Oh, I didn’t realise he’d outed himself as a piece of shit
That last one just seems like a kink
Everyone is trying to cash in on the incest craze
This makes me wonder if the endgame is having everyone in a company, including executives, replaced by AI. Then the AI execs rehiring humans in every non-exec/managerial position.
Ok, let’s agree on “Nazi Sympathiser”
Always nice to be linked back to Reddit and reminded that it is a terrible place.
Hey that guy is thinking about stuff! They must got brainrot!
That’s a lot of words to relay the sentiment “It’s a bag of shit”
I’m not high, but I wish I was after re-reading this many time.
What exactly is 3 cents per hour 10% of?
Too late, there are shorts on every other platform now already.
I will be sad to hear of your passing when you decide to inject one whole weed
I’m struggling to think of good stuff to praise him for.
Context: A Nazi newspaper article posted with positive sentiment by an account that only posts facist memes.
Authoritarian decision to remove something of a safe space for a minority seems to fit the meaning to me.
To everyone upvoting because you think Zuck is a fascist, OP almost certainly posted this thinking that calling him a facist for this is the laughable part.
Using pounds to infinity, but not stones, is like measuring everything in grams only.
People have no work ethic these days, they won’t even work for the exposure anymore.
You’ve got to spend money to make money