There’s discussion on pineapplemachine’s instance about the questionable moderating practices on

I joined sopuli especifically due to not wanting to associate with that kind of practices as I really believe there should be a minimum freedom to criticise any government’s actions. Is my belief compatible with this instance or should I think about self hosting?

So far I’m liking it here a lot.

  • QuentinCallaghanMA
    1 year ago

    Is my belief compatible with this instance or should I think about self hosting?

    Yes, your belief is definitely compatible! What bugs me about is that the moderation practices are not always clear, and the admins’ political leanings show. Unlike Beehaw, I haven’t had a manifesto or a grand vision of Sopuli. There are however principles for moderation that have formed: the scientific method and people behaving like in a furnished space. We are not free speech absolutists either, because Voat and currently Twitter have embodied where that leads.

    • @naeap
      91 year ago

      thanks for providing Sopuli!
      matches my beliefs perfectly. Very happy, that I can be here :⁠-⁠)

    • @blujanOP
      71 year ago

      Amazing because I think as well that we shouldn’t be tolerant of intolerance like Voat and Twitter are now. Thank you for your response.

    71 year ago

    Here and Beehaw seem like good instances. The drawback with Beehaw is that you can’t create communities there. I don’t know enough about the smaller instances to comment on it. That said, if you want to self-host and have the means, why not? What better way to make sure it’s done right than to do it yourself?

    • @blujanOP
      1 year ago

      I think if sopuli is akin to my interests and beliefs I can better spend the 4 euros or so that it would cost me to self host by helping with the hosting of sopuli so more people can benefit from it.

      ETA: it could also save me time, which I really don’t have a lot to tinker nowadays.

    • @_ed
      1 year ago

      To provide context the devs have stated openly the instance is not a flagship instance and is specifically a leftist foss community (Also why it isn’t in the recommended instances in the join-lemmy site. )

      It’s fortunate that you can see how things work then move to another instance but still sub back to the communities you like, if lemmy main isn’t your bag.

      • QuentinCallaghanMA
        81 year ago

        And to add, the developers themselves expressed interest in providing hosting temporarily for a mainstream or liberal instance.

  • Netto Hikari
    21 year ago

    This is why I first opted for KBin instead of Lemmy for my own instance, as the admins of are also the lead developers of Lemmy. It just felt unethical.

    I didn’t like KBin and ended up with Lemmy anway, as FOSS software like this isn’t really political, as it can be forked, if necessary.

    I’m still against ideology like that and I will remove the heart shaped donation icon from the top bar of my instance soon, so that the devs will not make any money from my instance.