What are some games you like that most people hate, view negatively and/or were panned by critics?

  • Phuntis
    1 month ago

    far cry 5 I don’t think many people hate it as such but just view it as repetitive but it was the first one I played and while most people say putting it in rural montana is boring and not exotic like far crys supposed to be I’m english so rural montana is practically an alien planet and the vibes in the game are immaculate just walking through the wilderness between points on the map to do stuff that down time in between is so nice and when you’re going further distances in the car the radio music is so good and while the stories stupid and the ending is god awful every one of the seeds actors were amazing each one of them was so good even if you don’t get that much time with them I’d honestly say far cry 5 is one of my favourite games ever not my favourite that’s fnv and second is mouthwashing but it’s in joint 3rd place with about a dozen other really good games that I can’t honestly say one is better than the other but I truly love all of them for different reasons