Saved you a click: too low pay (4000 $ for the whole thing) and depression.

    52 years ago

    i admire her courage. I like Bayonetta, but was totally unaware of this situation, and how the director behaves… I’m going to boycott all related products by this company and director from now on.

  • @s12
    32 years ago

    Apparently that 4000 whatever was per scene or something across a ton of them.

    Not sure who to believe though.

    • QuentinCallaghanOPA
      22 years ago

      The plot thickens, Helena Taylor was offered more than $4000 per session.

      Rather, she was offered at first $10,000, then when she balked, another $5,000. Later, after she declined, she was later offered a cameo role for $4,000.

      She didn’t present all the facts at hand.

  • Reed Solomon
    32 years ago

    Nintendo charges $80 per game and will continue to do so for the next thousand years. Meanwhile they just have to have 50 people buy the game and they’ve already essentially made back what they paid her for her work forever. Sickening.