For me, it’s the lack of diversity in opinions. IDK about you but I’ve only seen people from here and, and nearly everyone is pretty far left. I’m not having a big problem with it, but the site is very, umm, single-minded.

And this mind is particularly hostile to my ideas

  • @salarua
    3 years ago

    for me, it’s not being able to flag posts for mod review. i’d open an issue on GitHub, but social anxiety

      • @salarua
        63 years ago

        thanks. i kinda figured there’d be an issue for it and i just didn’t see it, since it seemed like an odd oversight.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    83 years ago

    Personally, I’ve been generally happy with Lemmy overall. There are some minor UI quirks, but overall it’s been great and I really like the community here. It’s refreshing to have a forum that’s politically left.

    83 years ago

    I think there’s just a lot of american leftist reactionaries on this site and it’s sort of a microcosm of the US left mob mentality right now.

    But you’re here, and even though you’re getting downvoted the mods are mature and open to differing opinion. So keep speaking your mind respectfully and if your ideas make sense eventually other will join and the culture will evolve. Or it won’t, and move onto something else that fulfills you and helps you learn and enage in community.

  • poVoq
    3 years ago

    Someone seems to be stalking me and down-votes nearly all my posts (>﹏<)

    But actually… I have the suspicion that some people here run alternative accounts to strawman etc. certain arguments, which in a few rare cases is understandable but in general just dishonest and a bad praxis.

      33 years ago

      We could find out who downvotes you, but it would be complicated and I’m not sure it would be a good idea.

      • poVoq
        43 years ago

        That part was mostly joking, don’t worry about it and I agree it is probably not a good idea anyways.

        23 years ago

        Out of curiosity why would it be a potentially bad idea? Someone downvoted all of my replies to a controversial post I made in a thread immediately after I made the posts. I’m curious if it was the same person or multiple people. Complexity aside, would knowing who downvoted you encourage harassment of the voter? On discourse for example you can see who upvoted and downvoted you. On reddit this isn’t the case.

        • poVoq
          83 years ago

          People will mostly stop down-voting if it is easy to figure out who down-voted. And then you end up with up-votes only, similar to likes on other social networks. There is a lot to be said about pros and cons of either system, but giving people some popular feed-back that they might be on a wrong track has some benefits IMHO.

          • Dessalines
            63 years ago

            Eventually we’ll add a user setting to hide scores, which would mitigate a lot of ppls anxiety about seeing scores / downvotes.

            • shilangyu (lemmur)
              3 years ago

              We had a similar idea in lemmur, though we were thinking about the bias it causes rather than the anxiety. But of course anxiety about scores is also a very valid reason to hide them. Therefore we will hold off with implementing it and wait for the official user setting to appear :)

              • Dessalines
                43 years ago

                That does make sense to do, we’ll have a proper user setting for it.

            23 years ago

            From a reader perspective I find it to be more cathartic to downvote an idea i disagree with than educational as a post maker that my opinion is unpopular. Especially if someone indiscriminately starts downvoting be because of a grudge. If anything it makes me think “wow these people are ignorant.” This is admittedly self-centered, but with anonymity on the internet, and a lot of the half-baked raw thoughts that get shared on forums like this, I get the perspective that’s what most posters would feel like when they receive downvotes. I’ve certainly witnessed it on Lemmy where people make angry comments calling out downvoters for downvoting instead of replying with counterpoints. I agree with your points in theory but from a behavioural perspective I think anonymous downvoting might discourage courage to post new or controversial ideas.

            • poVoq
              33 years ago

              Yeah maybe, but I also see a “wrong-way driver” effect. You know like the old joke about how the one driving thinks there are “hundreds of wrong-way drivers”. So yeah the initial reaction is often “wow these people are ignorant”, but at some point it will trigger some introspection in most people (I hope).

        103 years ago

        Internet is not a place to find diversity of opinions. Each encloses themselves in opinions bubbles in order to find “peer confirmation” (AKA circlejerk). It is the natural state of Internet and it is hard to change it (for instence, when two opinions bubbles clashes together on Twitter, it ends in a disaster)

        • @AlmaemberTheGreat@lemmy.mlOP
          63 years ago

          I mean true but I wouldn’t say it’s so black and white. Sometimes there are amounts of disagreement, and sometimes the entire site/group/something things exactly the same way.

          Although this has much to do with the type of site you’re on and the way submissions are ordered. E.g. where they are ordered by the number of replies, then more inflammatory submissions will be at the top, while a vote-based system (most of social media today), benefits the most popular opinions in said community

  • [deleted]
    3 years ago

    For me, it’s the lack of diversity in opinions

    I don’t so much mind this by itself, but there are a lot of political posts. One reason I don’t like Reddit is that there is a ton of politics. Never have I come to a forum for political content.

        • @AlmaemberTheGreat@lemmy.mlOP
          63 years ago

          (This is just personal experience I might have missed people)

          But I only see a certain “technically progressive” (hopefully you understand what I mean) thinking, e.g. the people who praise Rust, Go and JS, etc.

          I can’t really see any of the (to be fair they are also rare on other platforms) “technically conservative” (I’m stealing political terms here), the people who prefer C and in general more lightweight software, or the people who will really praise the “Unix philosophy” and stuff. Otherwise known as the suckless people.

            63 years ago

            I don’t understand something. What does this have to do with “left-minded” or “right-minded” people?

            I consider myself in the far-left but I include myself in the people who prefer to avoid unnecessary waste of resources and am into digital minimalism.

            I have had a lot of experiences in my still short life of people demanding more shit just to get their things done like at SysAdmin studies and I am finishing them with just ultra-low spec resources in comparison.

            I also like Pascal programming language and philosophy behind it with the sad part of not being able to learn a lot in my environment in comparison with Java, which I studied recently.

            • @AlmaemberTheGreat@lemmy.mlOP
              63 years ago

              This is a separate spectrum, it only connects with politics in names. I named “technical conservatives” that because they, similar to real-world conservatives, are against change and/or want to go back to the past. A “technical progressive” on the other hand, wants to move and advocates for the newer technologies.

                3 years ago

                Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now I understand.

                To be exact I want progress but to non-stupid options. I want progress being sure of what I am doing at every possible level.

    53 years ago

    I understand the feeling. I am reluctant to participate in many of the discussions because I feel out of my element. I think if people here knew who I am IRL they would hate me by default.

  • Mobocratic Egoist
    53 years ago

    The problem you’re describing is just because there are very few Lemmy instances at the moment, and they all have left political slants. Once Lemmy is more popular in general you will see more general-purpose instances with less of a political focus, instances focusing on a particular subculture or fan community, as well as liberal/conservative political instances.

  • ant
    33 years ago

    i mean this with the utmost compassion: maybe your ideas suck…

    Do you think your political differences are getting in the way of you having a good time in your Lemmy communities?

    3 years ago

    My only complaint about Lemmy is that it doesn’t render correctly on certain browsers like Waterfox and Pale Moon due to the fact that it’s written in Rust it requires the unloading of CSS. This isn’t Lemmy’s fault, rather it’s the problem of the other browsers because they don’t have Rust support have support for CSS unloading.

  • ✨ krawieck ✨
    23 years ago

    it kinda annoys me that there’s a lot of China/NK simps here. I mean it doesn’t bother me too much but it will definitely cripple the ability for this project to grow

      33 years ago

      I would say the same about USA simps on Reddit, but here we are. Its good to have a community with a different viewpoint in that regard.