What’s great about this, and Stephen Fry is brilliant, is not that he’s absolving Musk, or that he’s criticizing Tesla, but that it is an argument likely leading to Elon Musk protesting,
‘No, my cars are good enough that I can be a Nazi!’
Hur hur. I’d wish people would stop assigning hyper-competence to Nazis. They never were. Hitler was a drug addict and the trains didn’t run on time.
Exactly this. My grandmother lived under the Nazis and she said they were fucking idiots. Exactly the same type of incompetent blowhards. The whole hyper scientific ubermensch BS in the cultural zeitgeist is so frustrating. I blame all the WWII video games and movies that played up the myth to have more interesting villains than the sleazy shit stains that they actually were.
It’s hard to convince people that they’ve been had by a bunch of morons.
The strength of the Germans was that I.) they had a really good industrial base, and ii.) the traditions within the army meant they had extremely well trained soldiers. Both of these predate nazi-rule. For instance, Germans also arguably had the best (equipped) army in WW1.
Early Nazis also galvanized a young working force with actual socialist policies that guaranteed them good jobs and housing (before Hitler’s multiple violent party purges, scrapping most of it for a fascist-capitalist junta)
And drugs.
Not entirely. You should read the scathing after action reports from Wehrmacht generals who lead the Polish campaign. Basically, they wanted to postpone all offensive operation for at least 3 years because of the high armor losses and correct the deficiencies. The fucktard, Hitler, sent his best generals to desk jobs and replaced them with yes people to continue the war. This is what Bush did during the build up against Iraq and Afghanistan and exactly what Orange Nero wants to do too.
they had extremely
well trained soldiersbrainwashed teenage murderers.Two things can be true at the same time. German soldiers were incredibly cruel in non-combat situations, and at the same time highly competent in combat.
My Oma survived WWII and the bastard Nazis. Opa , was a Wehrmacht Landser, survived the Eastern Front, including Stalingrad, and was later KIA at Monte Cassino. He warned Oma, while on leave from the Eastern Front, that we are going to lose war and you better head west when the Russians enter Germany. She was 3-days ahead of them, just missed the Dresden bombings and somehow survived the Battle of Berlin. Now the USA has the same incompetent blowhards running the USA straight into the ground. She warned me it could happen anywhere and she was 100% correct.
I blame all the WWII video games and movies that played up the myth to have more interesting villains than the sleazy shit stains that they actually were.
I guess Wolfenstein being banned for glorifying Nazis actually had some merit.
Hitler was a drug addict and the trains didn’t run on time.
German trains still don’t run on time. Can’t blame that one on the Nazis, that’s just a German thing.
Still better than Canadian rail. That shit is regularly late. Significantly late.
I had four long distance ICE journeys in the last two months. Three where thirty minutes late, one was two hours late.
Also had four long distance TGV journeys, of which one was about 20 minutes late, and one was an hour late, though that delay happened in Germany.
Apparently, DB is currently working on the infrastructure, but those renovations haven’t been fully funded, and it looks like the conservatives will get in next.
On Via Rail Canada, my train trip was 3h. The delay was 3h. So it literally was double the amount of time.
European train delay is nothing compared to Canadian train delay.
Yeah, OK, my journeys where all around five hours. Double is kinda mad.
German train delays ≠ European delays. Grmany’s puctuality rate is 70% while Spain, which you could stereotype as being “mediterraneanly” lax is over 91%.
Germany and UKs networks are a sad joke. Most of Europe has very good puncutality
DB AG should hire the Japanese who operate the Shinkansen network or scrap the privatization and bring back Deutsche Bundesbahn.
I think the Japanese are going to Britain next. There was something about it on a Marketplace (NPR) episode recently I think.
German told me
trains are always late, no one uses them unless you plan on being 30 minutes late
That’s kinda bullshit. Like, yeah, 30 Minutes delay on an ICE Journey aren’t necessarily uncommon, but with distances where the ICE makes sense, they’re usually faster than driving, and a traffic jam underway that delays you by about that isn’t all that unlikely on those distances either.
With more local transport, it usually runs on time for me, and I use it almost daily. Might vary by region, though.
Sounds like one of those people who prefer standing in a 20 minute traffic jam instead of giving a chance to public transit. If you actually use the german trains from time to time, you will notice how well used they are. They are admittedly often late though.
In Canada, we have Via rail. They line you up like you’re at an airport and check your ticket before you board the train, and also check your ticket once you’re on the train. They also have enforced weight restrictions on baggage. The trains share tracks with freight, meaning that the train has to stop every once in a while to let a freight train pass. All this to take longer than driving and cost alot as well.
At least you didn’t rip up your railways. We barely even have trains here in the US.
That’s just ignoring history. There are plenty of good reasons to hate the Nazis without needing to do that.
In the similar way, it’s not necessary to dismiss Soviet Union’s early modernization successes in order to blame them for their crimes against humanity.
Dismiss what? Fascism is catabolic. They can’t build anything. They can only loot until they run out of victims.
The projections of hyper competence and secret knowledge are part of their branding.
Stop being a fascist apologist.
Honestly, this shit needs to stop. Acknowledging that some fascists have been good at something at some point does not detract in any way from being anti-fascist.
If you claim that fascist are dumb, stupid and can achieve nothing, what do you think the masses will think about your message when the fascists turn out to be competent? They will wonder what other things you are wrong about.
So I say to you: stop being a fascist enabler.
claim that fascist are dumb, stupid and can achieve nothing
I seem to have struck a nerve. I wonder why this bothers you so much?
Fascists are great at: bullshitting, terrorizing and thieving. Fascism is catabolic. It is organized crime with the aesthetic of a political movement.
Obviously that’s not the image they present to population of the regions they take. But you knew what I was claiming they are incompetent at.
I seem to have struck a nerve. I wonder why this bothers you so much?
Well first of all, xkcd.com/386. And also: because I don’t like fascism or promoting the spread of fascism.
Obviously that’s not the image they present to population of the regions they take. But you knew what I was claiming they are incompetent at.
There’s a saying that reading history may help prevent repeating the mistakes of history. You should try some of that.
To reiterate: the reason to be anti-fascist has absolutely nothing to do with how good they are at doing things and I don’t see any good reasons to hide this fact.
This is why the left can’t have nice things.
Like this isn’t the point here. You don’t need to be pointing out this stuff. Just dog pile
Minor clarifications aren’t the end of the world. The left is fine. Stop being sensitive
A small country took on the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD (TWICE) and very nearly won. The second time with a lunatic at the helm.
What does it take to impress you? To what would you assign their disturbing success?
Small country? They were a highly industrialized, highly educated and still quite materially wealthy colonial power going into the wars. They didn’t need to be competent. Enough people went along with them and there was plenty of residual wealth to burn on the war machine.
You don’t need to be an architect to burn down a building.
Germany didn’t really have much wealth after WW1 due to the restrictions placed on them from the western powers.
Most of the reason the Nazi party was popular early on was them championing a number of socialist policies designed to bring the country out an economic morass.
This is a really good book on the subject (and part of a really good trilogy of books about understanding Nazi Germany): https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/319473.The_Coming_of_the_Third_Reich
I get what you’re trying to get at. But I’m talking the developed material wealth of a region. Actual physical infrastructure like rails, mines, factories, universities and everyone with the required education and training to run all of it.
If the victors of the first war received the dividends of that real infrastructure- that matters right up until the moment that they don’t anymore.
You do realize Germany lost 48% of it’s industrial territory in the treaty of Versailles, right?
Um it did not take the entire world, for a lot of their early success most of the fighting was against countries that were unprepared and devastated after ww1.
and very nearly won.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
Nazis took on world in one war, and lost.
[Fights one (1) war]
“Guess we’ll shoot ourselves in a bunker and lose in a big lopsided defeat.”
At no point did they “nearly win” against the world. In World War 1 they made desperate attempts to break out of trench warfare because the blockade was obliterating their wartime economy. In World War 2 they were cooked the second they invaded the USSR and the USA landed in the UK. Those were unwinnable areas for them. Even if they eventually managed to wear down the British, the Americans were right behind them manufacturing 100 tanks a day and 15 Aircraft Carriers in 1943 alone. Which means all of those tanks are getting to the European theater.
And once the USSR got it’s production under way the Germans were on the defensive all the way back to Berlin.
Incredible. Literally everything you just said was wrong.
Germany wasn’t “a small country”. They were an industrialised, highly productive and heavily armed global power. They were slightly battered by post ww1 humiliation regulations pressed on them by the winners (because they ALSO lost that one!). But the instant they told the Allies to eat shit and started using what they had, any claim to “smallness” went out the window.
And they didn’t “almost win”. They got their asses kicked.
Every single thing the Nazis wanted to achieve, they failed hard. They wanted to prove the genetic superiority of the German people in the Olympics, instead they were soundly beat. They wanted to expand their territory, they got as far as fucking Poland and France and then stalled for years until a double whammy of Americans and Russians basically curb-stomped them, with the last few years of the Reich consisting of lots of propaganda coping hard about how their soon to come wonder weapons would turn the tide, which never happened because said wonder weapons were stupid ideas that only succeeded at getting more Nazis killed when they failed in testing. They wanted to stop the spread of communism, instead half their country became Soviet domain.
And then their “strongman” leader blasted his own brains out rather than face the fact that he was a loser in every way one can be a loser.
What is this, the Übermensch Expanded Universe? Maybe actually learn history.
Do Japan and Italy just not count as part of the world? I mean Japan took over half of Asia and the Pasific while Italy took the Mediterranean countries. Germany took over part of northern Europe and helped a bit of North Africa.
To what would you assign their disturbing success?
I have to ask: What success? They did typical fascist bullshit: They had an economy so bad they had to invade new countries just to loot them to pay for their horrific economy. They picked fight after fight of the smallest kids in the neighbourhood they could find until they met those kids big brothers and sisters. They required fucking slave labour to try to meet their wartime goals because they grossly underestimated just about every single facet of running a country. They privatized state-owned industries, crippling longterm wealth for their people, they instituted tariffs (sound familiar?). Pay remained as bad as they it had been in the depression because while their wages were raised, they were forced to constantly work overtime for no additional pay. Their military was the majority of their economic spending, and they used deficit spending because they were going to literally plunder the countries around them to pay for it. Sound like solid long-term planning? They killed or jailed anyone in the trade unions, and due to their insane tariffs and you know, generally being the worst people in history, lacked incoming trade so things like poultry or clothing was in short supply for the average person.
Then it took thirty five days for the Nazi German army, along with the Serbian and Soviet armies, to conquer Poland. For every success in the early war they had embarrassing fumbles. They lost entirely because of how fascists work: they need to invade more countries to pay for their insane military spending, make bigger and bigger enemies, then get beat by those enemies, then later people claim they ‘could have if…’
Yeah, they could have done just fine if they hadn’t been fascist. All of their failings fall to being fascist.
And the first world war, are you kidding me? Are you seriously suggesting their insistence on investing in overseas colonies while fighting against the British was a brilliant plan? In both wars they were led by colossal morons who constantly underestimated their opponents, while in the second world war in particular having the worst spy agency of any nation. Their insistence on torturing, raping, and murdering everyone they came into contact with meant they just got the answers they wanted to hear, instead of the actual truth, and were constantly on the back foot. Their evil, cruel, and twisted nature was their own downfall; the insistence of their superiority, as you are doing now, is the very reason they failed.
Not even close dumb fuck and fucking Nazis betrayed the German people with their bullshit.
What point are you trying to make here @Melatonin@lemmy.dbzer0.com?
I was arguing that there was a terrible war, and the enemy was dangerous and capable. Many of our and other country’s soldiers died to destroy them, and it wasn’t easy.
They weren’t “Colonel Klink” from “Hogan’s Heroes”, they were efficient at killing, rounding up and killing millions while fighting on a number of fronts.
My grandfather fought in World war I, and my uncles fought in World war II. From what I heard the Germans were not incompetent bumbling idiots. They were a very competent and difficult enemy.
I don’t know what history everybody’s been reading, but there sure as heck are some major changes to history interpretation that have taken place in the last 40-50 years. Probably peer-to-peer instruction, rather than accounts from those who endured it
Ok fair enough, I accept the explanation you provided. Folks are taking issue with the following comment in particular.
What does it take to impress you? To what would you assign their disturbing success?
In isolation, this sounds a little too close to admiration for the Nazis, which is why we got some reports about it. It seems to me it’s just unfortunate phrasing, because together with the explanation you just provided, it sounds like a reasonable take for you not to want to paint them like some hapless foe that was easily defeated, because that discounts the difficulties faced by those who fought the bastards.
I wanted to clarify, but there were so many comments coming in, I didn’t see how I could do it effectively. And not seem like I was what some people thought I was
I know, it’s difficult when people pile on with bad faith takes. Anyway don’t worry, I think it’s clear what you meant now.
Headlines are being headlines, I get it, but Fry was repeating a joke:
“I heard a very good joke yesterday,” the QI host, 67, told Stig Abell on Times Radio on Thursday.
“Someone said, ‘Musk is not a Nazi… Nazis made really good cars,’” he went on, before bursting out laughing.
Right, and here’s the clip.
Still a Nazi.
Just America shrinkflated Nazism so the intelligence had to go. Still 100% of the hate and malice America loves to eat though.
Yes. He’s still a Nazi. You’re not getting the point.
Fry is trying to provoke Musk into saying, “yes, they’re good enough,” turning it an admission that he is indeed a Nazi.
Let’s repeat it again kids. Elon Musk is a piece of shit
So is Stephen Fry.
Why? What did fry do?
He said sexual abuse victims should grow up and stop feeling sorry for themselves.
He jumped on the "I’m a Jew " bandwagon, in order to deflect criticism of Israel’s actions in Gaza. This is after presenting as atheist for all of his public life.
Anti trans JK Rowling supporter.
Goddammit. Why is no celebrity available to like anymore? I guess it’s true, we should not idolize anyone. Everyone is a piece of shit in some way or another, and to some level.
Except Keanu Reeves. He’s literally Jesus Christ. ❤️🔥😭
I don’t have full context, but he seems to be transphobic, or possibly trans exclusionary may be more accurate.
To put the video in short: Essentially gets asked if he still supports Stonewall even though they support trans kids and speak out against TERFs (worded much differently) and he says no I don’t support them any more, calling it nonsensical, shameful, and sad.
Thanks for the added context. That’s what I guessed based on comments, but wasn’t certain.
Is over 60 years old.
See what I enjoy about this comment is all things considered there’s a high likelihood you will live past the age of 60 at which point I hope younger people then call you a piece of shit on the daily simply because of your age. LOL
The probability is that, as you age, your ability to change you attitudes in order to keep up will slow down to the point where you will seem regressive and problematic to 20yo children when you are 60.
The era that my parents grew up in would seem awful to most people now, but my parents were unaware that there were problems, and they have a hard time seeing a lot of them now.
deleted by creator
I don’t know about you, but that sounds miserable. And what makes you think that you will be excluded?
Shhh that’s not important now. My goal is to outlive all of you, that’s my solace.
But. Then you would be the 60 year old asshole? Are you thick or did you not think this through?
He probably said something reasonable that they disagreed with 😄
Wrong, but you do you.
I think being a transphobe makes you a piece of shit, so you’re wrong actually. lol
Man, you drank some kool aid didn’t you? If someone doesn’t think like you, then they’re an asshole, in spite of an entire life of not being an asshole. Cool cool
Dude, shut up.
Perfect comeback there bud. You definitely made me say “shucks” while I snapped my fingers in a dramatic fashion 😘
Ew that karen ass response is just sad.
I quite like him on jeopardy
The cybertruck is exactly the sort of thing Nazis would come up with. It’s the King Tiger of trucks - impressive specs and appeals to insecure men, but way the fuck too big and designed for unrealistic situations instead of practical reality.
It can’t realistically tow heavy loads cause the hitch breaks off, and it can’t travel far with heavy loads. Definitely not the king tiger of trucks.
Wasn’t the king tiger notorious for breaking down constantly? Or was that a different German WW2 tank?
Also dangerous for crews. Sherman tank crews had a 75% survival rating when their tank got bust. I think the tiger had an 80% death rate or something.
lol survival rate vs death rate.
OK so survival rating of 75% vs. 20%. Happy?
No I liked the original! It’s a stark contrast!
Is that because of the tank though, or the situation it ended up in? If they had 20 modern MBTs I expect they would still end up with a high fatality rate.
Difficult to make, too heavy to be effective, and iirc yeah, unreliable.
That’s every one of those big German tanks everybody talks about. The ones they started the war with were pretty fine (limited by terrain, though).
Even up to present day conflict tanks breaking down or getting stuck can be a major loss of armor, especially during prolonged maneuvers.
I, as of recently, live in a place where I actually see those things driving around (and a lot of other trucks). They look like children’s toys compared to the absolute monster fords and some other trucks (not to mention they really do age like milk from what I’ve seen). Some of these behemoths can’t even fit in a single parking spot, it’s kind of insane. One of those would be more deserving of this title I think (I don’t know cars so I can’t say any specific models I’m afraid)
I think RAMs or similar win in that category by being as actively harmful as possible. And having the huge blindspot where you run over kids without noticing.
Before King Tiger and Tiger they had a few very good tanks.
Just when T-34 (which were clearly superior to German tanks once some bugs were ironed out, different class even) production went out of control, Hitler started making more decisions involved in what kind of machines is going to be developed and built.
Not apologizing and then immediately giving a speech to AfD about not being ashamed of “cultural purity” beg to differ. Either way, him being an actual Nazi is irrelevant. There are 2 options:
He is an actual Nazi and believes in the ideology, which makes him a fucking Nazi. It should be noted that his grandfather was an extremely anti-semitic politician who moved to South Africa because he admired Apartheid…
He did it as a troll. In which case, at a POTUS inauguration he decided to behave like a teenage boy as the richest man in the world and make light of something that saw 6 million Jews slaughtered and remains as a threat to the security of Jews around the world to this day. Which makes him a colossal piece of shit.
¿Por que no los dos?
I wonder where she is now…
Awww. She’s all grown up, and seemingly successful.
I’d imagine Jeremy Clarkson might have said this on old top gear before he outed himself as a massive asshole.
All Nazis are assholes Not all assholes are Nazis
Before? What, in primary school?
What did he do to out himself, out of curiosity?
He punched a guy in 2015 over available food options, which got him fired from BBC. His popularity didn’t take that much of a hit from this incident despite him clearly being in the wrong (Hammond and May both left BBC with him and they started a new show The Grand Tour, which wasn’t as popular as Top Gear, but was still popular.
Then, in 2022, he wrote an opinion piece for the Sun about how much he hates Megan Merkle and included a bit where he said she should be paraded naked through the town. Amazon decided to not start any new projects with him after this, though they continued with the plans to wind down The Grand Tour which had already been established.
He’s got a farming show now, so he wasn’t cancelled over this, despite burning some bridges.
Well that’s a pretty disgusting thing to say about someone. I don’t know what Merkle did to – in his view – deserve such comments, but I can’t imagine the comments were warranted.
I haven’t read the piece but apparently he didn’t even go into the why.
What a douche canoe.
Nobody really remembers, it was so long ago.
Then all’s well, I guess. Just like Hitler. Who was he? ANYWAY let’s get some froghurt…
I think James May got there quicker. The first episode of his Cars Of The People miniseries explores (in part) the driving idea behind the Beetle and its origin, including its proceeds funding the Nazi war machine.
If Elon isn’t a full-blown Nazi, he’s at minimum a Nazi sympathizer. His actions at the inauguration proved where his allegiances lie.
Yeah, his alliances life with power, money, and people thinking he’s cool (narcissism). The racism and cruelty are just his personal side projects.
Just like his grifts.
Fry used to be on Mastodon, not sure if he’s still there ?
Just looked…the accounts still there. No apparent activity in a year.
TBF, Elon’s cars are great at killing groups of people with toxic gasses and then incineration their bodies. Just because he isn’t efficient today, doesn’t mean he isn’t working on being a better Nazi tomorrow.
based we did it fascism is defeated
Not every strike in the battle has to be the winning blow.
We did it! Great job everyone!
Elon is the new Henry Ford. But I’m afraid we have no modern day Roosevelts to smack him down.
Henry Ford actually had some good ideas himself. Elon steals all his ideas.
Ohhhh so Edison?
The company being named Tesla seems pretty Edison.
deleted by creator
Nah, I’m sure Cybertruck was the example of him messing around in a 3d modeling software and then saying to Tesla engineers “make a car out of this”. There’s no other excuse for the lack of thought in its outer design.
I mean design aside, there is no reason to make it this shit, even if it looks bad. It’s just a rug pull but with cars. There is no way in hell you see one of these driving around in 10 years, except some rare cases of garage queens. The car had a pre-order system for fucks sake. The selling point of the car is that: “in an apocalypse, you can just drive over other cars.” Which says a lot about the clientele of that thing.
He’s the new Henry Ford, but also, he’s the new Henry Ford
Why is this thread full of Nazi propaganda? Yikes. 😬
lemmy users: “That’s no excuse!”