I don’t have anything against but I didn’t subscribe to those communities, still, this is the majority of the posts I see when I come on Lemmy.ml.

Is there something wrong my settings ? I am more interested by FOSS and science stuff.

  • @_ed
    102 years ago

    Or join a generalist instance that federates with lemmy.ml but not lemmygrad as an option. Eg there is difference in /all content when viewed from lemmy.ml vs say sopuli. Beehaw also has a generalist sci community.

        • Amicese
          62 years ago

          The website title is confusing though. It never specifies lemmy*.ml*, just ‘Lemmy’.

          • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
            102 years ago

            That’s just the default name in the source code, so every new instance would say that in the title.

            It’s still a valid point though. Maybe that should be addressed.

      • comfy
        82 years ago

        It is, explicitly, not official. The sidebar explains this.

        Don’t you think it is ridiculous complicated ?

        I do not. What’s complicated about multiple sites using the same software and sharing content with each other? Maybe it would help if you could explain to us why you thought this instance was official, so we can prevent others having this misconception in the future.

      • @_ed
        2 years ago

        That is the whole point of federated communities - you don’t have to be on lemmy.ml to engage with lemmy content. To understand what lemmy.ml is about see this meta post.

        If you were to try setting up an account on another instance I think you wouldn’t find it complicated at all. If the instance federates with lemmy, the lemmy.ml posts are available via ALL on posts and the lemmy communities can be accessed via the ALL button on communities. It’s fantastic.

        • @charlie_root@lemmy.mlOP
          12 years ago

          Thank you, i know the concept of federation, I used to use mastodon. But I don’t know, it does not sound intuitive in the context of lemmy.

      • TmpodM
        32 years ago

        ridiculous compliated

        It is as complicated to register on another instance as it is to register on lemmy.ml. Furthermore, as another commenter pointed out, there’s no official instance for Lemmy, as the devs believe that hurts the whole points of federation (and I agree). They do, however, run an instance tuned to their preference, and since it was the first one, it attracted the most users.

        I’m running my own instance and it is very easy and nice to use :)

    • Mad
      32 years ago

      i didn’t even know we had banned lemmygrad. i’m very glad we have because even without them everything is frustratingly political, so i can’t imagine what it would be otherwise.