Okay well I’m just going to air blast gravel at them then.
Or you could just get a big block of lead and mount it on a remote controlled chassis and just drive it around. At 6 mi an hour.
Okay well I’m just going to air blast gravel at them then.
Or you could just get a big block of lead and mount it on a remote controlled chassis and just drive it around. At 6 mi an hour.
If you can tell what car it is even when it’s under a tarp it’s a bad design.
I seriously question the mental stability of Tesla shareholders. Why on Earth does that man still have a job?
I’m not even talking about this recent stuff, I’m talking about all the things he’s been doing for the last few years. It would get any normal person fired.
Or just 1984. Probably rather on the nose but since they won’t get it anyway does it really matter
I think it’s literally just that the entire script of the movie is online for some reason, and so it’s an easy way to get a very very large amount of text that isn’t just made up. Another option is the transcript of the Apollo moon landings.
Realistically it’s easy to search and filter out so probably not a great idea, the AI nonsense option is a much better idea.
People always say things like that as if that some kind of argument in its favor.
Being stabbed is better than being shot, but I wouldn’t consider either them to be particularly good for your health.
What was the actual reason they gave when they blocked your account. Because I had one of my accounts banned, but not for any logical reason, and they just gave me a made-up reason of I was being aggressive (I wasn’t being aggressive I was just pointing out to someone that he was gatekeeping, which he was).
For contacts the guy was trying to suggest that the only people who should be allowed to be employed in the software development industry are people with a relevant university level qualification, which was obviously stupid because it would block pretty much all of the current tech billionaires from their own companies.
It’s a feature that can be turned on the confidential documents but I don’t think it’s actually on by default.
You can check for it anyway, just print a document then attempt to scan it, if it’s got the track marks it will refuse to scan because one of the things the track marks do is block scanning, although you can still take a photo of it because the camera probably won’t be able to see the track marks so it’s not 100% secure. In fact it’s largely considered an obsolete security method these days, along with pink flimsies.
I saw one a few months ago and I don’t think any two panels were square with the neighboring panel. They were all at least four or five mm out of alignment.
So it’s no surprise that water gets in and they catch fire, it’s not really a solid object, as much as a collection of loosely associated pieces.
I’ve had my car for 15 years. Also a Yeti, I’m Ship of Theseusing it to the end times. It had new tires, new suspension, new fan belt, new battery, new rear wiper motor, new windscreen, and a new wiring harness.
It’s also been driven into a tree and brick wall on two separate occasions (not by me). And the radio has never worked.
It’s rather like an unreliable tank, It can plow through anything as long as you throw money at it afterwards.
Yeah actual murder would be a bit of a dick move.
The French really do love to set things on fire though. It’s part of their national identity.
Back before reading was really commonplace people could still read shop signs and things, but they couldn’t really spell and anything more complicated than Chicken sold for $0.30 was probably beyond them, but that’s all the average person needed.
How someone can be functionally illiterate when they were born in the mid 20th century is beyond me.
Caucasian people though. So it’s okay.
That’s also not how that works. China can get away with having cheap labor because it also has cheap cost of living. But the cost of living in the US is ridiculously high. These tariffs are only going to make the cost of living go up.
Even if I had absolute confidence that the tariffs weren’t going to get dropped there would still be no point moving a factory to the US because you would still end up paying the tariffs to get imports of components from China. Because you are definitely getting your components from China.
That’s why tariffs have to be used with tact and they only target very precise items. If you want to increase the number of televisions produced in the United States you only have a tariff on completed televisions, not on displays, and not on microcontrollers. The Trump tariffs are on everything though.
Flowers are flowers genitals as well.
Given how things are going a fair number then probably won’t be card carrying Trump supporters for much longer. They’re already pretty pissed off with him.
What’s quite funny is that in Europe there was never really much hatred for communism. It wasn’t what we did, but we weren’t bothered by it. The red scare was an entirely American phenomenon.
However fast forward 40 years and suddenly it’s the reverse. America like Russia and Europe is talking about the threat of invasion.
The moment they are activated they’ll just blow each other up. Could be fun to watch.