He also played a clip from Biden’s interview with ABC News, when the president was asked how he would feel if Trump won the election.
"I’ll feel, as long as I gave it my all and I did the good as job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about,” Biden said in the interview last week.
Stewart raised his voice and pushed back on that comment.
"That’s not what this is about! There are no participation trophies in endgame democracy. Oh yeah, I remember FDR saying, ‘Well, if the Nazis take over Europe, at least both teams had fun,’” he added.
Full clip:
Yup! That quote from Biden is absolutely fucking unacceptable. If you are unable to guarantee a success then get the fuck out of the way and lets find someone (not Harris) that can.
What if it is Harris?
We may not like it, but Harris has a better chance of winning against Trump.
I, for one, like it. I think she would do a better job than Lemmy thinks she will. I would love to see her debate Trump.
Think you’re right, she’d do well against him. I just don’t like her. Some of her news bits had me thinking: Trump for Democrats
Her whole career has been Fighting Against the People. If she’d fight billionaires and corporations like she took down stoners, I might think differently about her.
There’s no point in anyone debating someone who just blatantly lies continuously.
It was stupid of Biden to do it and it would be stupid of anyone, even Michelle Obama to bother letting him spout his bullshit like he did.
The only possible exception is someone like Gavin Newsom or AOC. Someone who could bring the zingers for his bullshit.
I listened to Newsom on Fox. I would pay high dollars to watch that debate. Or Katie Porter.
If she wins - good for her - if she loses, let it end her political career forever because she contributed to ending democracy.
Its not. People hate her
It sort of has to be Harris because the moneys on her, literally. The Biden Harris campaign currently holds hundreds of millions in campaign donations, if Harris becomes the nominee she can use that money pretty easily, but if someone else takes over transferring that money becomes way more complex if it’s even possible.
The only solution I’ve heard to that problem is refunding them all with instructions to donate to the new person. That seems like it will produce some dollars for the new candidate, but way less than what is refunded.
Correction, Biden legit said “goodest job”, and if my soul was still functional I would have fell out of my chair when I heard it.
I definitely hear “goodest” and had no idea what “godd as” was, but was just leaving quotes as is.
On Colbert’s monologue he said that Biden’s campaign insisted on the Times changing it to “good as” for some reason
This is what I’ve been fuckin’ saying since the interview!! Jesus, it’s nice to finally hear a public figure precisely articulate a serious concern I have.
It reminds me of political posturing on other issues, like everyone says they believe the climate scientists but they sure as fuck ain’t acting like it.
Here too it really seems like those sounding the alarm aren’t alarmists at all. Trump is a fascist. But everyone’s still pretending like it’s completely fine to lose to him.
Welcome to first past the post.
First time?
Hmm, Jon Stewart has a lot of influence, like it or not. If he can get behind a movement to get Joe Biden to…
Stewart also noted he was not calling on Biden to step out of the race, but asked if Democrats could “open up” a larger conversation about their candidate.
Well, shit. We’re stuck with Joe, aren’t we?
He’s saying the bare minimum is an honest discussion and evaluation of Biden.
We’re not even getting that, were getting “buckle up buckaroos”
And being gaslight about valid doubts about an 81 year who just set the record for oldest US president ever is fit to go back to back…
but it’s only 4 months away! this is who the people chose!
No they didn’t. There were no primaries and no Democrat dared challenge Biden lest they face the party’s wrath.
If they watched the video, that was sarcasm. If they didn’t, it’s depressingly unclear.
I didn’t think there was ever a realistic chance of replacing him, honestly. We are indeed stuck with Joe.
But I appreciate that Stewart acknowledges these concerns rather than trying to gaslight us about it.
I don’t think anyone seriously is claiming Biden is without issue. Only that now is too late to call for replacing him.
They are basically the “blue no matter who” people. I’ll probably be one this election too, considering the alternative.
I’m not ‘blue no matter who’ I’m 'third parties mathematically cannot win the electoral college so I will vote strategically for whoever has an actual possibility of beating Trump, then down the ballot I am more free to vote with my conscience.
Are there any Republicans left who are not in the Trump cult?
Dick Cheney just called him out the other day. Dick frickin Cheney.
But I appreciate that Stewart acknowledges these concerns rather than trying to gaslight us about it.
Has literally anyone ever said that Biden is awesome and will be amazing and there are no issues? Nobody is gaslighting anyone, we just don’t want Trump to ruin the country in completely irreversible ways.
We were stuck with him a year ago. Unless you can turn back time and install ranked choice voting before primaries.
Thinking otherwise is delulu.
So both candidates have hijacked their own parties, as they can literally destroy them if they are forced out.
Always been that way. Shit sandwich vs Turd Burger
First Past the Post requires it.
Fuck that and fuck this, stop putting Biden on the same level as Trump. You can talk shit on him all you want, but he is infinitely better than Trump and it’s not even a discussion.
Reagan’s first term was infinitely better and worse than Trump. Second term Reagan is what we are looking at. Second term Reagan had me, a six year old in July of 1987, asking my parents why the most important man in the universe/ world was unable to complete a sentence, and why would we allow someone that clearly wasn’t in touch with reality to have access to the nuclear launch codes.
Biden is showing all of the mentally unstable issues Reagan did in 1984…
All that said, Live Biden > Dead Biden > Dead Trump > A Literal Steaming Pile of Cow Dung > Live Trump
I’m talking about the fact we only have two choices. First past the post. We should have ranked choice voting so a candidate cannot hijack their party like both candidates have.
This isn’t Nixon and Kennedy it’s Hitler (Trump) vs Chamberlain (Biden)
Understand the false dichotomy of choice that you’re in. Look at what France was just able to do, or what the UK finally did. The axiom of choice shouldn’t have to be binary.
Nooooo no no it hasn’t. Clinton vs the other guy was a BJ vs the other guy, Pre-wikileaks Bush vs Kerry was fool me cant be fooled again vs flip flops. McCain vs Obama was genuinely a war hero vs the first black prez. I’m not looking each election up and spitting from loose memory but the point is no fucking way has it ever been a rapist felon vs someone who was asked a question about abortion and was so fucking senile he answers with a fucking babbling story about a fuckin immigrant woman murdering I dont even know what the fuck he said it was so fuckin incoherent. There is no fuckin way you are old enough to vote if you are that short sighted that this is your stat quo.
Wat? You’re describing my point.
Shit sandwich vs Giant DoucheGiant Douche vs Turd Sandwich*
You guys are not voting only for the president. It’s everything that comes with that. Like the supreme Court and all other justices.
We won’t have the Presidency or likely the House or Senate if we stick with Biden.
I’m voting for Biden if he’s the one in the general, but I fear you may be right. Far too many normies have no idea what is at stake.
Yeah but even then it that is your only option & he still loses, then what happens when Democrats try the same thing again in 4 years. There can always be something worse than Trump and a party that capitalizes on that fear.
Stewart’s episode is basically calling for a primary, which we already had, which was known for years ahead of time would happen, which literally anybody could run in, and yet nobody significant seemed interested in running. I voted in the primary, there was more than one person to vote for, Biden even lost his primary in American Samoa. To say there was “no primary” is a lie, and suggesting a party swap out a candidate who already won a primary, and by doing so throw out the votes of millions of Americans who participated in that primary process, is anti-democatic. Do you want people to switch parties and vote in the republican primary? Because that’s how you do it. Did the DNC learn nothing from getting caught trying to crush Bernie’s primary chances?
You lose voters you disenfranchise, period. I don’t care how good the DNC’s legislative aims are, if my primary vote literally does not matter, why would I ever vote in their primary again?
There was effectively no primary, quit dissembling. What happened to the 18 month primary circuses of 2015?
“My city election for mayor didn’t have enough choices on the ballot so it effectively wasn’t an election and we should re-do the election”. Democracy is run by those who show up. Sometimes, not many people show up. Sometimes you don’t like the people who show up. Some people aside from Biden ran in the DNC primary, they lost. Anybody could have ran. If you don’t liked the limited field of candidates, in a democracy, your options are: vote for who is available and run. That’s it. Anything else (calling for another election because you don’t like the result) is not democracy.
Sometimes the people are very clear and the establishment still chooses whoever the fuck they want a la 2016 but sure
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Nobody showed up because the DNC wanted it that way. It’s standard operating procedure to blindly stand behind the incumbent because statistically incumbent has a higher chance to win.
It’s the safe option, so the DNC put their weight behind Biden.
If DNC actually wanted an open primary with all sorts of people trying to win, we could have done that. But we didn’t.
Now it’s becoming obvious Biden has no chances of winning this election because of his deteriorating mental condition. Not only that, he’s even less likely to be an effective head of state. Why are we choosing to put ul an almost-senile guy to represent the strongest country in the world?
I think another primary is fully justified. The best course of action would have been to have a real primary in the first place. But what else are you going to do at this point?
Biden can’t win and even if he could he shouldn’t win
Jon nailed it. I don’t know why the Biden team is insisting he stays.
Jill Biden said she didn’t want to give up her Presidency
Jon Stewart would be a pretty good candidate. I mean, totally horrible as a president in objective terms, but would work as a pretty great counterpoint to Trump.
I don’t know why you think he wouldn’t be a good President. A presidents job is largely rhetorical and Stewart is good at that. He also showed his mettle in his support and advocacy for 9/11 first responders.
That berating he gave them was amazing. Also gave me my favorite pic of McConnell
This is one of my favorite pic’s of all time and it also shows precisely how to navigate things like the house and senate from the outside.
The jester should not be the king. The jester should be the jester. It is a necessary role.
I mean I don’t disagree with you completely, but Stewart being the president would be like Trump (or, say, Reagan) in the way that none of them are politicians or have seriously studied the subject. Those people are some kind of entertainers.
I mean, Zelenskyy?
Guy was basically an entertainer, not too dissimilar from Stewart even in style and content.
And when the shit hit the fan, this is who he proved to be:
“I need ammunition, not a ride.”
I’m not sure that’s a fair comparison. Stewart has never served as an elected official, but he has ‘seriously studied’ politics his whole life. That’s more relevant than Trump or Reagan.
Also he strikes me as the person to listen to experts. Not experts (1)
(1) paid for by corporate interests
Because he’s always been someone’s useful idiot.
Is he funny? Yes.
Does he have some pretty good takes? I think so.
Do I enjoy his interviews? Sure.
Doesn’t mean that all those people willingly sat down for an interview with him knowing he was going to be asking questions. Hard questions. Questions that they knew people were asking. All of those interviews… he served the purpose of a sock puppet.
He asked hard questions that embarrassed the interviewees, surfaced their hypocrisy/cravenness, etc. and the purpose served was to… support and defend them like a sock puppet? What?
Recondition their image, yes.
I mean what kind of moron would expose them to that kind of media coverage knowing it would be that kind of media coverage?
Do you really think all those people go on thinking he’s gonna softball? No. Do you think they think they’re smarter or better? A few, maybe, but not most.
And all of those interviewees had media teams that set it up- who know all of this
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes it’s better to take the lumps and move on; and Stewart allows them to do that without being totally bloodthirsty.
Yes he’s “brutal”, but he’s also fair. He lets them respond. Gives airtime to their message while asking questions that are gonna get asked anyway.
Which is a damn sight more than what most media would be if there was no interview.
Watch the Gensler interview. Do you really think a the head of a federal chairperson doesn’t have access to a better space than an emptied-out-cubical-land? That’s all imaging to convince you of Gary’s narrative.
And Stewart has to more or less go with it; because otherwise the next person isn’t going to agree to sit down to an interview with him. They’ll go get someone else.
Do you really think all those people go on thinking he’s gonna softball? No.
Ask Tucker Carlson and Bill O’Reilly how they feel about that. Barrack Obama and John Kerry both had their own “give me a break here” moments with Stewart during their respective campaigns.
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Way to miss the fucking point.