I didn’t realize that RDR was created for less powerful systems and runs well on Switch. I guess I’m thinking of RDR2. Every cross platform game I’ve bought for my Switch so far has been a pretty big bummer.
There’s a Linux specific Steam program though. Is there a Linux specific GOG program?
I thought the concept was really neat when I saw the game and bought it. After 10 minutes I was bored and never played it again.
If you have a Nintendo Switch then Snipperclips is a really fun and cute co-op.
Better yet, can we just get a law that makes it so when we buy something we own it?
Wide map is wide.
Before I got a radar detector, on long trips I’d match speed with someone who was driving like they probably had a radar detector.
What if I’m lost in Rome?
The Switch is great for games made for the Switch. It’s pretty terrible for games made for more powerful platforms. It takes forever for stuff to load, and the GFX are poor.
If I’m not going to use their game manager, then why would I buy the game from them instead of just buying it directly from the game studio? I guess because game studios rarely distribute their own games anymore?
Plus, unless the installers have the full package, it’ll still require an internet connection. Usually installers download the files and then install them.
Hey, it’s Sarah Connor!
I think people, including Tasha, are forgetting that she’s the one who chose to leave the show.
My friend flipped a quad by himself and the end of the handlebars landed on his face, shattering his orbital socket. He laid up there half blind on the top of a mountain until his wife got worried and went looking for him a couple hours later. Thankfully he had a full recovery, but sheesh!
When my kid was a kid he was riding around on one of those little 50cc quads. They don’t go very fast, and he was just on flat, level, ground, so we didn’t bother putting a helmet on him. My friend and I were standing there watching him, and chit chatting. My son started getting more daring, and gassing it through figure 8’s and almost tipped the quad a couple times leaning the wrong way, so we decided that he should put a helmet on “just in case”. A couple minutes later he flipped the quad and broke the face guard of the helmet in half. That would have been his jaw, had he not been wearing the helmet. So yes, even when you’re going slow, and just diddling around on a quad, you should always wear your helmet.
Cool, thank you.