It’s not like any candidate was actually good but they did pick the worst one.

    9 months ago

    Eh, that’s not what he said. Sure, yes, he said those words, but if you watch the whole thing it’s clear he just can’t talk like a normal person. He uses words that cause outrage because they get people riled up, and then he goes on to say what he really means. Although who knows man, he’s a total liar, and nothing he says has any value anyways.

    What got me about that video was the end. He said “We were doing so well. And we were coming together, and coming together, and it was a beautiful thing. And we’re going to do that again.”. So he personally acknowledged that we were doing well as a country, and more united, and then he came along and started tearing all that down. We’ve been going downhill ever since. His entire motto “make America great again” is built on a lie that he just acknowledged right here at the end of the clip. It was already great. It stopped being great when he wouldn’t shut his fat fucking anus mouth.

    But I can’t even really evaluate the things he says without sounding like I’m contradicting myself, because the things he says are contradictory from one statement to another. Idk why I even bothered.