I got banned from reddit (honestly feel a lot better without it)

But I miss being able to answer stupid questions and relationship questions.

Lemmy is great, but why aren’t there that many people on here? I don’t get it.

An I using my filters wrong or something?

  • Cold Hotman
    162 years ago

    Competition, reputation and federation. In essence, retention.

    1. Competition

    There’s a ton of social news aggregators out there and most of them are much better at advertising their site than the entire lemmyverse together.

    1. Reputation

    Lemmy has a reputation among many as a far left, for some - extremist platform. A large mastodon user that boosts accounts actively warned about Lemmy in a pretty bad way a while back. The other day a public representative for a company withdrew their community the same day they created it due to the public backlash.

    1. Federation

    It’s difficult to grasp how federation, and particularly lemmy federation works for people unfamiliar with the concept. They might get a wrong impression of the lemmyverse after visiting just one instance, not realizing it’s only a part of it. Or they could be stuck on an instance with few posts that interests them.

    • vxnxnt
      92 years ago

      The other day a public representative for a company withdrew their community the same day they created it due to the public backlash.

      This was probably Bitwarden on the Sopuli instance right? Could you perhaps share a link discussing this in detail?

        • @nachtigall@feddit.de
          142 years ago

          we had to remove the Bitwarden instance for the time being, to review the flood of responses coming in to us from the community regarding information about the purpose behind Lemmy via the creators

          What the heck? It’s free software and a specific detail about free software is that it may be used for any purpose regardless of the authors ideas. That’s some serious fucked up witch hunt.

        • vxnxnt
          92 years ago

          Such a shame…

          I was even excited to see them join a community as small as ours.

          • Cold Hotman
            62 years ago

            I know, it really saddened me. We need to discuss these things, work together to change the federated culture and become attractive to new users. But it feels like everywhere I look, people either want to compete directly or they can’t see the big picture.

      • @graphito@beehaw.org
        62 years ago

        Lemmy is a software our instances are running on. Here are some instances:

        Lemmygrad is far left, communist instance, expressing pro US, against Russia and pro Ukraine position will swiftly get you banned

        Lenny.ml (where you are registered) is under strong influence of lemmygrad. Happens mostly with a little help of an admin who supports lemmygrad. Although it has fair share of non communists who are slowly realising my previous sentence.

        Wolfballs is right wing instance.

        Almost any other instance is much less directed towards politics, but ideologically either centrist, leftist or apolitical at all.

        • comfy
          32 years ago

          What makes you suggest that an admin is the cause of the cross-influence? They’re, by far, the two biggest federated instances, and both explicitly “leftist” (which, in their context, means socialist). Of course there will be many users coming across and influencing the posts.

          • @graphito@beehaw.org
            -12 years ago

            Clearly pointing to this information will get me banned as it was the last time. So I’ll just invite you to take note of this possibility and keep your eyes open.

      • @vekku
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator