Trump’s confrontational approach to Ukraine, overshadowing any potential diplomatic achievement, raises doubts about his Nobel Peace Prize chances.
Critics, including Norwegian lawmaker Christian Tybring-Gjedde, who previously nominated Trump, warn that a Russia-leaning deal unsettles Europe.
Trump’s testy meeting with President Zelenskyy, marked by demands for gratitude and threats of withdrawing support, has stoked fears that negotiations are collapsing.
The Nobel Committee’s focus on honorable conduct also factors in, with Trump’s hostility toward the press and Europe’s concerns over territorial aggression undermining the “greatest benefit of humankind” requirement.
Until they create a Nobel Piece prize, as in Piece of Shit, he has no chance. He’d be a shoe in for that, though.
There may be an argument to award him one posthumously if he can somehow take control of Air Force One while Musk, Vance and RFK Jr. are onboard and crash it directly into Putin.
Zelensky deserves a peace prize for not punching Trump right in his fat face during that horrible meeting.
Can we get a double?
The Nobel committee has a great opportunity to make a point here.
It really would be a hilarious thumb of the nose at Trump. I for one would love to see it for that reason alone.
Truely the stupidest person alive.
Trumps still butthurt that Obama got a Peace Prize and he didn’t.
Yea, but it was kinda weird that Obama was awarded for … wait what did he do again?
But Obama did live up to the principals. He ordered hundreds of drone strikes and assassinations, and Trump has never touched Obama’s deportation numbers. But he did host the beer summit for the racist pig who arrested his old professor. So I guess he’s got that going for him, which is nice.
He basically was ‘‘not Bush’’ and promoting the exact opposite of what Trump is doing now. I always wished he would have graciously rejected it, to preserve the prize’s value.
Obama was a strong opponent against Nuclear accelerationism and climate change. Before his presidency he had already been around the world giving speeches about lasting peace and quelling of violence, and was a strong supporter of the United Nations as a vehicle for policy change across the world. Nominations for the 2009 award closed 11 days after he entered office.
“We have not given the prize for what may happen in the future. We are awarding Obama for what he has done in the past year. And we are hoping this may contribute a little bit for what he is trying to do,”
They specifically cite his speech from Cairo in June as a reason for his selection.
Afterwards, Obama met with many middle eastern leaders about establishing strong boarders to deter wars. When it was discovered that Iran had a weapons grade nuclear material enrichment facility, Obama broke precedent that Bush set when discovering technology supposedly used in nukular wepons, and Obama did not invade them but instead started talks which lead to the Iran Deal, a nuclear disarmament treaty.
Best president ever.
Obama holds the record for most Doctors Without Borders hospitals bombed by a Nobel peace prize winner
The only one that came close to Obama’s deportation numbers has been Biden.
He should start by doing something, anything, to make the world a more peaceful place.
Not necessarily, helping commit the Gaza Genocide might be enough.
The Nobel Peace Prize has a long tradition of awarding Genociders and war mongers from Henry Kissinger onward.
He’s rallying the EU against us, will probably make the EU stronger than ever, which is probably good for peace there.
Obliterating the United States on the world stage stands a pretty good chance of doing that in the long term, actually. He just won’t be around to see it. Neither will most Americans.
He can follow his small mustached leader’s approach to vacating office and everyone would gladly celebrate his accomplishment.
Personally I’m hoping for a more “French” ending but I’ll take what I can get.
The Italian ending would also be acceptable.
Getting Gaddafied would be acceptable as well.
That seems like a terrible thing to inflict on the people of St. Helena.
umm majority voted for him!
Majority did not, in fact, vote for him.
Ah, you’re right, by the time they counted all the votes his popular vote percentage had just dipped under 50%. He still got more votes than his opponent, though, which is an improvement over his last elections.
Back to russia please troll
31%. That means 69% (nice) didn’t vote for him.
No none voters voted for him.
You’ll have to specify which fascist you’re talking about
He’ll probably seize one from someone he hates and claim presidential immunity for the crime.
I remember that one; asked to see it, then just pocketed it while his guards moved in-between them.
Haha what a story, Dark
Is there an anti-Nobel Peace Prize winner?
There’s the Ig Nobel Prize. It’s satirical so there’s a chance he wouldn’t understand that it’s not the real one. Which would make the ceremony funnier as he gets pelted with paper airplanes and heckled.
Winning that you usually end up dead in a bunker by your own hand covered in petrol, dead via bayonet to the anus, or beaten to death by a crowd along with your wife and strung upside-down.
In that case, I’d like to nominate him.
Has he considered restoring funding to USAID? That might legit qualify.
Taking something away and then restoring it seems a rather low bar for a Noble Peace Prize?
“Keeping Up With the Kissingers”
The Nobel Committee values global benefit, not political theater or coercion.
Didn’t Obama get one for just being elected? Maybe there was a specific reason but the peace prizes are basically “vibes”
Obama’s award still confuses me. Why not wait for actual accomplishments before handing it out?
Even Obama said he doesn’t know why they gave it to him.
Best I can do is a Nibble a Piece of Shit Prize.
Trump need to win a pair of concert shoes.