pronouns differ depending on who is fronting.

Enjoyers of fruit, fun and helping others out.

Not human so please do not refer to us as such or use any words relating to humanity when referring to us or if it’s intended to include us.

  • 26 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2022

  • In reponse to your edit.

    This is nothing to do with DID and we aren’t roleplaying.

    We likely have been plural longer than you have been alive and before things like tiktok existed too (which we aren’t even on), so we do know what we are and don’t appreciate the accusation that you having likely no experience with this know our experience better than we do.

    Also medical science does show this is a real thing but outside of DID and other such things it has not been researched.

    So neither you nor ‘science’ knows what you/it is talking about.

  • Yes, we were also talking about that.

    We think it shouldn’t be on a closed platform that isn’t indexable.

    I don’t want to join a messenger or social network to have a question answered. I strongly believe some{one/many} should be able to ask a question or a dev should be able to do a notification on an open and least indexable platform so any{one/many} can see it without having to create an account.

    The web for this kind of stuff should be open, not closed.

    Benefits devs in trying to communicate with users too, that way they only have to say something once.

  • Especially because you can allow guests on Matrix.

    But seriously, no, they shouldn’t, they should stop thinking tech reports, issues and distribution should be on a platform not made for them. A lot of people don’t want to join a ‘community’ just to submit an issue, we already have issue trackers etc: Github, gitlab, forgejo to name but a few.

    Discord and Matrix are not places to do tech development and interact with those that use your products, code and projects ioo.

  • You’re actually correct if we understand what you are saying. We guess we’re just the first to ask and not many others have put forward their voices either because there are no other non/not entirely human(s) on this instance or they are too shy to say anything.

    Personally we identify as transspecies, not otherkin. However, we are supportive of those that use other labels and have different experiences around this. We realise that we are probably compromising a lot in what we are asking for.

    If it was up to us we would just rewrite it ourselves to be as inclusive as possible, but we’re not sure that would be accepted and it might take quite a bit longer.

    Well, we aren’t human, we don’t feel human, it causes us distress and dysphoria to be called and thought of as human, and we guess others have similar experiences to us.

    We would completely transition this body if we could but instead we have to rely on technology, add-ons and aesthetics. Hopefully it’ll eventually reach a point where we can but for now we do what we are able, just like being transgender too and the medical science not being there all the way either to give us what we need/want to be completely happy so we do the best we can with what is avaliable.

    Well, masculine in the language we primarily use is thankfully being decentred as the neutral and general, though in some cases yeah and it still is which bothers us greatly and we seek to find or make truly neutral language instead wherever we can.

    We aren’t sure if this answers your question however, hopefully it does.

  • being emotional is a normal part of being a human

    Humans are pretty good at figuring out when someone is being a jerk online

    One solution to this problem is to recenter humans in our online social platforms.

    explain to someone why you’re a human and why you shouldn’t be subject to incessant bigotry online.

    However, get enough humans together

    you’re probably at least aware of this from simply living with other humans.

    and other such disconnects are commonly discussed when cohabitating with another human.

    I treat other Beeple with good faith, even when I think they are not responding to me in kind, unless they are unequivocally advocating for hate or intolerance of fellow humans.

    In the context of human emotion, however, we see plenty of reasons to not have downvotes.

    if people want to disagree they will need to think about how they want to approach another human being and frame this disagreement.

    Mental health is often an emotionally charged subject and even though we’re all human and want to hold space to allow this kind of healing

    certain kinds of communities focused on taking pictures of humans

    Bots that always post without human intervention are noisy and are often unwanted.

    Some are also simply fairly regular humans

    rife for abuse in a plethora of ways that humans

    We understand that we’re all human and aren’t going to be perfect at all times

    There’s been a lot of content which I so rarely see on other places on the internet that feels so much more welcoming and human than many other spaces on the internet.

    You’re all wonderful human beings.