I love hearing about unique takes on game mechanics. Someone recently convinced me that limited inventories are kind of abused currently and that unlimited inventory systems would give more player choices.

  • @kamiheku
    211 months ago

    bonus points when there’s no checkpoint before a boss fight so you have to redo 50 fights just to die again and repeat the process

    DS1 I feel is decent with this (could be Stockholm syndrome) and Elden Ring removes the issue almost completely. But Jesus Christ DS2 was awful in this regard. At least they added the mechanic where mobs stop respawning after you’ve killed them N times; I removed every single enemy from along the Smelter Demon corpse run lmao

    • Kerb
      111 months ago

      im usually not to bothered by a few fights before the bossroom (probably because i started out with ds2)

      but smelter demon was awfull until i learned the balcony jump.