I recently played through a demo for a game called Pinball Spire on steam, and it put me in the mood for playing pinball games. Unfortunately, and I don’t know if this is just due to me having bad google-foo, there don’t seem to be that many on Steam that catch my interest.
So figured I may as well make a thread asking about what the “state of the art” of pinball video games is. Some of the ones I’ve played:
- Sonic Spinball: Very janky, but very unique and I don’t think I’ve seen anyone try to do anything similar to it.
- Pokémon Pinball and Sonic Pinball Party: Fairly standard pinball games, tbh. They’re both on handhelds so they can’t do that much.
- Demon’s Tilt and Xenotilt: Just really fun feeling arcade pinball games with a really fun tilt mechanic.
So yeah, know any good PC or console pinball games?
Oh, and can someone help me: I vaguely remember seeing a stream of a pinball game for the Mega Drive/SNES where the ball goes through multiple tables. Does anyone know what that game was called, if it even exists?
DEMON’S TILT and XENOTILT are both pretty cool. Other than that you can get Space Cadet from Github.