Union.”
Pebble Time Steel
Does any of the smartphone integration still work? Like notifications or viewing txt messages?
Didn’t Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (russia) do this exact same thing to a number of nations in central Europe including Poland and the Baltic nations?
“There are good people, people that voted for Donald Trump, who are losing their job,” Levi said. “We gotta make sure that we don’t leave those folks behind.”
“But” Levi continued, “the rest that are Democrats deserve what they’re getting. Fuck them.” /s
The GOP continues on its “fuck you, I got mine” strategy.
I’d say we should have no opinion on it at all. It is for the people of Namibia to decide how they want to use or not their land. Our only role is to respect the decision they come to.
What I hate is that way that people see videogames, like, if you play something old you are stuck in the past
I must not operate in those circles. I’ve never heard that before, but I’m also old and playing old games and fewer newer ones.
Yep, the mayor (Kidston) tried to enrich himself years earlier selling water rights of the town to Toledo. The mayor was successful in using his insider knowledge to buy up the land before the sellers knew there was a development interest, then the mayor sold the land for $2.1m to the company he was lobbying for. So he screwed the town, local governments (that backed loans), and even the company.
For those wondering why the facility was never finished its this part:
“Despite the opposition, the state granted the water permits, explaining that all requirements were met and certain safeguards were in place. But AquaBounty still had a problem: It didn’t have a way of moving water between its farm and the site about a mile east where it planned to withdraw and discharge it — on land owned by Kidston’s company.”
Her efforts may not be to actually affect change, but to force Google to choose sides, and then extract concessions from them for doing so.
The Daft Punk soundtrack against the hyper-electronic visuals is a fantastic blend for the senses.
Allowing Medicare Part D (which is just the prescription coverage) to be open to all Americans irrespective of their age could do exactly what you’re talking about.
We are so stupid to antagonize our close allies like this.
“It’s a matter of common sense for each of our countries to acknowledge that we must each take care of our own houses before we help take care of the neighbourhood,” Johnson said.
Mike, you aren’t even following your own rhetoric. Oh, the GOP takes care of their own house, but then stop short of ever helping the neighborhood. Eight years ago you guys said you had a better plan than the ACA (Obamacare). Not only have you never shown it, but you’re currently cutting Medicaid making healthcare objectively worse for millions of Americans that you supposedly represent. You’re setting fire to the neighborhood around you to keep your own house 1 degree warmer and you’re calling that a success while the neighbors are now freezing from being homeless.
You’re right. I corrected my post.
“excel in my work” would be using a spreadsheet. “accel in my work” would be improving your skills/effort.
edit: corrected. I was wrong.
4 rubber buttons.
The coating of those buttons that contact the PCB isn’t really rubber.
I’ve cleaned it well in the hopes that sticky plastic was the cause, but it wasn’t.
Between cleaning and years of wear, the conductive coating is likely gone. To replace that conductive coating you might have success with at Electric Paint Pen. Probably carbon based for those pads. Something like this.
Oh no, does this mean Gen X are going to be the wisened graybeards that holds arcane knowledge and seemly executes feats of magic when related to technology?