From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • I’ve been in a similar position and I’m in my early 40s now. The best advice I can give is live out of spite. The reality is that your job, sexual endeavors, and achievements are ultimately meaningless. So much of it is just material things we can’t take with us. So much of this is requires gradual, iterative change.

    • Working out makes you feel mentally better
    • Which can lead to being noticed more
    • Which can lead to increased confidence

    The cycle continues. All of it starts with you though. The earth is a beautiful place even if humans are endlessly petty, materialistic, and self-centered. Even if you spent your day walking around your city, that’s a step in the right direction.

    I know you didn’t ask for advice and I understand. That’s why I’m trying to put thoughts here that are not comprised of the same old 2-dimensional feedback you might receive off the cuff in your lifetime. Life is hard. It just is. I was laid off for 3 months and that was miserable. I lived with my family into my early 30s because I was a struggling graphic artist in a shitty town where pay was scarce.

    But the things that pulled me out were:

    • Spending my nights teaching myself how to code (can be done on even the cheapest of laptops)
    • Forcing myself to not give a shit about what others were doing
    • Forcing myself to get outdoors and remember that the world is vast and we’re all derived from space dust

    Life can suck for a long time, so you have to find the bright spots. Even if it’s something like “I saw a cool bird today.” You need those little jump off points to spark interest.

    I still struggle constantly, but I always try to remind myself that life isn’t a race and at the end of the day, so much of the shit we’re expected to care about is just meaningless. That’s not a bad thing. It can be freeing. Breaking the cycle of depression is tough and can become an endless circle. The only one that can break it is you and you alone. When it comes to your own life, you are the one part that truly matters. The rest follows with time.

  • Even allowing one country to compete and not another leads to a slippery slope. Like suddenly we’re letting one slide while the other can’t compete based on some arbitrary rules? Sounds like favoritism and/or pay-to-play. The US pulls so many strings, it makes sense why Israel gets a pass when they don’t deserve one. It’s all about US influence.

  • orca@orcas.enjoying.yachtstoComic Strips@lemmy.worldOlympics
    13 hours ago

    Any country with leadership that commits war crimes should not be allowed to compete. Israel, the US, China, doesn’t matter who. Also, any soldier working for a foreign army that is well known for committing atrocities should absolutely not be allowed to compete.

    Make it easy.

    I get what the meme is saying, but IMO it’s not executed as clearly and well as it could’ve been.

  • A lot of this can be attributed to corporations and the (b/m)illionaire class forcing us all into a position where we too have to try and find a way forward, and a way to get wealthy. Those needs lead to things like people working multiple gig jobs like Uber Eats; trying to monetize crypto or basically any hobby we can think of; distracting ourselves with junk because we can’t come to terms with the fact that our lives are all lacking because the ruling class is constantly draining us dry.

    There is always a link back to the ruling class with these things.

    Why are minority neighborhoods fucked? Because the ruling class doesn’t see them as profitable; because the landlord class sees their land as a commodity and drives them out, or takes over and continues to gentrify.

    Why can’t anyone afford rent? Because the landlord class drives prices up simply because they can. What do people in desperate times like this do? They seek out what they consider “easy money” such as crypto, selling hobbies, etc. Drop-shipping junk on Etsy and even buying it for themselves.

    We live in a country that forces downward pressure on everyone that isn’t swimming in money.

    “But what about people in tech that get paid well?” — they are still trying to seek their own shortest way out due to constant burnout because of layoffs and “line go up” pressure. Yet again, the ruling class is at the root of the problem.

  • My more liberal friends haven’t liked Biden basically since the start. He was just the only option against Trump, whom they hate (a wonderful position our duopoly has put us all into). I will never be a fan of anyone that cheerleads for politicians though. It’s cringe to me. They work for us, not the other way around.

    If Kamala actually comes out fully against the genocide in Gaza that Biden has been recklessly fueling, that will be a good sign. We need at least one Democrat to break this status quo mold bullshit.