“Hey babe, come over, we can watch a scary movie for Halloween.”
“What movie?”
“Event Horizon.”
“Oh, I’ve never seen it, what’s it about?”
Holy shit.
Head canon first warp travel with no gellar field
What was that story, there’s a creepypasta about the moon or deep oceans or something that was basically “We explored somewhere new, only two crew came back, they refused to say anything besides “don’t go back.” They were found dead the next day by their own hands”
I don’t know if it was intentional or not but I do know SOMEONE involved with the script has a favorite Space Marine chapter.
Ok so I had to Google half that sentence, so here I am a day later.
Hah yeah it’s quite a large lore setting
I’ve been waiting for my kids to be old enough to watch this movie. Once they’re all like 16, I’m just gonna hit them with a casual “hey, let’s watch this old sci-fi movie” and give them no other details. Mwahahaha
I’ve done something similar…
“What are you watching?”
“An old animated movie from my childhood. Just started, want to watch?”
“Sure, what’s it called?”
“The Secret of NIMH”I still can’t get them to watch The Last Unicorn.
“I have a movie you’re going to love. It’s called Return to Oz.”
“Mr. Simpson, this is the most blatant case of false advertising since my suit against the film ‘The Neverending Story’.”
I actually really loved that movie as a kid, haha. My mom put it on for my nap time. Dark Crystal, on the other hand scared me so badly I still got anxiety looking at the poster until I was 19
The Imperium has less political intrigues and sabotage than my wife’s work place.
The Imperium in EvE Online might have her workplace beat.
It truly is impressive how much drama a game about spreadsheets can have.
I’m pretty sure that IS a workplace.
I thought I was safe because none of the boys I dated even knew what 40k was, then I dated a girl and SHE taught me about 40k. You’re NEVER safe.
Kissing girls doesn’t spare you
Was going to inquire. Thanks for answering that, Cap.
Glad to help lol
What army / faction do you play / prefer? I have an old bet to settle.
(You can probably guess the subject, but I don’t want to prime your answer)
I’ve never played but I have an ex who was looking at necrons and idk what my old fwb played. I always thought Orks were neat
Thank you for your contribution.
Orks are neat for sure.
(The context of the bet was an acquaintance claiming girls only cared about the Sisters of Battle. I told him he’s full of shit, he prompted me for counterexamples and I’ve been annoying him ever since.)
I know a decent sized cadre of women in the hobby and not a one is into the Sisters. Tyranids seemed to be most popular for awhile and then Adeptus Mechanicus and Eldar. Some chaos forces round everything out.
I think lore wise just the fact that “girls can play too” in the Emporer’s legions isn’t enough to make the army popular. Rather it calls attention to the design that makes them seem suplimentry to the lore rather than essential. That they are accompanied by cherublike things - basically battle babies- seems to strike a dischord… Like the narrow space afforded them is big enough to remind them that women have wombs.
I imagine there’s women out there who play Sisters… But I don’t really know one.
That they are accompanied by cherublike things - basically battle babies- seems to strike a dischord… Like the narrow space afforded them is big enough to remind them that women have wombs.
Oh damn, I didn’t even notice that! Yeah, I can see how that would be reductive. Crazy nuns with babies… hmm. I was mostly asking for material to annoy someone with but this thread actually got me thinking deeply about things.
What a bizarre take. Like yeah, in a setting where women of significance are rare yeah we sure are more likely to gravitate to the few examples of women. But also I don’t remember much about the sisters of battle, but I don’t recall thinking “oh cool women,” I remember thinking “oh of course that’s where the women show up and how the toxic portion of the player base acts about them”.
Part of what I like about Orks is that an all male species is very different from a wildly misogynistic faction. In fact my guess is that the imperium is probably played way less by women (proportionally to overall player preference) than non-humanoids and non-gendered factions. The imperium feels far more like real and uncomfortable threats than a fungus of war or an invading swarm.
What a bizarre take.
I didn’t push the point, but the impression I got was a watered down version of the “pandering” argument. Like “female characters are pandering to female fans” but instead of complaining about the pandering it was more “I think it’s neat they get to have someone to play with too”. Not strictly misogynistic, more misguided, does that make sense?
Then again, I can’t really speak for how that would actually come across with women.
I remember thinking “oh of course that’s where the women show up and how the toxic portion of the player base acts about them”.
There are also the Banshees! Female-only Eldar warriors, highly mobile, lethal in Melee and with a piercing warcry inducing fear, heralds of doom and grief… I don’t quite know how to feel about the fact that the second prominent all-female force is defined by screeching, but like I said, I can’t comment on the female PoV.
Part of what I like about Orks is that an all male species is very different from a wildly misogynistic faction.
No gender roles, only Dakka, and if they stare at your chest it’s because they’re admiring the gun strapped across it.
I can see the appeal.
In fact my guess is that the imperium is probably played way less by women (proportionally to overall player preference) than non-humanoids and non-gendered factions. The imperium feels far more like real and uncomfortable threats than a fungus of war or an invading swarm.
I never really had to think about that, but it makes sense. Personally, I like the Mechanicus where your biology is mostly irrelevant anyway.
Yeah that sounds like a dude who doesn’t talk to nerdy chicks. Like, part of why I wouldn’t play imperium is that it’s all men, but it’s largely in that regards that if we’re going to do fiction with heavy gender roles I want women to have things we’re doing. Storm light Archive did it well where for all of men’s power in the depicted society, literacy was deemed extremely feminine putting the legacy of every general and the knowledge of every surgeon in a woman’s hands. The imperium has none of that. The adeptus mechanus could’ve easily been all women for example.
And yeah the banshees feels weird. Like these are space elves. You want to be weird about it be an Ed Greenwood kind of weird about it. Like, just do your own version of space drow. The crux is to follow the theme of a power fantasy turned mad and twisted. It sounds like they just don’t understand what a female power fantasy looks like. Do elven huntresses. Psyker mind breakers. Whatever just something it wouldn’t feel strange to have men doing.
And yeah the Orks speak to the strong feminine desire to play Zerg. And they’re just cool with the only feminist critiques I have of it are mild and happening because [gestures at rest of the setting]. They’re silly and fun and they give you good reason to do weird things. And because if I show up playing them I’m not going to have some guy make a blatantly misogynistic comment. Only dakka and knowing that your army gets to be the chosen of Khorne.
I want women to have things we’re doing.
Whatever just something it wouldn’t feel strange to have men doing.
Maybe that’s a thing many men - myself included, I suppose - don’t fully understand: It’s not about giving women a space of their own too, but about sharing “ours” that never should have been just ours in the first place; about being a part instead of apart. Does that sound right?
I’ll be frank, I’m still deprogramming a lot of preconceptions that I just took for granted growing up. It’s weird and somewhat concerning how I consider myself progressive, but every now and then still find these blind spots and biases. It shows just how deep these things can run.
I learned something cool about orkz this past week. I previously knew that orkz paint vehicles red to make them faster, but I learned they have other colors they use. Purple is my favorite, love the “logic”.
Green is best because Orks are green.
Blue is lucky.
Black is dead 'ard.
White is deadly.
Purple is sneaky because you’ve never seen a purple ork.
Yellow is flashy, both with explosions and with fancy gubbins.
Exactly, it’s the ridiculousness that I like
It’s been years since I played but don’t orcs have the worst armor of all units in the game? So you end up having to have lots of them to be able to win matches you basically overwhelm your enemy with numbers and that gets really expensive.
I’m sure games workshop intended it like that.
I wouldn’t know. Never played, just make out with women who do from time to time. It seems to be in the same category I keep mtg in: if it wasn’t a wildly expensive hobby that takes up a lot of space and has a notoriously unpleasant (especially for women) fanbase then maybe, but that’s not the case and I have more than enough hobbies as is.
Orks ARE neat, they are the happiest people in the galaxy
Only reason my GF knows anything about 40k because of me is because I used the Mechanicum not knowing the actual technicals of how anything works to set up a joke about me being a software magos because all I do is write endless canticles of the endl semicolon
I ensnared my partner by describing the mechanicus as “Evangelical Transhumanists” and then giving her the Flesh and Steel audiobook (which is just a genuinely great piece of scifi all on its own WHEN DO WE GET THE SEQUEL GW PLEASE). Now she’s color-coordinating the paint job on her Trayzen and Orikan minis and drunkenly holding court on how the Drukhari are the ‘only moral faction’.
help me what have I doneIf she’s defending the morals of the Drukhari I’d start worrying about how much time she spends on certain parts of the internet if I were you.
Specifically the parts of the internet that involve giving her ideas for very not safe for family television things she plans to do to you.
I’m just worried because it’s a bad take. I’m pretty sure they take great pride in being immoral.
I could see them being defended as the most moral faction.
Even Tyranids and Orks are arguably “more moral” than Drukhari! From either objective or subjective views on morality!
The Drukhari LITERALLY get off on being evil. They know they’re doing wrong, and that’s hot. That it keeps Slaanesh at bay temporarily in pure self interest isn’t any greater a justification than the Imperium’s uber-fascism for self interest or a Tyranid’s hunger, and even if you assume it is, the Aeldar, who they could join btw, or Tau, at a minimum, are still a greater good!
Plus it ignores that the Ynnari succeeded and offer a viable alternative and every single Drukhari that didn’t immediately convert is proving they are what they are because it is what they want to be. And the Aeldar and Harlrquins have ALWAYS had a way around having their souls consumed without indulging in hyper consent-free S&M!
I see the core idea of the take, but it’s still just plain wrong.
His girl is absolutely going to sacrifice his soul to a dark and ever hungry god the MOMENT she gets a flimsy excuse and he needs to watch his ass.
It seems like you’ve mostly read about Drukhari from second hand sources as opposed to the novels or codexes, or at least from recent ones.
The Drukhari LITERALLY get off on being evil.
It is more like eating a good meal than anything else based on descriptions in multiple novels.
They know they’re doing wrong,
Define ‘wrong’, they are from a different culture and morality is always veiwed through a cultural lense. There is no universal morality and wasps are proof of that.
That it keeps Slaanesh at bay temporarily in pure self interest
You eat living things because you must (yes plants included) out of pure self interest. Again morality is not universal, if you believe it is please show me a kilo of compassion or a gram of altruism.
the Aeldar, who they could join btw
Potentially join the Craftworlders, as many would fail and die before they could effectively mask themselves from Slaanesh. Going from Craftworlder to Corsair to Drukhari is much easier than the reverse.
And for the record the Craftworlders all worship a god of murder… which they have a lot of issues with and do recognise as a moral problem. Not necessarily an improvement.
Plus it ignores that the Ynnari succeeded and offer a viable alternative and every single Drukhari that didn’t immediately convert
The overwhelming majority don’t know for certain that the Ynnari’s claims are true, and they’re from a society where trust is nearly non-existant. Read the Queen of Blades novel about Lelith Hexperax for some good insight on this point. Again Ynnead is not exactly a morally good god, and is at best neutral, as it is a god of death.
Bruh they’re murder-rape-cannibal elves with an economy literally based on abusing their slaves
Neutral is better
GTFO outta here
She’s a keeper.
I am under no illusions that in fact I am the one being kept, but you’re very kind nontheless.
Okay I am using that analogy, thank you
I’ve never kissed a boy but at this point I might need someone to get me started on Warhammer, it’s scary how big it’s gotten & how I don’t have any time for even much simpler things.
I’m gonna have to take the bullet and tell my girlfriend I’m gonna go kiss a boy because I really want to know more about 40k
If anything is understandable, that is.
No subsequent questions should be raised.
I remember when they were doing Lord of the rings Warhammer. That was like 20 years ago. I bought a set, it’s still on my shelf unpainted
Yes, this sounds reasonable.
I can understand this.I couldn’t relate, couldn’t even understand, not even imagine if you said you read all 500 books, went on two cons each year, and made costumes. Totally unbelievable if you would have made friends & found time for them.
All great things, but I assume some superhuman capabilities are necessary (or, just more life options in regards to financial-time situation).
Dude same. I was sad when that died.
Died? Middle Earth SBG is going strong. They just put out a new edition.
True, but I guess I miss the days when you walked into GW and saw the big 3: WHFB, 40K, and LotR. I mean of course there was Blood Bowl, Killteam, etc on the sidelines, but now it’s sad to see LotR on the sidelines too :/
I give it two weeks before you’re randomly musing about your desire to die along side Sanguinius in defence of the Eternity Gate.
My mind was already corrupted
I recommend starting by reading the Eisenhorn trilogy, or anything by Dan Abnett, really. That’s how I got started - I figured I should learn a bit about the WH40k universe, googled what is the best book, recognised Abnett as the co-author of the modern Guardian of the Galaxy comics (which I absolutely loved) and never regretted it.
Henry Cavill in shreds rn…
Nah. Not really.
I think she might be misunderstanding the problem. The problem is if he asks if she knows about it and asks if she’d like to talk out hear about it. And TBH if you’re not (both) able to half-listen to the other ramble, and not cool with the other doing that, you’ve got some skills to master before you’re ready to commit to a long term relationship. Because I guarantee you, there will always be stuff each of you likes that the other does not. Listening without going crazy is a skill. Just make sure you listen enough to know if they’re ranting like a maniac, or you might wake up one day married to a Trump supporter or something.
She says that like it’s a bad thing…
Terrifying. Nightmare inducing.
If I am ever heald captive I am going to recite 40k lore, I will either spread the infection and make a friend or I wilk get my ass beat and they have to find out how much more annoying I am while concussed.
What if he doesn’t try to teach you about 40k?
I’m not 100% on the lore but, it may be a sign that they are a heretic.
I want to tell her I’m a boy who knows nothing about Warhammer 40k, but I’m afraid that a boy will hear and try to teach me about Warhammer 40k
Yo. You wanna learn about 40k? /s
That’s a lot of lore.
i have never kissed a boy
Bullshit if straight
Facts if lesbian
the name implies they’re trans…
Trans women can have sexual orientation too
What? Next you tell us they have feelings, too?
I don’t have feelings, please degrade me then teach me about warhammer 40k
Big, if true.
I would be surprised if most lesbians hadn’t kissed a boy at some point.