• @Sacha@lemmy.world
      78 months ago

      Good luck getting Lauren Boebert’s etc gun’s away from her without her calling to action.

      • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
        8 months ago

        No no, I mean people who oppose the blatant torture shit need to go get armed.

        • Neato
          -138 months ago

          And then what? Shootouts when any cop tries to detain you? These torture houses aren’t the first stop after arrest. And people aren’t going to jump straight to lethal violence at a traffic stop.

          • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
            168 months ago

            If that’s what it takes. It’s either that or allow them to continue torturing and oppressing American citizens. Do you really want that on your conscience?

            • Neato
              -88 months ago

              If that’s what it takes.

              Cool. You first.

              • pensa
                128 months ago

                That’s a cowardly comment if I’ve ever read one. You could have just shut up but had to show the world your a afraid to stand up for what’s right.

                • Neato
                  -28 months ago

                  stand up for what’s right.

                  By shooting cops? Starting a revolution? Are you doing that? People love to call for violence on the web while sitting at home doing nothing. It’s hypocrisy plain and simple.

                  I’m not saying they shouldn’t do that. But every person saying “just go do X” while they themselves are too cowardly to be doing it first is pathetic. I’m not on here saying we should all violently overthrow the police state. Because I’m not out there.

                  • pensa
                    88 months ago

                    By stopping the wrong doing that is causing real harm to people.

                    You can try to justify your lack of action all you want but I see you.

                    Nobody, other than you, said anything along the lines of “you go first.”

                    Ideas are being shared on how to combat injustice. That is doing something. Well it’s doing a hell of a lot more than “Cool. You first”

                  • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
                    48 months ago

                    Surprise surprise, a pro-establishment concern troll trying to bait us by making the conversation all about us and not about the fact that cops are literally torturing innocent people post-9/11 style and need to be overthrown to be forced to stop.

                    Everybody just fucking downvote and ignore this cretin. Nothing you say to him will convince him to support a revolution because he wants things to stay the way they are.

                    He is openly stating he cares more about our egos than he does about the innocent lives cops are taking on the regular. He gives not one single fuck about anyone other than himself and neither does anyone else who says the same things he does.

                    Just downvote him and ignore him. We can topple the old state together and put in a new one where there likely aren’t any cops, let alone any that can fucking torture people.

                    We don’t need to convince people like him that our cause is just.

                    Fuck him. Honestly.

                  • @DTFpanda@lemmy.world
                    -18 months ago

                    Am I taking crazy pills? Why are you getting downvoted lmao, what is the average age group here? Seems like a bunch of edgy teenagers.

              • @amanneedsamaid
                78 months ago

                You have been brainwashed as to how horrible a society can become, to the point you think an armed populace rebelling is impossible / impractical.

                The more people start thinking like you do, the faster we move towards repeating that cycle of oppression the founding fathers attempted to break out of.

                  • @amanneedsamaid
                    38 months ago

                    In one ear types response, out the other. 👍

                • OurTragicUniverse
                  8 months ago

                  So you should be out there, gunning down cops and setting a good example for us! Not whinging online about people telling you to get on with it.

                  • @amanneedsamaid
                    78 months ago

                    Lmao, misunderstanding a point to the highest possible degree 💀

                  • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
                    48 months ago

                    No, this thread is specifically for all of us to have this talk. It is not a floor for you concern trolls who care only for keeping the system going at the cost of everybody else’s lives, hopes and dreams.

            • Neato
              -38 months ago

              OK. Goodluck with that. I don’t think it’s a sustainable solution right now. But you do you.

              • krolden
                38 months ago

                Sustainability is the last thing I’m concerned about when it comes to state sanctioned violence.

        • pensa
          8 months ago

          Did they though? I don’t think so.

          The Vietnamese people made a good effort and successfully repelled the US military.

            • pensa
              08 months ago

              Because we left. They were pretty weak until we left.

              Vietnam on the other hand maintained the ability to inflict major casualties throughout.

              I’m in agreement with you that poorly equipped groups can make an impact. I disagree that the goat herders in Afghanistan did.

              • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
                48 months ago

                Well, the reason the Vietnamese won was through mastery of the environment. They knew the jungles inside and out, and the American military didn’t.

                We the People need to get to know our cities well because, if something like a revolution actually happens soon, that’s where most of the fucking fighting’s going to be. Plus, these are cops we’re dealing with. Setting up ambushes for them would be pretty easy. It’s open fighting during something like, say, a protest that the cops have always held the advantage of, simply because they were willing to use crowd control tactics and take advantage of the lay of the land while protesters were unwilling to.

                So, know thy streets, to start.

      • @wolf6152@lemm.ee
        68 months ago

        It’s not against the military. Nobody mention the army or marines you dummy. This is about the police. We can take those fuckers. Pigs don’t have artillery and air support.

        • @iHUNTcriminals@lemm.ee
          8 months ago

          …As if military personnel wouldn’t join and blow the head off a crook cop or military officer in a civil war.

          • pensa
            78 months ago

            Isn’t the military being woke a conservative talking point? If they are woke then they’re on our side. :)

          • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
            38 months ago

            The most we’d have to deal with is the National Guard and we can just steal shit from their armories.

              • pensa
                68 months ago

                You don’t know the limitation of military actions on US soil. The National Guard would be called the military is for foreign affairs.

              • OurTragicUniverse
                8 months ago

                I think these idiots are cops pretending to be ‘antifa’, to try and rile up folk into storming police stations.

                Either that or kids.

                • pensa
                  28 months ago

                  I think it is a combination of bootlickers and a few cops. I don’t think it is to goad anyone into doing anything. They don’t want people to actually attack them. I think they are trying to get people to say certain things that would be criminal so they can arrest them before they attack.

                  So be careful with your words. Instead of saying “I am going to kill the baton rouge police chief,” say “I am going to effect change” or something along those lines.

                  At the same time watch for those that are trying to goad you into typing something they can take action on.

                  The hosts of fediverse instances DO NOT have the resources to fight government subpoenas over what you say.

                  • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
                    38 months ago

                    The concern trolls are probably just spooks paid to forum slide. They did a hell of a job – nobody ever got a chance to seriously talk about the notion; we all spent the entire time arguing with them instead of focusing on what matters, myself included.

                    The government’s real power here though is in the fear – everyone’s afraid to openly talk about such things because they fear they’re being spied on by NSA spooks or the FBI or whatever. And most importantly, it’s become taboo and socially unacceptable to talk about revolution, and that’s the way the government set it up through decades of propaganda and how it intends to keep things, down to the very last innocent life. When everyone feels comfortable openly talking about revolution, there’ll be no need for anybody to be afraid anymore, and that’s what the system truly fears. Then it’ll be impossible to arrest people for fomenting such talk since they literally can’t actually arrest everybody.

                    That, clearly, is the most important thing that needs to happen. Once the wall of fear comes down, so does their shitty house of cards they’ve been using to control everybody. The concern trolls are here to keep it up, hence the forum sliding.

                  • OurTragicUniverse
                    -28 months ago

                    I’m talking about you and the other idiot who wants to get people killed doing this.

      • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
        -38 months ago

        It’s not “the us military” that they are fighting. Also don’t say dumbshit stuff like that since if the “US Military” is bombing american cities your liberal drivel is irrelevant.

        • pensa
          28 months ago

          So who are you fighting? Neighbors and civilians that don’t vote like you?

          • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
            8 months ago

            The police departments that keep doing this shit.

            I actually am being kind of serious about this. The fact that cops are running fucking CIA-style black sites shows us that

            1. They’re escalating their oppressive garbage

            2. Some spook is showing them how

            And those alone are enough justification for physically throwing them the fuck out. Go read about the nasty shit the U.S. government did to Middle Eastern men it kidnapped in its war on terror in the 00’s. Their tactics are very similar to how this site and other torture mills U.S. cops have been caught running operate.

            • pensa
              48 months ago

              I think there is some confusion. The context, as I understood it, was that “they” are conservatives and are not fighting the military. So I wanted to know who they were fighting.

              • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
                8 months ago

                It’s all good. Questions like yours are exactly why I came out and said what I said. We the people need to have this talk. We should have had it 20 years ago.

                So I hereby claim specifically that We the People of the United States of America need to start physically overthrowing police departments we catch doing shit like this – and I mean the entire police department of whatever city or county it happens in – and either completely shut down the department or replace every single member wholesale. Physically throw them out; shoot them if necessary. Same with judges, attorneys or any other state actors who participated.

                If we don’t we will subject the Zoomers and Alpha Genners to the same horrors we were forced to grow up in… allowing that to happen is in no way conscionable and if we let cops get away with shit like this, we will have no room to blame Boomers and their horrific abuses for the way the world is. The only ones we’ll have to blame at that point is us.

                • OurTragicUniverse
                  8 months ago

                  You need to stop talking about this and start doing it, otherwise it’s just more useless empty talk. Go get your mates and all your guns and evict some police departments and judges.

                  I look forward to hearing about you on international news, this is going to be huge!

                  • pensa
                    48 months ago

                    Your not even American. Why so invested in this thread?

                    And why have you commented multiple times telling people to start shooting, while at the same time saying that we shouldn’t even talk about it?

            • @DogMuffins@discuss.tchncs.de
              -38 months ago

              I wonder if more transparency, accountability, and oversight might be a more effective remedy than you know… just killing cops.

              • @pinkdrunkenelephantsOP
                48 months ago

                They’ve proven time and time again they’re tyrants and are self-aware about it, and therefore need to be physically removed, but we both know you’re just here to forum slide and not to have an honest debate, so ignoring you now

        • Neato
          -38 months ago

          your liberal drivel is irrelevant.

          Aaand there it is.