• foggy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I say we just permanently play a game called “lemmy isn’t reddit, but whatever it is, they’re both the internet”?

    And whenever someone brings up reddit in literally any capacity, we just say “lemmy isn’t reddit, but whatever it is, they’re both the internet,” or some variation of it?


    Premise: “Stop doing that reddit thing! This is Lemmy not reddit!”

    Response: “Lemmy isn’t reddit, but whatever it is, they’re both the internet”


    Premise: “Let’s do something like /r/place!”

    Response: “Lemmy isn’t reddit, but whatever it is, they’re both the internet”


    Premise: “this site is turning into reddit I wish it would be the way it was when there were 80% less users!”

    Response: “Lemmy isn’t reddit, but whatever it is, they’re both the internet”


    Because I’m sick of both sides of this shit, and this response is neutral as fuck, so it’ll make a boring-ass milquetoast brief conversation that basic just echos “yeah mate I guess so huh interesting” and move on.

    And no matter which side of that you’re on, you probably agree. Talking about how x on Lemmy is or should be like x on reddit only furthers the annoying discussion that will literally never die if we don’t murder it here and now.

    “Lemmy isn’t reddit, but whatever it is, they’re both the internet”

    Or something catchy idk

  • Chickenstalker@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Where once was light

    Now darkness falls

    Where once was love

    Love is no more

    Don’t say - goodbye

    Don’t say - I didn’t try

    These tears we cry

    Are falling rain

    For all the lies

    You told us

    The hurt, the blame!

    And we will weep

    To be so alone

    We are lost!

    We can never go home

    So in the end

    I will be what I will be

    No loyal friend

    Was ever there for me

    Now we say - goodbye

    We say - you didn’t try

    These tears you cry

    Have come too late

    Take back the lies

    The hurt, the blame!

    And you will weep

    When you face the end alone

    You are lost!

    You can never go home

    You are lost!

    You can never go home