Red states pay for shit?
Red states pay for shit?
I’m curious… when you say “circular needle”- I assume you mean knitting? Did you knit the color panels and stitch them together? Or is it all knit as one piece?
Also, out of curiosity, have you tried crocheting? There’s a lot of patterns for a lot of stuffies (including the Japanese art of amo-I’m-not-even-going-to-spell-it)
Buttons is sure to be loved by whoever he goes to , though. Quite the adorable hippo.
Not if I get their first.
They will never be found again. To quote G’kar… they can rest assured that while some parts may be found again, they will never find all of them.
Also, OP, can you do me a favor and give Teddy some scritches and belly rubs? After Teddy wakes up, of course.
one wonders… why a cow? like I assume the cow was more or less minding its own business- it can’t fly, so the ow could just avoid it at will…
Yes. But you have to spoof your browser credentials.
Excellent… thanks I didn’t see that. I know some kids that’ll enjoy them.
(Honest. It’s for the kids… don’t look at me like that,)
Hording holy water? what are they preparing for vampires or something?
in any case, it reads more like a midlife crisis or some kind of accute mental illness.
Scotty was the hero saying “old my beer” and keeping the old bucket from falling apart as her captain chases every skirt in the sector
I don’t think there’s anything “arbitrary” about who they fuck over.
is it bad if I’m trying to find that shirt on the nebraska wildlife rehab site?
for having scarffed an entire cake and passing out on the couch… she’s cuter than I’ll ever be.
for the record, if you happen to be near a zoo with a snake house (or that has snakes,) you could probably ask the zookeeper. If they didn’t know already they have snakes and probably wouldn’t mind setting that up. (they also probably have multiple identical dishes and such like.)
well. I suppose that could be an email, if you happen to be not close. But if you are, I’ve never met a zookeeper that didn’t love to talk about their animals and answer random questions like that.
well, there was one awkward moment. suffice it to say, that telling 7 yo’s a horse is masturbating is not a conversation anyone wants to have.
there’s exactly one thing more to add:
Fuck these assholes. with a solid gold version of a bad dragon dildo, without lube, and a very coarse sand-blast finish.
(Why solid gold you ask? because it has a very high thermal conductivity and mass. so it’d be a very unpleasant, very cold fucking. it’s the same reason I laugh at trump’s solid gold toilet. the thermal mass and conductivity on the toilet is high enough the seat will never get warm under your tush.) )(unless they’re into that sort of thing.)
what an adorable fluff ball.
if I had them for a classmate, I probably wouldn’t have hated all my classmates.
I’ve a better idea.
arrested, charged and convicted for fraud. wanna bet NY state has laws he violated, too?
Deranging easily distracted by latinum. Or just shiny things. Or women with clothes.
Fun fact, there’s a very strong geographical correlation between the measles outbreak and rates of antivaxers declining to vaccinate their kids.
“Fun” in the “omg it’s awful people are that fucking stupid” sense.
Also. Fuck RFK JR.
My guess is contamination in the cake.
Or maybe something else it got into. Generally people who shoot animals don’t get them to wildlife rehab centers.