As a budding anarchist I’d like to hear some opinions.

  • Chris Remington
    61 year ago

    Wikipedia does a, fairly, good job of introducing the topic here:

    Personally, I can understand the allure of not having a ‘ruler’. Whether that be a dictator-like king, an overly critical parent or some such other person who wishes to tell me what I can and cannot do.

    Here in the United States, the goal is to have a representative democracy. At times, throughout US history, it has felt that this goal has been dashed by a small percentage of the ultra-wealthy and powerful. Not only has it felt this way, but it has been all too common in the past several decades. We see this happening all around us all the time and it can become disheartening.

    On the other hand, I believe that the overwhelming majority of persons in the US want to push this goal further and further and not give up hope.

    One of the tactics of the ultra-wealthy/powerful is to do everything possible to dissuade young persons from voting. They know that this strategy will keep them in power. Another tactic that they’ve used is to undermine and nearly destroy the public education system. Obviously, if they can keep the young public as ignorant as possible, then they won’t know how voting impacts their own lives.

    There are so many other tactics, used by the aforementioned, in order to kill the promise of representative democracy.