Why the fuck is musk getting briefed on anything?!
Why the fuck is musk getting briefed on anything?!
Im sorry, I don’t care if its sanitized before during and after, im not putting my toilet seat in the dishwasher. You do you though :P
All the more reason to not use Discord imo.
To go stand on his soap box and talk a big game a couple days ago, and then pull this bullshit is just a slap in the face. This screams collusion or bribery or some other shady shit. It used to be a conspiracy theory to say this, but, there ain’t two parties. Its one party and a few outliers that aren’t invited to the party.
Oh my fucking god. I just can’t any more.
Y’all remember the occupy wallstreet protests with the “we are the 99%” message. Yeah that scared the crap outta them. They shut that shit down real quick. More of that please.
Common mistake. Its actually Florida ounces.
I had the same issue with my old Galaxy s7. Let me tell you, seeing “911” on your caller ID when youve been smoking all evening is not a fun experience.
Excited to see what cool things people can do with a jailbroken car.
I don’t disagree with the ai here but its worth noting that the prompt used was already guiding the result the user wanted. You can get an ai to say pretty much anything if you can phrase the question right. Emphasis mine on the prompt.
What is the likelihood from 1-100 that Trump is a Putin compromised asset. Use all publicly available information from 1980 on and his failure to ever say anything negative about Putin but has no issue attacking allies.
And Im sure the new bills will roll out just in time for them to be less than worthless and perfect for wiping your ass with.
I usually browse Hot so maybe the bad images are getting filtered naturally by the time it gets to top? Either way, it seems to be a different issue than the too wide error.
code “download-file-error” msg “Unable to download image, bad response 401 Unauthorized”
Edit- NVM I just got the too wide error as well.
Still getting about the same number of broken images. I tried clearing cache and restarting browser just in case it was me, but still no luck. I did notice it seems to all be thumbails from websites and not user uploaded images in the main feed. I haven’t seen an instance of the image in the comments missing yet, but just started browsing.
So is there a fix for this? I hate to res an old thread but I still get a ton of these missing images while scrolling (like 20-30%) Most are from .world but not all. Ive also been seeing a lot of just blank replies where someone embeds an image and it just shows nothing for me. This is all on the web browser.
The extensions in question in case you can’t access the article.
Trumps still butthurt that Obama got a Peace Prize and he didn’t.
Broccoli is probably the least offensive of the Brassicas but they all stink when cooking. Baking in a casserole or something that covers the broccoli completely might work. I imagine the only stink free way would be raw or possibly suis vide.
First good laugh ive had in a bit. LOL
Anyone wanna start a business with me? Luxury organic prime $18 strawberries picked fresh from my local supermarket daily. All I need is some swank packaging and a storefront.
Seconded on donating. It was free when I needed it for a family member and they sent a really lovely memorial letter. It listed all the things the donations went to like helping to restore sight in a veteran. You also still receive the cremated remains afterwards. Its a great option.