I got banned from reddit (honestly feel a lot better without it)

But I miss being able to answer stupid questions and relationship questions.

Lemmy is great, but why aren’t there that many people on here? I don’t get it.

An I using my filters wrong or something?

    • @graphito@beehaw.org
      142 years ago

      *Shameless plug here* The easiest solution for now is to join us at beehaw.org or our friends at sopuli.xyz. We block lemmygrad and put much care in moderation

    • Ninmi
      2 years ago

      I would urge anyone on the verge of quitting Lemmy due to this to check out either beehaw.org or sopuli.xyz. There’s a (still small but) active effort in providing general instances and contributing general content in a less politically hostile environment.

    • sátur
      42 years ago

      Just move to another instance or subscribe to politically neutral topics.

    • m-p{3}
      2 years ago

      I just block the accounts that spam that kind of stuff, it’s not like I’m gonna engage with them anyway so…

    • TimothyMcFuck OP
      -12 years ago

      I know! Like it’s annoying. If a question asks something like "who’s the worst person " there’s always some Donald trump comment. Like I came here for fun man

    • TimothyMcFuck OP
      -62 years ago

      I know! Like it’s annoying. If a question asks something like "who’s the worst person " there’s always some Donald trump comment. Like I came here for fun man

  • bkrl
    202 years ago

    I leaved Google and Reddit in last two days. Continue my devalleyzation (Silicon Valley).

  • @graphito@beehaw.org
    192 years ago

    I hope at some point regular users like you would help us to churn out enough content for the whole day. So far, thank you for your post, don’t forget to explore other instances and global feed.

  • Cold Hotman
    162 years ago

    Competition, reputation and federation. In essence, retention.

    1. Competition

    There’s a ton of social news aggregators out there and most of them are much better at advertising their site than the entire lemmyverse together.

    1. Reputation

    Lemmy has a reputation among many as a far left, for some - extremist platform. A large mastodon user that boosts accounts actively warned about Lemmy in a pretty bad way a while back. The other day a public representative for a company withdrew their community the same day they created it due to the public backlash.

    1. Federation

    It’s difficult to grasp how federation, and particularly lemmy federation works for people unfamiliar with the concept. They might get a wrong impression of the lemmyverse after visiting just one instance, not realizing it’s only a part of it. Or they could be stuck on an instance with few posts that interests them.

    • vxnxnt
      92 years ago

      The other day a public representative for a company withdrew their community the same day they created it due to the public backlash.

      This was probably Bitwarden on the Sopuli instance right? Could you perhaps share a link discussing this in detail?

        • @nachtigall@feddit.de
          142 years ago

          we had to remove the Bitwarden instance for the time being, to review the flood of responses coming in to us from the community regarding information about the purpose behind Lemmy via the creators

          What the heck? It’s free software and a specific detail about free software is that it may be used for any purpose regardless of the authors ideas. That’s some serious fucked up witch hunt.

        • vxnxnt
          92 years ago

          Such a shame…

          I was even excited to see them join a community as small as ours.

          • Cold Hotman
            62 years ago

            I know, it really saddened me. We need to discuss these things, work together to change the federated culture and become attractive to new users. But it feels like everywhere I look, people either want to compete directly or they can’t see the big picture.

      • @graphito@beehaw.org
        62 years ago

        Lemmy is a software our instances are running on. Here are some instances:

        Lemmygrad is far left, communist instance, expressing pro US, against Russia and pro Ukraine position will swiftly get you banned

        Lenny.ml (where you are registered) is under strong influence of lemmygrad. Happens mostly with a little help of an admin who supports lemmygrad. Although it has fair share of non communists who are slowly realising my previous sentence.

        Wolfballs is right wing instance.

        Almost any other instance is much less directed towards politics, but ideologically either centrist, leftist or apolitical at all.

        • comfy
          32 years ago

          What makes you suggest that an admin is the cause of the cross-influence? They’re, by far, the two biggest federated instances, and both explicitly “leftist” (which, in their context, means socialist). Of course there will be many users coming across and influencing the posts.

          • @graphito@beehaw.org
            -12 years ago

            Clearly pointing to this information will get me banned as it was the last time. So I’ll just invite you to take note of this possibility and keep your eyes open.

      • @vekku
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

  • Inkie
    122 years ago
    1. Lemmy is newer than Reddit. Reddit has been up for over 15 years.
    2. Lemmy is a Reddit clone but less well known, thus, whatever advantages it has over Reddit, you can pretty much assume anyone who comes to Lemmy is someone who was on Reddit and saw some reason to leave. Or even still uses Reddit but is trying their hand here too. At least for now.
    3. Thus, the Lemmy userbase will, at least within the near future, be a small subset of current or former Redditors.
    • @mmhmm@lemmy.ml
      62 years ago

      This should be posted on the main page; it would help resolve people’s culture shock after leaving walled media gardens

    • xenith
      12 years ago

      More like if you dont like the 4 prolific posters’ personal take on communism. Lemmygrad gets so much hate because a few peoplewithj nothing better to do post 80% of the political content. Every collective (reddit) have their hive minds but Lemmygrad is like a small town church that prescribes exactly what you’re supposed to see and think. It’s pretty gross.

    • TimothyMcFuck OP
      42 years ago

      Is lemmy like or the same thing as mastodon? Like ok, I LOVED reddit. However there are so many crazy, Whitney, and totalitarian moderators who shut you down for defending your position or saying anything that goes against the echo chamber. I always had this ‘feeling’ of pressure to watch what I say. So at that point, it kills the experience. If I say you’re an ass kisser, I’m permanently banned? How can anyone last on there? The internet is the wild west, you should be able to say what you want

      • comfy
        52 years ago

        Is lemmy like or the same thing as mastodon?

        It’s a weird question. Like ‘are grapes like oranges’.

        Mastodon is a federated (‘Fediverse’ due to use of ActivityPub protocol) microblogging (think twitter) software, same with Pleroma and some others. Admins can host their own website and set their own rules, those websites can interact with other sites.

        Lemmy is also a federated (Fediverse) software, but it’s a link aggregator (think reddit). We’re on the lemmy.ml instance, which has its own topic and rules. There are some other ones that aim to be more liberal, and a few that try to be ‘free speech’, but are inevitably flooded by its own echo chamber of the kind of people other places don’t want around.

        The internet is the wild west

        Yes*. Although not each site on that net wants to be wild. If I’m having a serious discussion on a site where that’s expected (like a science topic forum), why should we tolerate someone with no idea what they’re talking about spamming unconstructive rambling about them hating us? So you inevitably do get communities and social circles that do make restrictions and enforce them in order to function, even on alleged ‘free speech’ sites. It’s all about finding the right sites, rather than expecting every site to have to listen to everything.

      • @pingveno@lemmy.ml
        32 years ago

        As one of the moderators on a subreddit with a tight, strongly enforced civility policy, it really is one of the few things keeping the sub from chaos. So much of political discourse these days is either in echo chambers or has degraded discourse. Sure you can say whatever, but the whatever slowly becomes worth less. We’ve been told by multiple users that the culture our rules foster has made it so that the users have a place to have serious political discussions with a broad range of people in a way that they haven’t in a long time. That’s important because many people have given up on political discussions with people who aren’t like-minded.

        Alternatively, I’ll put it this way: it’s possible to thoroughly discuss a political matter without touching personal insults. When there is nothing stopping personal insults, Internet discussions tend to be “won” by the trolliest trolls and the loudest yellers, not the best ideas. The people with the best ideas give up as they get drowned out.

  • @nachtigall@feddit.de
    82 years ago

    Chicken or the egg problem. Many people want a lot of (quality) content and diverse content comes from many people.

  • @vekku
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator