• 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Israeli jews have the right to life, freedom, safety. They have the right to a home in the Holy Lands.

    They don’t have the right to set up a Jewish supremacist apartheid state to deny the same rights to everyone else.

    The state that they have created and entrenched with genocide and “facts on the ground” no longer has legitimacy to exist in its present form. Because of its entrenchment I don’t see how it can be reformed.

    So instead, ending this political entity to establish a new democratic one seems to be the surest way out of this mess.

    This is not a call for genocide by any stretch of imagination.

  • Wake me up when Israel institutes universal suffrage and legal equality for everyone from the river to the sea, elects Marwan Barghouthi as president and changes it flag and anthem to incorporate Palestinian national symbolism. If such a country would like to still call itself Israel, I will be happy to be proven wrong.

    Because this is what ending apartheid means, buddy. Not just getting rid of Netanyahu, but deep structural change, and a commitment to justice, truth and reconciliation.

  • The majority of European antisémites have zero problem with the existence of Israel “out there”. They are more than happy to see the Jews leave Europe for the middle east. American antisémites are fantasizing that Israel will be the site of the Second Coming of Christ who will then turn all the Jews into Christians.

    This observation alone should tell you everything about why it is stupid and wrong to use attitudes towards Israel as proxy measures for attitudes towards Jews. When the antisémites pass your metric with flying colours whereas Jewish anti-Zionists fail it, your metric is just shit, simple as that.

  • White South Africa did not have the right to exist. Rhodesia did not have a right to exist.

    That’s what we are talking about.

    Israel has become a Jewish supremacist apartheid state. Its crimes have become so egregious and so entrenched (“facts on the ground”) that it is not unreasonable to argue that it cannot be reformed in its present form. In this case it is reasonable to argue for its replacement by a democratic successor state in which Jews and others will all have the same rights to freedom and safety.

  • Germany equating its historic debt to Jewish people with support for a particular state is an absolutely disgusting distortion of the German obligation of remembrance.

    Just like this, they throw under the bus any anti-Zionist Jew.

    Honestly, when it comes to Israel/Palestine, the German state should just do what their other genocide victim, Namibia, told them to do and Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Stay the fuck out of it. Say the honorable thing that you will abide by the rulings of international courts. Provide humanitarian aid, help refugees and displaced people. Be a ray of light and humanity, not a stickler for rules and definitions. Don’t be so goddamn fucking German for a change.

  • The way I understood your point is that their foundational atrocity, the Nakba, makes majority-Jewish democracy impossible. I.e., it could have never at any point in its history have been a democratic country. Did I understand your point wrong?

    To that point I responded that other ethnostate democracies exist in the region that also have foundational atrocities in their history but are now pretty democratic and pretty peaceful, …all things considered. But they had to learn the lesson the hard way. That’s my point, that Israelis need to at some point also face the harsh reality of the impossibility of their nationalist delusions. Just like the Greeks, the Turks, the Bulgarians etc.