I don’t have anything against but I didn’t subscribe to those communities, still, this is the majority of the posts I see when I come on Lemmy.ml.

Is there something wrong my settings ? I am more interested by FOSS and science stuff.

  • Adda
    2 years ago

    Same for me. What I do is subscribe to communities I am interested in and show only subscribed feed. Then federation came and I wanted to be able to see other posts too, so I just abuse the communities blocking feature to block everything I am not interested in while having all as my default main page filter. After a while, I was able to block most of the unwanted communities and now I have mostly interesting posts in my all feed.

    What really helped me is to use Jerboa on Android to quickly block communities straight from the posts (that is something I would probably welcome in web app, too). It is much quicker than having to go to the profile settings.

    • 10_0
      22 years ago

      This is so relatable and are my feelings and actions as well.

  • @MerchantsOfMisery@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    If you go into your settings, you can block communities. I blocked genzedong, shit liberals say, memes, and death to NATO so far.

    edit: I’m sorry I don’t like those subreddits but I’m just not a fan of shitposting. I think it’s kinda lame.

  • seahorse [Ohio]
    112 years ago

    You can block those sub communities that are most active with the content you don’t want to see.

    Go to your settings and go to the Blocks tab.

    • @charlie_root@lemmy.mlOP
      52 years ago

      ok thank @seahorse@midwest.social and @Adda@lemmy.ml , I had to retry 3x as the list was not yet populated in the rollout menu. now I can chose.

      I find it a bit extreme though, I am not against these communities, there are just over posting.

      Will see if it improves tho, so far my Lemmy experience in term of content was quite disappointing.

      thank you again, folk!

      • Adda
        2 years ago

        Yeah, I agree that this is not ideal in the least, but there is nothing better to prevent some communities overtaking over your feed yet.

    • comfy
      112 years ago

      Many of the popular reddit alternatives were fueled by reddit’s waves of mass banning of explicit racist/hate communities in 2015 and 2019 and other dates when they gained attention from the media. Most of the people who looked for alternatives were those banned or constantly downvoted, so yeah, they became overwhelmingly white supremacist cesspits.

      some people here are quite radically leaning on the left

      There is a strong overlap with the free software movement and the radical left, due to many aligning beliefs and FOSS’s inherent appeal to anti-capitalists.

    • krolden
      52 years ago

      Agreed. Tankies can have good takes but the endless glorification of dead emperors is not the right way to bring people together. Yeah yeah yeah the USSR was better than the tsars and the USA is evil we all can agree on that but come on stop drooling over the nostalgia of the past and look to the future for once.

      We could do a lot better.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        2 years ago

        I’ve never seen any communists advocate for simply recreating USSR, or claim that it was some sort of an utopia. What people say is that it was clearly better than the real world alternatives currently available to us. Of course, we should be learning from the past and improving.

        Any meaningful plans for the future can only be devised by understanding past and current conditions. Dialectical materialism is fundamentally based on the scientific approach of creating theories based on the observed evidence, testing these theories, and revising them. It’s fundamentally opposed to dogmatism. Doing better requires this mindset.

      • @charlie_root@lemmy.mlOP
        32 years ago

        The irony is that these groups are probably false-flagging each others and as it’s so easy with such platforms, the effect is that it discredits both groups.

        I don’t consider member eg: @yogthos@lemmy.ml as a tankie or extermist at all, his comments/shares are relatively well balanced, argued and sourced.

        Honestly, it’s easy to spot the “saboteurs”, sure there’s also some fuck-up first degree douche around but they are also easily spotted on.

        So, don’t be over-sensitive and simplistic.

  • @_ed
    102 years ago

    Or join a generalist instance that federates with lemmy.ml but not lemmygrad as an option. Eg there is difference in /all content when viewed from lemmy.ml vs say sopuli. Beehaw also has a generalist sci community.

    • Mad
      32 years ago

      i didn’t even know we had banned lemmygrad. i’m very glad we have because even without them everything is frustratingly political, so i can’t imagine what it would be otherwise.

        • Amicese
          62 years ago

          The website title is confusing though. It never specifies lemmy*.ml*, just ‘Lemmy’.

          • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
            102 years ago

            That’s just the default name in the source code, so every new instance would say that in the title.

            It’s still a valid point though. Maybe that should be addressed.

      • comfy
        82 years ago

        It is, explicitly, not official. The sidebar explains this.

        Don’t you think it is ridiculous complicated ?

        I do not. What’s complicated about multiple sites using the same software and sharing content with each other? Maybe it would help if you could explain to us why you thought this instance was official, so we can prevent others having this misconception in the future.

      • @_ed
        2 years ago

        That is the whole point of federated communities - you don’t have to be on lemmy.ml to engage with lemmy content. To understand what lemmy.ml is about see this meta post.

        If you were to try setting up an account on another instance I think you wouldn’t find it complicated at all. If the instance federates with lemmy, the lemmy.ml posts are available via ALL on posts and the lemmy communities can be accessed via the ALL button on communities. It’s fantastic.

        • @charlie_root@lemmy.mlOP
          12 years ago

          Thank you, i know the concept of federation, I used to use mastodon. But I don’t know, it does not sound intuitive in the context of lemmy.

      • TmpodM
        32 years ago

        ridiculous compliated

        It is as complicated to register on another instance as it is to register on lemmy.ml. Furthermore, as another commenter pointed out, there’s no official instance for Lemmy, as the devs believe that hurts the whole points of federation (and I agree). They do, however, run an instance tuned to their preference, and since it was the first one, it attracted the most users.

        I’m running my own instance and it is very easy and nice to use :)

  • krolden
    32 years ago

    Lemmygrad has grown like a cancer its really annoying.

      • krolden
        42 years ago

        I wouldn’t really call it content just a bunch of tankie shitposting. Also isn’t a lot of genzedobg stuff just recycling from the subreddit?

    • comfy
      32 years ago

      That’s what happens when reddit bans their communities, they move elsewhere in waves.

      It’s no surprise that FOSS concepts appeal to socialists and various libertarians.

  • @stopit@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    I can’t speak for the Science stuff…but there is plenty FOSS communities that I enjoy. What are you subscribed too? When I scroll, i see plenty of FOSS posts…right now, it’s not as active as I would like, but I’ve been here less then a year and it is noticably better as time passes…just stick with it, spread the word and it can only get better. I do have to say though…when i found Lemmy, it was clearly advertised as a place for leftist, FOSS enthusiasts…so I don’t think (and hope) the leftist part will go away.

    • @charlie_root@lemmy.mlOP
      32 years ago

      i was not really bothered to subs to communities. but really, lemmy is not that intuitive, but to be honest, i don’t remember the first time I logged in, maybe it proposed me to subs/search for communities and I just zapped this.

      now it’s fine, i blocked the spams, subs to few comm. it’s just a matter to make those live now and not just be a leecher.

  • Jerald
    12 years ago

    we might have to create an asklemmy(notcommunist) forum. Also, I too am interested in Science and FOSS stuff but I don’t think lemmy is a very good community for science enthusiasts.