Leadership of Lemmy has dug in their heels and shown that they will be slow to remove overt homophobia, sexism, and transphobia on this platform. Administration will spend hours or days of effort defending these people to justify a ban that would be instant on other platforms.

You are not safe here. I recommend migrating to either Lemmygrad.ml or Hexbear.net (Hexbear being much less sectarian but the people on Lemmygrad are very cool 😎). Please take care out there. Fuck the patriarchy! Trans rights are human rights! ✊





  • Dessalines
    2 years ago

    Sry just logging on now. I banned a couple of the transphobes, and the main one banned himself before I got a chance to do so.

    @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml I made a bunch of recommendations for how to fix this systemically in our admin chat. Some of them here:

    1. We need to ban transphobes here faster (no bigotry is already in our sidebar, but for some reason transphobia isn’t explicitly named, so I’m gonna try to add that).
    2. We should consider people’s activity outside this instance when deciding whether to ban. Looking at it now, its silly to not consider a person’s full internet persona. Not that we need to have foreknowledge of what they’ve done, but when things are brought to our attention, we need to act on them.
    3. Me and nutomic need to do less moderating, and more coding. Even tho this is the dev instance, we need to have some more separation between ppl coding for lemmy, and those moderating it. Moderating is a much worse use of our time anyway than coding or fixing things.
    4. We need to appoint more moderators, because its clear these things weren’t attended to quickly enough.

    Also I apologize for not getting to these things quickly enough, and want to thank you, @seanchai@lemmygrad.ml , @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml, and everyone else for your work in that thread yesterday.

    • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I appreciate it, but I’m going to be a little wary until I see it in action. I see too many places become uncomfortable for PoC and LGBT comrades who feel they have nowhere else to go, because every place they do end up pushes them out in the end.

      I think you might benefit from checking out hexbear for a bit to see the difference in user activity (there’s a lot of user activity). It’s like night and day from here and they had their transphobia struggle session like 2 years ago. Once all the shitty people were gone, everyone got comfortable and actually started to talk to each other.

    • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      We should consider people’s activity outside this instance when deciding whether to ban. Looking at it now, its silly to not consider a person’s full internet persona. Not that we need to have foreknowledge of what they’ve done, but when things are brought to our attention, we need to act on them.

      Absolutely agree. Like I said on the other thread, we don’t need to vet everyone by actively hunting down their external profiles (more because it’s a ton of work for the admins and Lemmy is pseudoanonymous so it would be really hard), but if someone makes any of their other profiles known on their Lemmy account and especially if they’re advertising it, we should never be willfully blind to that in our moderation decisions.

      For the speed of moderation thing, I hope I can continue to mod as I see fit based on the rules, and if anyone think it’s an overstep, they should message me. I’m terminally online so I see most of the reports first, and sometimes I hold off on removing them just because I’m worried that you guys will get mad. Like, I hope I’m not getting strikes and risking being kicked off the admin team.

    • @snek_boi@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      I don’t know if this is the place for it, but I can mod if you find my posting and reporting history appropriate for the task.

  • Pax
    2 years ago

    As a queer person that sees this shit all the time, I’m indifferent. People are shit, this isn’t new.

    Ban them, yes, but there’s no such thing as a safe space lmao. People are always going to sneak their way in.

    I’d rather develop a thick skin than constantly running away every time someone calls me a groomer (and I have been called one; I actually have someone who’s weirdly obsessed with me and continuing to make passive aggressive digs at me on Facebook lol)

    If I’m not in a good headspace, I just tell them to die and click the block button… very easy (and inb4 it’s problematic to tell someone to die, do we really still care about the lives of bigots that try to drive people to suicide. Lmao)

    • @altair222@beehaw.org
      52 years ago

      The point of a “safe space” doesn’t come with the assumption that there won’t be bad faith players in that space, its just that the moderation and the community can indeed create a place where if something does go wrong, it is handled as soon as possible and in the most productive way, especially in a way that tries to prevent bad faith players from overtaking a discourse on a platform.

      • Pax
        22 years ago

        And it looks like it was handled, no?

          • Pax
            -12 years ago

            I’m addressing that OP seems to be telling LGBT people to leave Lemmy because someone called them a groomer and one of Mark Zuckerberg’s bots didn’t immediately put the transphobe in Lemmy jail.

            • @altair222@beehaw.org
              32 years ago

              OP is talking about a pattern, if you can’t see that from this post then I can’t say anything next that will help this conversation.

              • Pax
                12 years ago

                I don’t live on Lemmy, and if I did and were concerned about problematic stuff I’d never recommend Lemmygrad, you ask one genuine question and people act like you’re Satan.

                Lemmy’s not a huge site to my knowledge… if it’s that bad people can either leave, make their own site, or apply to be an admin/moderator.

  • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.mlOP
    2 years ago

    Good news: the idiot in the screenshot is banned.

    Bad news: still no word from the admins on how they’re going to prevent this from being a systemic issue. It’s obvious from their actions up to this point that they’re going to let things slide unless someone complains loud enough. I’m not the only queer person on the network and not everyone has thick skin.

    They’ve let far too many bigots worm their way into the woodwork.

  • @altair222@beehaw.org
    12 years ago

    I would rather suggest a more general purpose instance like beehaw if these allegations that youre making has any ground to them. Diverse set of opinions, when presented in good faith on a platform like beehaw will always be productive in a difficult discourse

    • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      If beehaw bans transphobes and homophobes on sight then plug yourself. But I’m done debating these people. My existence is not up for debate and there is nothing to discuss. I will continue to be trans regardless of people’s opinions and disgusting namecalling.

      • Gaywallet (they/it)
        82 years ago

        We absolutely have zero tolerance for intolerant people over on Beehaw, this is not restricted to just transphobia or homophobia but any kind of bigotry.

      • @altair222@beehaw.org
        62 years ago

        I didnt mean your existence is up for debate, but I completely understand how my comment could be interpreted as insinuating that. I suggest beehaw because I have a strong feeling that the admins are completely against any kind of explicit expression of prejudice towards any group.

  • @vekku
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator