I’m designing an RPG based on the anime/manga Gunslinger Girl. Looking for testers - both who have and haven’t seen/read it - though it’s still very much an alpha so testing will mostly be “hey I want to screw around with X idea today”. Timezone AEST but I keep weird hours. The current state of the rules is available at https://rakka.tk/static/misc/gsgrpg.7z, fair warning it’s not very organised, I dumped it straight from my notes folder. For now I’m doing it on matrix, #gsgrpg:perthchat.org. I am not yet in the habit of checking lemmy notifications, bug @Zergling_man@birds.garden if you want my attention.

  • zergling_man@lemmy.perthchat.orgOP
    3 years ago

    I haven’t asked, though I’m borrowing only the premise - for testing I’ll also be borrowing the setting (Italian government) but I won’t be baking that into the rules. Given how copyright law is in Japan, ie. not fucked, it may be ok as-is. Plus I’ll be releasing it for free, if I ever even get that far, but again, Jap copyright law