• 21 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • I’m not sure how Zelensky could have stopped the war

    Russia attacked Ukraine and it wasn’t just about some called Russian minority in the east, else they wouldn’t have rolled with tanks for Kiew.

    What would have been your solutions to the problem, when a much larger state attacks your sovereign nation?

    Edit: and on a second read:
    How did Zelensky start the war? Oo

  • Are we still enough equipped, when we throw out all the American jets, the USA can just disable remotely (or at least don’t give us the codes to start - actually I’m not entirely sure, what the reality here is, but it seems the USA has some say in the usage of our fighter jets, when they are bought from the USA)?

    I’d really like to find some comfort in your words, but all the shit I read doesn’t look pretty for us in Europe

  • Ok, maybe it’s because I’m not a native English speaker, but I couldn’t really follow.

    I got, that Trump blames Biden (and I personally add: somehow still Obama, because it seems a brown president still hurts some white supremacy feelings) for everything.
    That’s his typical playbook, yeah.

    But I don’t really understand your last sentence.
    What do you mean with ‘Biden manipulation’?

    It’s late here and I’ve had my fair share of beers, so maybe it’s just me, but I’m a bit stuck to interpret that.

  • What the fuck is he even doing?
    What’s the point of threatening, then implementing and then again reversing those tariffs?

    This has become a pattern now, and I don’t think, that it’s only incompetence, because they haven’t thought it through.

    Is this really only a pump’n’dump on the stock market, so he and and friends can get richer?

    Or what’s the deal here?
    Is it just to move the public focus away from other stuff, because this tariffs would be major things (actually: issues) and he uses them to divert attention, while he fucks over most of the parts of the remaining part of national government and courts?

    As this is reoccurring, this doesn’t feel right.

  • naeaptoKlimawandel@feddit.orgKlimaanlagen in Wohnungen
    10 hours ago

    Gerade bei Wohnungen ist das ja doof mit der Abluft, oder?

    Welche Lösungen gibt es hier denn so?
    Kenn nur die Dinger, wo man den Schlauch aus’n Fenster hängt

    Solaranlage hatte ich bereits gekauft und zu Hause, aber nachdem mein Balkon eine betonierte Balkonwand (und kein Geländer) hat, war das Anbringen nicht ohne weiteres möglich und professionell wollte mir keine Firma das übernehmen, weil sie mir die Statik vom Balkon nicht abnehmen wollten - was vielleicht auch ein legitimer Punkt ist, wenn in 1-2 so 2m² Flügel mal der Wind rein fährt…

    Am liebsten wäre mir, wenn ich die Wärme im Büro raus krieg und damit mein Heißwasser im Boiler aufheizen könnte.
    Aber Installateurfirmen haben mich da ein wenig ausgelacht und gemeint, das ist Science Fiction…
    Wobei mir ehrlich nicht klar ist, warum man das nicht machen können sollte

    Such also noch immer nach ner Lösung um mein Büro im Sommer erträglich zu machen. Mit Server und mehreren Rechnern drin spar ich mir zwar im Winter die Heizung, aber nachdem es südlich ausgerichtet ist, knallt im Sommer halt die Sonne voll drauf

  • I just don’t know how a grown up and educated human can still look for a leader in its life

    I’m in favour of a primus inter pares concept, so I do get, that I give off responsibility in some parts of my life to people, who just do it better.
    Like, I’m not really good with mechanical stuff, others are. So it’s better that they do it.
    But I’m rather good with computer stuff, so we help each other out.

    I just don’t see the need for a kindergartner in a society of grown ups.

    Problem is, that we’re currently lacking education in quite some parts, so many people never really get to actually grow up and need to rely on other people, because they never knew better.
    This sounds a bit derogatory, but that’s the only way I can image, why people want to have a “strong” leader above them - they just don’t want to take responsibility.

  • I’m just fed up with the constant sensational shock fake news (usually of right wing parties), which only aim for fear, anger and hatred

    Yeah, we all have problems and we need to work on that. That’s pretty much life - especially social life and much more (geo-) political life.

    But I can’t stand the rhetoric anymore. From highschool bullies playbook to imitating Hitler’s rhetoric. I’m just too fed up with it.

    I want fact based politics and crowd sourced solutions - from the people that are actually affected.
    And not some idiot calling a whole group of people degenerates and worth shit.

    In the late 90s with the “real” Internet still alive and all of the people starting to face global problems, I was really optimistic, that this would bring us all together.
    To work on a global solution.
    But nah, we need to have populistic simple “solutions” for complex problems, where seemingly every time it’s just the fault of some minority group or some foreigners.

    This now just isn’t the world I wanted to live in and I naively hoped for so much better and more…

    Edit: to make extend on that:
    Society doesn’t need a rigid framework of rules to live in. So fuck social control - doesn’t matter if it comes from religion or from state.
    The laws we live in should reflect the society we currently are. And not try to pressure society into some form of ideological picture.
    And with that, fuck ideology as well.

    Society is always changing and our rules to live by need to be as flexible as that.
    But somehow people still long for a wannabe strongman leader, who only cares for himself.

    We could just build our own society, with basic democracy, no real leaders, but maybe just elected representatives.
    We don’t need anyone to tell us, how we should behave.
    We hopefully are grown up enough to see the ethical correct way.

    But people seem to prefer to be childs and just hand over responsibility…