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- mehmes@lemmy.ca
Whatever the new slogan is going to be … it’ll be about hating someone or hating a group of people
The new one is “Stop the drugs”
I’m just waiting for Cocaine Carney. You just know it’s coming.
Or fentanyl Freeland.
That slaps
Which sounds a little like “Trump is right actually” to me. I hope the fence-sitters can hear it too.
Maybe if he had an actual platform and an actual plan that’s not based entirely on undoing what Trudeau did…
People are celebrating too early. The gap has closed, but pp is still in the lead with most polls and the gap has not been close for very long.
God, I hope he is actually in trouble. I saw that Nanos still has Cons in a massive lead with them at 42, Libs at 26, and NDP at 17 (I’m assuming the other 15 are Bloc/Green). Praying that it’s outdated data and that once the Libs have a new leader the gap will get closer.
I cannot imagine the state of Canada if we have PP and Trump at the same time.
I recently read an article where Conservative strategists, speaking anonymously, worried that Poilievre won’t be able to find another message fast enough before the election. If they’re telling that kind of thing to the press then they’ve got to be worried.
They can say whatever they want to the press, I’m not getting my hopes up until we have an ABC government warming the seats of parliament during the throne speech. I’m a US-Can dual citizen so I’ve already faced one heartbreaking election. I’m not willing to let both my countries slip to fascists.
Plus, with the foreign interference probe + PP refusing to get security clearance, I don’t doubt the Conservatives have some dirty tricks left in their bag.
with the foreign interference probe + PP refusing to get security clearance
This needs to be hammered on all day every day. Why does he not want that clearance? What is he hiding?
The polls are all starting to show the Liberals gaining on the Conservatives, they’re just showing the trend starting at different times. Ipsos, Nanos, and the others are even showing the rate of change being similar to the EKOS polls (the most recent of which have the Libs and Cons in a statistical tie), just starting several weeks later.
There’s enough runway to make this interesring, and enough Trump to keep the trends going.
Libs, NDP and Green just need to unify for this election cycle. It’s a strategic move they have to make. Can they do that, run as a single ballot?
You mean a coalition government?
Or you mean unifying on the ballot? Because I fundamentally disagree with that, I do not want a 2 party system like we have in the states.
Keep an eye on smartvoting.ca for information on vote splitting in your riding and how to prevent it. They already have it up and running for the Ontario election, with the Federal info coming soon (assuming as soon as the elections are announced).
No no, I certainly do NOT want a 2 party system. But if the other parties could guide people to the idea of strategic voting via some sort of official but temporary alliance … that’s the idea. Something, anything we can do to prevent fragmentation which would let the CPC rise up through a divided middle.
FPTP (First Past the Post) is so, so broken.
I think legally it might be collusion if they do that before forming government, so I don’t actually think that’d ever happen. At most they would not run party candidates in strategic ridings, but that’s also iffy. Again, keep an eye on that website, I think currently it’s our best bet in staying informed about the vote splitting.
And I agree about FPTP. I still have a grudge against the Liberals for promising to abolish that in 2015 and then reneging on it.
Are we really at the point where people think that political parties cooperating would be illegal collusion
I’m not a legal expert, hence the “I think”. That’s just what I’ve been told from my educators, specifically at the federal level and the campaign finance laws around it. I’m more than happy to be corrected.
I know provinces choose to not run candidates in riding they believe are disadvantageous in order to give the other center-left candidates a chance. But provincial election laws are dictated by the provincial entities.
And I agree about FPTP. I still have a grudge against the Liberals for promising to abolish that in 2015 and then reneging on it.
Agreed, it’s my number 1 reason I would never, ever have voted for Trudeau – didn’t vote for him thee first term either as I suspected he would renege. (Reason number 2: he also reneged on his promise to reign in CSE and CSIS for domestic spying and privacy invasions).
If there isn’t an organized strategic voting campaign nationwide, I may have to bite the bullet and vote Liberal this time though, if Carney is the leader, since the percentages seem to be leaning to them being the only way to prevent a hard right-wing shift here in Canada.
The Best way to prevent vote splitting is for the parties splitting the vote to get out of the way like the left did in France. In some ridings it will be the NDP and Greens, in others it will be the Liberals and Greens, in others the Liberals and NDP, doesn’t matter, if they’re truly serious about not wanting the Conservatives in power because they’re a danger to our country then country comes before party.
It will never happen. The NDP and the Liberals are just not allies, and will not get out of each others way, no matter how much anyone else would like them to.
Maybe try a position of standing for something instead of empty slogans that everything is awful here.
Pollievre barely stood for Canada the last few weeks and spent all his time politicking instead of standing united to the biggest threat to Canada in generations.
Little Peepee’s only shot was to get his election before the theory of a Trump presidency became the reality of a Trump presidency.
Now that that’s not possible and every bit of that orange shit-stains bullshit is reflecting on him, not only has he gone relatively silent, but most of the Maple MAGA fuckwits have shut up as well.
With every day that Conservatives are kept wallowing in their reflection of the U.S. Republican party, they’re chances of a majority government fall further and further down. I’m cautiously optimistic that even if it’s too late to come back or too large a lead for the Liberals to make up, that at least we’ll fall into Minority Government range where Peepee won’t be able to get the worst of his agenda accomplished.
the reality of a Trump presidency.
Having the Nazi salute guy supporting you isn’t a great look either.
I think it’s a bit optimistic in general to think that it’s a near sure thing. The lead isn’t big, and all it takes is someone doing something big for things to change on the spot, and if that happens less than a month before the polls open, it could swing things drastically. It might not seem likely, but it’s not like it hasn’t happened before.
Instead, it’s better to focus on what PP is screwing up while showing how alternatives are more beneficial to those who would instinctively vote for him regardless of what drivel is coming out of his mouth because they hate anybody else more than they hate him.
America: Uniting the world by becoming the common enemy everyone else unites to fight.
And, since they’re being led by an idiot who surrounds himself with idiots, we might actually win.
Working for the common good is such a foreign concept, Skippy has to put out a survey to see what contrarian haters want him to harp on about instead of Canada Is Broken.
Probably questions like, What is the most Canadian thing to do about Trump?
a) Trudeau is a woke dictator who hates your freedom
b) the oil and gas lobby are cool and nice
c) humanizing picture with a kitten and my wife