Jupiter’s Legacy in case anyone is curious what the show is.
Make a show with Legacy in the title
It has absolutely no impact
It’s like poetry it rhymes.
The real legacy is the legacy’s we made about this legacy
Legacy’s what?
Legacy’s Nutz
What’s updog?
You have no idea how much it means to me that you’re asking—I…I’ve been going through such a tough time and I have no one around to ask me how I’m doing.
My whole family has basically shut me out of their lives. It’s been lonely. I just need someone to listen, yknow?
So, 9/11 was an inside job and Hillary Clinton is a lizard…
How’s that VCR repair coming?
It’s nearly finished! Just 12 more years and you’ll have the fastest VCR on the market, Mr. Plinkett.
The Virgin: “The Netflix algorithm didn’t show it to me so it must have been shit.”
The Chad: “The Netflix algorithm didn’t show it to me so the algorithm must be shit.”
I literally watched it and still didn’t remember it until you said that name. Still couldn’t tell you a damn thing about it.
Of course you can, it’s about superheroes, you can see it in the costumes.
Nothing besides that though. I also watched it and am drawing a blank. I think there was a scene with a boat for some reason?
So yeah, canceling it made perfect sense.
All I remember is thinking how horrible the fake beard looked and now I’m wondering how much of the 200 million was spent on it.
All of the costumes and hair were terrible. I don’t know how they managed to blow that much money on something so terrible.
Fake beard from this and fake NO mustache Superman combine for the perfectly bad superhero movie
How can you hav a superman with no mustache?
I distinctly recall trying to watch the first few minutes and wondering to myself how they got the Power Rangers sets & props to look so clean. It was a fetid pile of wet shit otherwise, but the palpable cringe each actor seemed to be trying not to emote along with their lines was entertaining in a way. 🤷🏼♂️🤣
I’ve never heard of it, and my wife & I are on Netflix multiple times a week.
As a side note, other streaming services that took their stuff off of Netflix to make their own service because “hurr durr we want that money!”, have discovered that it’s hard to run and not always profitable. There are a LOT of things that have been gone off of Netflix for awhile that have suddenly started to show back up because content owners have discovered that it’s much easier to let Netflix deal with the infrastructure and just get paid. I remember when Netflix had almost everything you could want to watch in one place, and it was glorious! If you’ve cancelled over the lack of content, maybe give it another look. If you cancelled over the cost, maybe it’s more worth it now?
I’m not a Netflix shill, I just remember the days when it was awesome because of the massive selection, and I’m hopefully seeing it slowly coming back around.
No thanks, they ruined the witcher and they’re dead to me.
The massive selection existed because cable users paid for it. The big companies made content based on cable customers. Then licensed to netflix for extra profit just like they licensed to other countries’ broadcasters for extra profit.
Then netflix killed the cable income, so it wasn’t profitable to make these shows, netflix wouldn’t pay the cost of licensing these shows for the actual cost so the licenses dropped and everyone had to make their own service’s.
Rather, it’s netflix that is finding out that it’s difficult to make good shows, they lived on licencing other people’s shows, paid for by cable, then when they killed that money source they are struggling to produce good enough content to make their service worth it.
Netflix didn’t kill cable’s income, cable did that all on its own.
Netflix has had some successes with their own shows, however their approach has always been “throw all the shit against the wall and see what sticks”.
Problem is they’d cancel a lot of stuff that did stick. Ending so many shows after one or two seasons and letting them end unresolved leaves a bitter taste in a viewers mouth. I quit watching almost any Netflix show before knowing the show has a proper ending. I’m sure they’ve put off the final season of stranger things over the last three years less because it wasn’t able to be finished sooner and more because they think a bunch of people are still subscribed only because they’re waiting to see the finale before unsubscribing.
No, netflix did. Let’s not be silly. Cable succeeded by itself for decades then netflix came along and said have everything for ten bucks a month. Everyone switched. Cable started its death ride its been on since.
But netflix could only offer everything for ten bucks a month because Cable customers were the ones paying for that content to be made.
This isn’t about cable, they’re sinking themselves by burying their head in the sand and pretending like streaming isn’t a threat - all while bleeding subscribers.
As for Netflix, you’ve got your take backwards. Netflix was licensing all of the content and paying the content owners fees. NBC, CBS, Paramount, HBO (now Max), AMC, Disney… they all got greedy. They saw the money Netflix was making, and they thought they could make more by keeping the content, creating their own services, and raking in the cash. Unfortunately that created a glut of new problems. Some of these providers don’t have enough content to justify their price to consumers. Consumers struggle to find shows they want to watch now because content is spread so thin, so they give up. Most importantly, consumers feel nickeled & dimed. They don’t want to pay for numerous services, so it becomes a game of “which one(s) am I going to subscribe to, and which am I going to ignore?”. Many of these services have struggled and lost money, so they’ve decided that it’s easier to license the content back to Netflix, let Netflix handle pricing, infrastructure, subscriber retention, etc., and they can cash the licensing checks.
Their take on Netflix isn’t backwards. Netflix was able to get all of those shows initially because the streaming licenses were really cheap, cause they were making enough money through cable subscriptions. Once streaming caught on though the companies started raising the prices and/or withholding content because the cable money stopped flowing. Remember Friends cost Netflix $100 million and over $500 million for Seinfeld.
You could be right, but my understanding was that content owners pulled content from Netflix because they thought they could make more money setting up their own streaming services. Most are at worst losing money, and at best not bringing in projected profits, so they’re moving content back to Netflix and taking the licensing money.
Netflix offered an alternative, but people left cable because cable was crap. If cable was good, people wouldn’t have left.
Netflix could still offer things for $10 a month, but they don’t want to, because now they’re crap, too. They’re not crap because cable isn’t producing any more shows, though - the old shows are still just as strong of a draw as they always have been. However it doesn’t help that these old shows have exclusive deals where they all end up on different platforms.
The main reason we don’t have good new shows anymore is the strikes. Covid a little bit, too, but in general the writers and actors just haven’t been working so much.
no, people left cable because cable was /expensive/ it wasn’t crap. netflix was just cable content all in one place and cheaper. Then it switched to netflix produced content and they have struggled. as evidenced by everyone wishing it was like the old days.
And it actually REALLY had serious potential that gets to drown like most Netflix shows.
Idk how the person never has never heard of it before. It’s not like Netflix are subtle about promoting their original series.
I’ve never heard of it either so seems plausible to me
Neither have I and I have the damn screenshot saved. It also looked so utterly meh that I never bothered ever looking it up in the first place. Like this still easily could have passed for the cover of some daddy/mommy porn superhero series with how cheesy it looks.
It wasn’t amazing, but I thought it was pretty decent. Still prefer The Boys though. More exploding dicks in that show.
I remember the firecracker willy in genV. Was there one ( or more ) also in The Boys?
Never heard of it and I’m chronically online.
I’ve also never heard of or seen this show
It looks like power ranges meet marvel.
It’s more like Boardwalk Empire meets Invincible.
But don’t expect the same level of quality.
I have never heard of it, and didn’t know where this picture was from.
It’s also highly dependent on viewing history. There’s a ton of Netflix originals I’ve never seen because I don’t watch that kind of show. I don’t think I’ve ever had Bridgerton thrown in my face, but it’s just not my kind of show. This and that one with Mike Meyers I’ve seen a ton of the time, though.
Never heard of it until now, I’m online all the time. Cancelled Netflix 6 months ago since the quantity and quality balance of their content wasn’t worth it anymore with all the price increases.
Never heard of it. Netflix also likes to put you in little niche bubbles as soon as you show interest in one genre.
It felt like it had, at most, a month of advertisement, came out, people realized that was Thad Hamilton and not Raylan Givens, and then it was ignored even by the people who insist that Millar is not a hack.
Also doesn’t help that all the action was horrible. And it was almost instantly compared to The Old Guard where Charlize Theron continued to demonstrate why “dancer with some gymnastics background” is nigh perfection for “visible face” action sequences with stunt actors and masked putties.
I saw promos for this show for weeks after it had been cancelled and I’d watched the whole thing.
I don’t watch shows on Netflix any more until they come to a conclusion. They cancel shit so often that I can’t know that whatever I choose to watch on there will wrap up and come to a satisfying end or not.
I wonder if this is a cyclic issue.
People start waiting to watch shows due to cancellations, Netflix sees viewership is down and cancels show early, more people start waiting for new shows.
I imagine it is. We are kind of making things worse. But at the same time the issue started because they kept canceling shows. People would watch what they wanted, and some just didn’t have a big enough audience, or Netflix just didn’t care, so they would get canceled. And that’s why now some of us don’t watch what we want, because what we want is likely to get canceled, even if we do watch it. Us not watching it just increases those chances. But I’m not willing to spend time on a 1 season show that gets left without a finish.
I think another problem is that they have a little of everything. If you want a particular type of show, they probably have made it. Maybe even more than once. But that also means the viewership gets spread a little thinner, which means many of them aren’t getting as many views as the big name shows.
I agree with what you said, but would like to clarify: WE did not make things worse. THEY did. We simply reacted, and they are greedy as fuck.
They had a good thing going for decades. They could have rode that cash cow into the sunset, but she’s just not fat enough for them.
It’s like how I stopped trying new things at Friendly’s because every time I liked something it was gone from the menu next time I went.
Nah, they’ve always been like this. The two-season limit has been A Thing since early on.
Which is dumb as hell considering their early success with The Office. They know people want a big-ass series they can watch over and over. Doing that in-house should be a dead easy way to prevent competition (until we claw back mandatory syndication from these bastard petit monopolies) and avoid licensing their cash cow from another company.
What really pisses me off are the showrunners who do cliffhanger endings anyway. You know you’re not getting a third season! You aren’t doing Stranger Things numbers. Don’t blame the lawnmower when you stick your hand in, you know it’s gonna cut you short and feel nothing.
cries in Mindhunter
HBO Discovery Max whatever did this with Raised by Wolves too, so I think all the players are rethinking their content
Raised by Wolves was killed by David Zaslav when HBO was brought by Discovery. The is the reason Discovery switched from educational programmes to reality TV. He ruins everything he touches.
IMO Raised by Wolves had a strong start, but was already fading by the end of the first season.
Raised by Wolves made no sense and I had no idea where it was going. So naturally I’m disappointed that it got cancelled.
I only really watch Mike Flanagan’s stuff on there. Pretty much just makes single complete seasons, done.
This is why I mostly only watch their limited series, since its always one season and done. Not always good (eg Bodies is nowhere as good as Dark), but at least it ends.
I mean that’s not any different than ever. Tv shows get cancelled all the time regardless of their platform.
Netflix doesn’t promote shows, they drop them all in one day killing any ability to talk with people you know about them, and they kill their most popular titles to save money. They’re much worse than old school TV that needed to, at least, pretend to care about the shit they made.
I can’t think of anything worse than a satisfying ending.
I watched the whole thing. I’ve certainly seen worse from bigger studios.
If Jupiter’s Legacy had gotten a second season, I would’ve watched it.
Yeah. I liked the comic it was based on. Live action stuff based on Mark Millar’s work is largely hit or miss. I liked the direction they went with Super Crooks (animated and also on Netflix).
Super Crooks was an 11/10.
100% worth watching, if only for the grooviest anime intro of all time
Damn they gave their dicks the original tomb raider treatment
Yeah I thought that was fucking bizarre. No packer or anything. Just a fucking… box? Or are they insinuating that being a superhero means your dick is shaped like a pyramid?
Is yours not? Maybe I should see a doctor.
Given the similar edges on the boob muscles I assume it’s just costume style. Take it up with Edna Mode.
one would expect the buldges to have higher resolution at that budget
I came to the conclusion that Netflix doesn’t understand marketing. The hit shows they had seem to be lucky finds and they think they can reproduce that by dumping money into a show and telling no one about it. Like fanboys will just watch whatever Daddy Netflix gives them.
Cowboy Bebop is a perfect example. They market it to die hard anime fans and no one else. Those fans hate it and it gets cancelled. The show wasn’t that bad and people like my dad would have loved it, had he ever heard about it.
Hard agree on the live action Cowboy Bebop. It was pretty good, all in all.
Honestly they nailed Jet so hard, it was fantastic. Just his whole vibe captured perfectly.
The original stuff was pretty good. It faltered hardest when it tried to recreate shots one for one from the anime.
Well, it faltered the hardest with Ed in the final scene. Not a good lasting impression.
Yup. I don’t think it was a perfect retelling but the episodes with Spike, Jet, and Faye just being bounty hunters were so damn enjoyable. I’m really bummed we didn’t get more of that.
I really like cowboy bebop the live action and anime and was crushed when they canceled it. But no one out side of anime circles hear about. Everyone I have told to watch it has loved it. They need to be more selective again and market those select shows and slowly build a catalog of good shows. Instead they where worried they where going to lose people when other companies started their own streaming services and just green lit everything and then canceled 99% of them before people could even find them.
i friggen loved it. So fucked that the loud anime crowd lost their shit that a live action show apparently didn’t perfectly replicate in every single detail their beloved child.
Perfect became the murderer of really great.
Seriously im still so angry it got canned.
Finally someone like me! I really enjoyed that it wasn’t a complete recreation of the anime, which would be impossible to recapture the perfect madness that was the original. Instead they kinda riffed on the madness of the original in their own way which I think really plays to the jazz tone of the show.
I fucking hate weeb fans for reasons like this they really are the worst, fans in general ruin good things. I also liked the live action GITS but that also took flak from other directions.
I too am still salty
My dad actually really liked the cowboy bebop live action show, I think he said he even watched some of the anime after, which is pretty crazy as I don’t think he’s ever watched anime intentionally on his own before.
which is pretty crazy as I don’t think he’s ever watched anime intentionally on his own before.
I mean, Cowboy Bebop is sometimes referred to as “the anime for people who say they don’t like anime” for a reason. It’s many people’s first foray into the world of anime, and it’s what helps them ditch the “eh it’s all just cartoons for kids” mentality.
I wish it were also a gateway drug for Jazz.
Actually anime kinda did for me! silly cat from skekz was my introduction to jazz just recently. I had no idea I liked this kind of music but it was in a video named something like music from flcl dreams.
Same here! It really expanded my view of music. Not just Jazz but all kinds of instrumental music. I never shutdown a song because it’s “country”, “reggae”, “rap” whatever. I always give it a try and it’s 100% because of the soundtrack for this show.
Also if you haven’t heard the new stuff they made for the reboot, it’s pretty solid!
The show looked pretty stupid based on the thumbnail and trailer, and I avoided it for a long time. But I actually ended up really enjoying it. I thought it was a very good show.
Same! It had a great message that boomers/silent gen need to get out of the way because their passive approach to villians just hadn’t worked.
I only watched it because I ran out of episodes of The Boys to watch and wanted more. So I watched both seasons of Invincible and still wanted more. I begrudgingly started Jupiter’s Legacy and ended up really enjoying it, and recommending it to fans of the other two shows.
Tried ‘Doom Patrol’ on HBO Max yet?
I did! It wasn’t available for free streaming yet and I wasn’t sailing, so I bought the whole first season. For some reason that one never really clicked with me. I ended up stopping after the first few episodes.
If it’s any consolation, I think the show really loses steam after season 2. It gets so samey. I haven’t been able to muster the will to watch s4 (or second half s4 idr how much I’ve seen)
In your opinion do you think it ended in a satisfying way knowing it was canceled?
I suppose. It definitely should have a follow-up season, but I guess we’ll never get that. At least it ends with a big reveal, and not them still leading up to it.
I don’t watch shows that have been canceled. It always ends up frustrating me as I either enjoy the setting/characters etc or there’s a cliffhanger or set up for another season that’ll never be followed up on. The shit thing is, there are shows that have been canceled that I have been interested in but I don’t want to spend a whole day or several days to finish a season to then wonder if that was it.
This is what they spent the subscription increase on lol
That show sucked ass. I got through the first episode. I’m sure it worked better as a comic book. The villain was like, killing the superheroes left and right and then one of the heroes finally killed the villain (who had escaped prison or something) and then the papa hero got all pissy because “We don’t kill!” Just really stupid stuff
Googled just to see, it’s a Mark Millar comic didn’t need to read any further, it was an edgy take at superheroes, how rare from him
I thought about Frank Miller’s Hardboiled reading your comment. Would love to see a live action from that comic.
Absolutist characters are so 2000s
Lmao you just reminded me that I DID watch the first episode of this forgettable mess.
Yeah I watched the first episode and thought this is stupid, badly acted, and treading old ideas. Super hero’s aren’t my favorite genre but there is a fair amount of content in the genre I like. This one was just bad. Also when i saw the costumes they were so bad I expected a pullback shot showing this was a movie set within the show.
What are these, Amish superheroes or something?
Amish superheroes! With the ability to molest their younger sisters with the strength of an ox and the speed of a cheetah.
It was actually not a terrible show either, wife and I enjoyed it
What’s the show called? Feels like people are allergic to naming it.
Jupiter’s Legacy. I had to look it up, I watched the entire season and couldn’t remember the title either.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Still disappointed. What a cast!
deleted by creator
That’s the Jamie Fox one right? I watched it and didn’t get anything out of it other than in that world people take drugs to get powers which wasn’t the most innovative thing ever
deleted by creator
Sounds like tax fraud or something
I find it funny how both Netflix and Amazon are just so good at burning money on mediocre shite nowadays. Amazon’s studio output has always been throwing obscene money at any pitch or stupid idea, but once upon a time when Netflix promoted their own shows, you just knew they were going to be worth watching.
It’d be fine, if both companies hadn’t ruined their products and laid off hundreds, if not thousands of people.
Netflix still CAN make good shows, usually they’re from Spain or south Corea though
This is probably the most American comment I’ve ever seen on Lemmy (so far)
My car got towed when I went to the doctor (I’m too overweight to walk very far) and my medical bill was huge, so now I am bankrupt. At least I can sell my gun range that’s also a bar for cash. If I don’t fix my financial situation now, my kids will never be able to afford college, forever dooming my descendents to a life of burger flipping and penury.
Technically, it isn’t burning any money, it’s all a tax write-off and they don’t necessarily have any profit to report to the IRS. The US Film Industry has always been like that: employ all your friends, keep the money flowing, buy nice houses for the shareholders and producers, then pull the rug on anybody who worked for “percent of net profit/earnings.” Hollywood accounting, they call it.
A lot less funny with all the context.
I watched it. It was a good looking show. And the origin story (which took over half the season I think) was well done. But where it really fell down is that none of the characters are likeable. At the end of the season I was kind of relieved it was over because I didn’t care whether any of them lived or died.
Well now I’m curious about a watchable disaster. What was the name of this?
I watched the whole thing. And I could not tell you the name of it for the life of me.
Jupiter something?
Heh I watched it too, it had a generic name I feel was nearly cliche or similar to something else…? The Heroes? The Unlimited? Ultimates?
Edit: haha maybe I thought it was similar to some also forgettable movie name but I was way off…
Feels like everybody in this thread got hit with mind altering memetic imagery.
Unlikeable characters is now CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. Maybe the Wire/Sopranos/Breaking Bad did it well? Or maybe it was just fresh? But unlikeable characters is not going to hold up another dumb super hero show.
I didn’t think it was that good anyway, but it boggles belief that they spent that much on one season of anything. 200 million is a ludicrous amount of money, and they just flushed it and went “oops lol, anyway, here’s wonderwall”.
I hope they didn’t use that image in any of the marketing. It just looks like geriatric super heroes. Why would I want to watch that?
That sounds far more interesting that the run-of-the-mill crap churned out by the MCU.
If it’s a comedy, I see the potential for hilarity. Geriatric superheroes mentoring the next generation of heroes could be a good comedy drama.
deleted by creator
And yet people still pay for the shit. Because… social peer pressure? Addiction?
All I read is how people can’t afford shit, streaming is expensive, the content sucks, I can’t steal passwords anymore; yet people keep paying for this shit and their subscribership keeps increasing.
People need to vote with their wallets.
People still pay for it because canceling an account apparently isn’t cancelling an account…
I dropped Netflix years ago, cancelled the account like I can’t even log in, it says account doesn’t exist, and yet up until I noticed it a few months ago they were still taking money from my PayPal…