• Catraism-Stalinism@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        That’s not gonna happen.

        victory is fucking impossible, this isn’t some western movie, or some fantasy novel! This is reality! Wet dreams? Neither of us give that much of a shit, we’re just stating the obvious. Ukraine has been burning through troops and supplies faster than russia is by a large margin. Even western sources are beginning to report negatively, which is a huge fuckin change from their ‘propaganda every day every hour’ tactic. the Ukrainian conflict does not matter, Russian victory was decided the moment they committed troops, it is what happens after that does.

        honestly why are you so happy for the side with the Neo-nazi brigades

          • Catraism-Stalinism@lemmy.ml
            3 years ago

            Yale report says the sanctions are actually working

            reading through that one, and I don’t doubt the Modern Russian government could be covering it up

            Ukraine burning troops, neo-nazis

            this is fairly well known to be true by those who aren’t stupid. At this point it is just being stupid. I would be stunned if you actually learned about this crisis before this whole thing popped off, because I did, and everyone agreed, even the western media, that there were fucking nazis in ukraine, most of it actually. But now since they needed people to put through a meatgrinder so they can offset a rival imperialist power, they have to pretend everyone is a LGBTQ supporting little angel. Its laughable how stupid you are being.

            In the meanwhile reports say Russia is burning troops in huge amounts

            1. I do not trust those usual reports and neither should you, especially from corporate media. 2. Russia really can afford burning through troops if they were, so it doesn’t even matter.

            The only wet dream is you rationalizing that this:

            medium country, with half decent post soviet military, mostly in a militia mode of deployment before the invasion. Who can only use post-soviet military tech for any of their war methodology (which is why the NATO aid is useless)

            Is currently beating this:

            1 medium country with a decent and maintained post soviet military, and the other is the largest and most resource filled country on the planet with large post soviet military industry networks. The army planning for this defensive move for years, and the only massive military on earth besides India and China who operate on a mass battle plan, and not the sort of scattered guerrilla fighting the western countries developed their military to combat. They currently have the lower ukraine up to nearly moldova. THEIR MAIN ARMY ISN’T EVEN ENGAGED, THEY JUST ARMED THE MILITIAS AND LEFT TO REARM FOR ANOTHER OFFENSIVE! Spirit does not win a fight, this isn’t a movie.

            I have very little stake in this matter, and I am stunned at how deluded some people are. I believe the Soviet Union’s collapse was a disaster and this is just further proof of it. Do not give yourself… “wet dreams” as you put it, that you are fighting some putinite radical and doing your duty for “democracy” or “ukraine” or somes shit.

            You’ve done totally and absolutely nothing

              • Catraism-Stalinism@lemmy.ml
                3 years ago

                In the modern world using military power to aquire your goals is only getting you isolated even more. Soon there’s no industry to begin with.

                I hope Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and others can receive this message so they can be hopeful of the death of their American oppressor. Wow you made the stunning move of checks notes looking at what I said, but checks again doesn’t actually combat any of it. Personal insults are my style, if you want kiddie gloves, be smart. Now, to properly fire back at the rest.

                Ukraine is run by Neo-nazis

                never said run by neo nazis. Sympathetic, yes, but run, thankfully not as of yet.

                “Defensive move”

                Russia has been poked by ukraine for a while, but this was never really about Ukraine, this was about NATO, who has been vying for Russian resources for some time. Russia tried to keep applying for NATO several times, even under yeltsin. NATO outright refused. They’ve been creeping close to the border, and you can’t seriously say that this is some unexpected attack when they are going up to the front door and start trying to break it down. NATO is an existential threat, for good reason. I don’t think I really have to mention what they did to Yugoslavia…

                Praising the old Soviet Union

                of course! I wouldn’t be a real communist if I thought it was evil lol. And its just fact that both parties would be better off if the CCCP never was backstabbed.

                Mentioning LGBTQ

                nothing of note, just saw some pro-azov LGBTQ stickers and I’m still mad people are making LGBTQ things of a NEO NAZI BATTALION LIKE DOES NO ONE SEE THE PROBLEM WITH THAT

                Showing a map how big Russia is (show population)

                uh okay Ukraine is 50 million.

                12 million have fled through official channels as of now (according to BBC)

                Russia currently occupies this:

                this includes around 6 million people from dontesk, Lunhansk, and the Zaporizhzhia oblast. These regions of eastern ukraine is extremely sympathetic of russia, and have been at war since 2014 against the neo-nazi militia

                Russia is fucking 150 million.

                belarus is a country of 10 million, with a military that regularly does exercises with Russia’s and even China



                  • Catraism-Stalinism@lemmy.ml
                    3 years ago

                    No NATO country is currently invading another country.

                    really? REALLY? They aren’t doing something despicable to someone else, a good thing, and that is somehow your argument that they just never will? Do I have to restate the obvious? The various unjustified wars and bombings? The fact that most of NATO’s founding members were German Nazis?

                    Everyone on these threads criticizing the west, US, NATO etc. are people that actually live in the west. Why not move to your dream country and make your dreams come true?

                    well, aren’t you just a funny little liberal! Is this what an argument in distress looks like? Because I usually see this when they have nothing left to say.

                    And what makes you think I’m not doing my commie thing? Making my dream of a free Hawaii and an occupied and re-educated US something I get closer to everyday. My dream is what I make, I will not retreat, because I love this country, the one the American Empire is currently occupying.

                    You are a silly, sad little computer bot, I will spend no more time on you. Next time, read a book.

                    I recommend this one: