He may have been a tad impatient, but he eventually saw the green
He may have been a tad impatient, but he eventually saw the green
What’s the deal with Blahaj? I don’t understand why everyone wants a plush shark.
Happy Cakeday! 🍰🎂
Yeah, but The Sisko can knock him on his ass
“My dear, religion is like a penis. It’s a perfectly fine thing to have and take pride in, but when one takes it out and waves it in front of my face we have a problem."
Wonder why it takes two oxen to pull that light of a plow?
I’m not too sure how well pork fat ice cream is gonna sell though…
Fair enough, may have been staged, I’ve never played the game. Last Zelda game I played was Majora’s Mask
I didn’t realize that Canadians are insatiably horny…
The image of low power Link charging in and beating Gannon has me remembering that streamer that made it like 90 95 hours into the game before triggering the tutorial of Breath of the Wild
Happy Cakeday! 🍰🎂
Better than nothing but Trefoils
That’s why in some areas Samoas are called Caramel Delights. IIRC, they use extremely slightly different recipes, and there is some sort of licensing agreement between the two.
All I know is that as a Cub/Boy Scout, I loathed Girl Scout Cookie season, because it overlapped with Boy Scout Popcorn season. It took me years to figure out that the way to sell the stuff was to completely ignore the product, and sell the idea of “keeping young boys from inventing their own entertainment.”
Unfortunately, it’s currently the most reliable way to get LSD and MDMA… :'(
Never though I would miss my shady AF dealer from the '90s and '00s
The more I learn about Bellatrix, the more I pity her. Voldy never even saw her as a person, I honestly think that he cared more about Harry than he did her.
Considering that their recent tests failed spectacularly, and given the fact that the Russian military is currently the 3rd most powerful military in Russia, I would wager that Putin won’t be trying any silly nuclear BS. Much more likely that he’ll use a virus bomb or chemical weapon on Ukraine.
Hopefully we can do the same for bedbugs. Fuck bedbugs. I can smell the little fuckers