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Companies shipping products from (mostly) China to Europe lose money with this, so consumers in Europe will probably have higher prices.
And Egypt is losing a lot of money for transit fees.
Why does it say “Ever Green” on the side if the ship is “Ever Given”
Name of the shipping line. They name all their ships Ever + something.
Much more unforgivable:
“Is that ship still stuck?”
why in the world did the webmaster feel the need to make an NFT for this?
Capitalist efficiency at its finest.
yes because ships can’t run aground under other political and economic systems…
Why is it still stuck? Seems like there would be a lot of solutions doable within a day to me
Seems to me like you have no idea about ships ;)
I do not, but for $44+ billion I just feel like there a faster solution
Like what? Nuke the site from orbit?
Maybe this is a good lesson on human
hybrishubris ;)hubris?