Hello, are people here playing MMOs? What’s your favorite one?

  • @Ventus@beehaw.org
    311 months ago

    I used to be a big time WoW player. 15 years I managed to squeeze out of it before I got tired of the new style they made. Got a big ol’ Kirin Tor sorcerer tattoo to commemorate it.

    Still looking for a new good “wowkiller” mmorpg, but everything nowadays seems to be too bland for my tastes. What’re your favs?

    • @VioletteRei@beehaw.orgOP
      311 months ago

      FF14 and GW2. To find something interesting to you, like you said, it really depend of your tastes. What do you prefer in a MMO?

      • @Ventus@beehaw.org
        011 months ago

        I like taking my time with things. Doing all the niche sub-par activities. Crafting in lotr online was such fun, even though it was tedious as all hell. Having things that aren’t just ‘get to max level’ or ‘grind gear to make bigger numbers’ is essential. As soon as the game becomes an efficiency simulator, I’m out.

        Having good explorable lore is hugely important too. A world thats more interesting than skin deep.

        For years I’ve been dreaming of a persistent communal base building game, without the chaotic undertones of something like Rust or 7 Days To Die. Working together to gather resources and make something. Thats my jam.

        What would be in your dream MMO?

        • @VioletteRei@beehaw.orgOP
          211 months ago

          My dream MMO would probably be a mix of Dofus for the combat and the funny ennemies and FF14 for the graphics and the story/lore

    • Kamirose
      311 months ago

      I don’t think there will ever be a true “wowkiller” MMO, because what people are looking for in a “wowkiller” isn’t actually achievable. WoW has a nostalgia that none of the other games can possibly recreate because it was many people’s first ever MMO, and it was the first MMO community they experienced, and it was a cultural phenomenon that no other game can possibly create again. No other game can match that, including WoW itself.