Many years ago me and an old friend co-op’ed Ghost Recon Wildlands, hands down a great game minus the third person perspective, soon after we moved on to Far Cry 5, it felt familiar, like GRWL but published, less outrageous pop in anyway since feeling burned by Stalker 2 I’ve put a couple of hours back into Far Cry 5 and honestly its still great, looks good, runs amazingly with a game loop thats fairly casual. I have however noticed some bits have changed, the cash shop for one is somewhat front and centre, the added guns and skins and cars look silly af, there is also DLC (I have get to delve into that) anyway I find myself surprised that Far Cry 5 lacks mods, anyway I’m wondering why is there so few, Far Cry 5 would make for a solid base for similar concepts like Anomaly, or Fallout London where they overhaul the story to make something for old players to cling on to.

It might be obvious but I don’t play many UniSoft titles, the ones I have played have already been mentioned (fc5, GRWL) and I can imagine people rolling their eyes thinking “another UniSoft game” and if that’s the case is there another entry to the franchise with high level modding?

Also I’m glossing abit, its my only experience of a the franchise I’m sure if I played them all I’d be as sick of the loop as everyone else. Anyway what’s everyone’s thoughts on fc5, the franchise in general, favourite entry and the modding scene for fc, will we witness the death of UniSoft?

  • Phuntis
    3 months ago this discord community it also has a website but there’s far more mods on here including all the ones that are on the website so this is the best place to link

    edit: after looking there’s now a website where you can search through those discord mods but it still links back to the discord to download them but it might make browsing a bit easier