probably one of the most disastrous reveals in history that the company is still contending with years later.
the drama was delicious though, I wasn’t planning on buying one so I just got to sit back and enjoy it. i was eating for days lmao
The drama was delicious and meme-worthy, and Don Mattrick’s PR attempts fueled it more. What kind of idiot says “don’t buy our new console, buy the Xbox 360”? The always-online-DRM was then dropped but the damage had been done, and Phil Spencer stepping in mitigated it somewhat.
Remember when it was going to be a DRM-laden garbage fire? Forcing you to connect online every day, and not allowing you to sell your used games?
Yeah, Microsoft really dropped the ball on that generations introduction to the system. Sony rightfully dunked on them with their “How to share games on PlayStation”, that was hilarious.
However, I feel like all that DRM stuff is going to happen one way or another anyway at some point.
Thank you for making me search that up! Somehow I missed it back in that day, and turns out it’s still funny.
Yeah, with the move to digital games we come closer to the vision Microsoft had in 2013. I hope they release physical discs for quite some time.
Does anyone have the video that mashed up every time they brought up “TV” during showcases?
You mean this?
MS were firing at all cylinders before the One announcement. Xbox made a name for itself and really matured their brand from just a Halo machine. Some really iconic games were released and made their home on the 360 (Mass Effect, Bioshock, Orange box, FM2, Halo 3 were all exclusives that were released in one year). All they had to do was just release a more powerful 360, continue to create some great content and they would’ve been golden.
Instead this abomination of a presentation goes down. Five horrendous decisions:
Kinect mandatory add-on - bs gimmick that barely anyone was excited for and took dev time away from studios like Rare. Probably what led to the next point…
$500 price point - a whole hundred more than the PS4 was a nonstarter.
Always online - Mattrick saying to go buy a 360 if you can’t get online has to be one of the top 5 most brain dead moments I’ve seen in any conference.
Used game policy - [insert Sony response video here]
Focus on tv - led to less RAM allocated for TV apps that they thought would be the future. Little do they know most people don’t need anything more powerful than a smart tv to watch what they need.
These poor choices had them absolute ruined and all that good will was gone. They’re still struggling to come even close to the popularity they had at the peak of the 360 days.