The [Environmental Protection Agency] has set a 10-year deadline for most utilities to replace lead service lines, but omitted requirements for schools to replace the water fountains or plumbing that have lead components.
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K-12 age children. Famous for their resistance to lead poisoning.
You just have to keep exposing them to it to help build their tolerance. Eventually, they won’t even get hurt when you hit them with a lead pipe.
Thats why I shoot kids with small caliber bullets. Just tagging them in the legs and arms with some .22 short rounds until they can build up a tolerance to fast lead.
“Didn’t bother me none!” -some fucking Boomer
To be fair, if everything in the system leading up to the school is lead free there should be minimal leeching only happening in the school pipes.
If the pipes in the school have any sediment buildup sequestering the lead from the water there would be little to no leeching.
Definitely looks bad when you say “keep lead pipes in schools” but the reality is still something like “95% of lead removed from water coming out of school taps”
Also, might make schools likely to remove lead pipes if the system is lead free. No point in removing lead pipes from a school if there’s +20 miles of lead pipe leading to/from the school
Yeah but WHY. Why exclude -of all places- schools with children? Really?
Still, the safe level of lead is zero. That last 5% is still detrimental.
it’s up to school superintendents and legislators to ensure students’ water is safe.
And 20 years later there will be a committee investigating why schools didn’t do shit.
And 20 years after that, it still won’t be fixed.
It makes sense. How else will they get the next generation of Republican voters?
why would they get new pipes if they won’t even spend a fraction of the amount to feed the kids
If we had a functioning federal government, the answer would be because the EPA required it and failing to follow environmental regulations could lead to them being prosecuted for child endangerment
Okay, I know wish is cheap. But like, does anyone who orders anything on wish actually get something functional?
Ordering ourngovernment off wish? We really need to step it up and go to Amazon!
(/rampant sarcasm, at the end their.)
Parents should be feeding their kids, not the government.
Yes, and if the parents are unable to feed them, what is the next step? “Sorry buddy, next life pick a richer family”
Someone just needs to properly motivate the parent(s) to not neglect their children.
Cool, and after the parents fail… is it fair to punish the child?
It doesn’t take much to feed children. But i guess giving lunch to kids denies you joy of seeimg them starve?
It doesn’t take much to hold the parents responsible for their actions (or inaction),.
hey you seem to have this boner for punishing people instead of helping them. Most parents want the best for their children. their lack of means is not something we should punish the children for.
Child abusers and neglectors should be held responsible, not have excuses made for.
Your definition of abuse and neglect is not universal. let each parent decide.
Let’s stop poisoning people except kids with developing brains because someone paid us off
America avoiding giving money to low income schools?
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.
I just said to a friend of mine this morning, “do you think we’re all weird as fuck because of all the lead fumes we were breathing in from all the cars when we were kids?”
But I guess the lead poisoning has gone on unabated regardless, so we don’t have that excuse.
Lead exposure doesn’t make you weird, it makes you dumber and increases your risk of cardiovascular problems and dementia later in life.
Air lead exposure in the US dropped off a cliff in the late 70s, people born after 1980 had very little lead exposure from the air on a population level
I was born in 1977.
Air lead exposure in the US dropped off a cliff in the late 70s, people born after 1980 had very little lead exposure from the air on a population level
You must have been born before 1980 ;)
Born during Nixon, and I remember Carter.
It decreases inhibition as well. IIRC, that’s one reason it’s hypothesised lead exposure contributed to the crime waves, and why blood lead levels are correlated to incarceration.
Why not both?
What they mean is, they haven’t bothered to give schools the money to replace them.
What they really mean is that they don’t give a fuck about poor kids, because poor people don’t have time to stand in line for 8 hours to vote. Their kids are going to the nice, new, asbestos-free, lead free, organic, non-GMO schools.
Better idea… If it’s a problem with cost, then only fix the schools.
You can bring water to school from home.
It’s harder to carry water home for the whole family.
I’ve never drank water from school even once in my life.
We live in the worst timeline.
We learned nothing from the Roman empire.
I mean, how could we with the lead in our water
America still using lead pipes?
What year is it?
A lot of older buildings around the world will probably have some lead in them still. Especially homes from the 60s and older. It’s one of the reasons you shouldn’t drink anything that comes from the hot tap.
Of course there’s no excuse for not having replaced the service lines, and water pipes in public buildings. It’s been at least 50 years since we realised putting lead in everything wasn’t a great idea. But I guess that costs money, and those third world countries won’t bomb themselves.
Bizarro EPA
Environmental Devestation Agency
Gotta keep the population stupid and complacent somehow.