Evening all, This is a really tough post to write but following my post the other day I think the best course of action is to shut down Sync before the new API changes go live.

  • Manticore@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Jerboa for Android, mlem for iOS, but they’re still in early stages.

    I haven’t actually used Lemmy on mobile yet, but if its true that it works fine on mobile - damn, that’s super relevant.

    90% of webpage views are through mobile or tablet devices. Laptops and desktops are the minority, and responsive @media classes are vital. Having a mobile-friendly design is critical for daily usability. Modern front-end webdevs design mobile-first.

    And yet, shockingly, too many providers just don’t make it a priority. If the webpage is the way they reach users, then sure (Wikipedia looks slick on mobile). But the second they have an app, god, they really don’t care if their web-experience goes to shit or decays into redundancy.