• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mltoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    1 day ago

    I mean this sincerely; please move. If you are correct, you will benefit the world overall and yourself.

    Do you know how much money it takes to move? Lol

    I have only read “Das Kapital”, and only by translation. Marx directly asserts the equivalency between the value of a good, and the amount of labor-time that it takes to produce that good on average (accounting for the labor-time that it took to produce tools and raw materials necessary to that process). That is the labor theory of value in a nutshell.

    Frankly, this is summary as reductive as Ricardo’s initial theory, and not what Marx wrote

    If you believe that the scarcity we face is largely artificial, then either move to a country further on its way to communism, or start a company that will pay workers a more equal share of the value they produce.

    Lol yeah gonna abolish the commodity form by starting a company. You didn’t read capital lol

  • Generally the comments I get are when I put in effort to my appearance. Putting together a nice outfit, accessorizing, doing something with my hair, putting on a good perfume for the vibe, that sort of thing.

    It gives me confidence and a mixture of that + demonstrating thought/intentionality is what I think is what is hot to folks. At least that is my perspective on it when admiring other femmes. I feel like it is something anyone can do in their own way?

    I get that men might be afraid of like, being called gay for putting effort into their appearance, but honestly just not having a thin skin is an attractive feature in someone.

  • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mltoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    2 days ago

    Every self professed attempt in history to enact socialism either has already been declared not good enough to count as socialism, or will be declared as such in the future, when it gets even worse.

    Declared by who? I would much rather be living in a tier 1 city in China right now personally. Or in Cuba if the US ever stopped strangling it.

    The labor theory of value is so poor as to be indefensible

    I agree, David Ricardo was incorrect, and Marx’s refutation in his theory of value explains the creation of value much better. (Imagine reading Marx and not Wikipedia on Marx)

    and scarcity is a property of nature, rather than capitalism

    Scarcity is a property of nature and artificial scarcity is a product of commodity fetishism (necessary for capitalism to function)

  • Told person who do not know the difference between authoritarian capitalistic dictatorship and commuism state.

    Gonna throw out the word authoritarian because it is an empty signifier.

    If China is a capitalist dictatorship why is the economy mostly publicly owned, with the percentage growing? Why does its government have a 95 percent approval rating according to a Harvard study, and why do innovations in participatory democracy emerge from China?

    I just lurked into your account, this explains a LOT xD

    Wow, what a vile little weirdo treating me being openly trans as some own.