Also beehaw creates 5 new subs.


User coldy: can you make it so users can make their own subs not just admins

Beehaw admin Gaywallet: no

Coldy: I quit

  • @ThePhoenixFire@lemmy.perthchat.orgOP
    1 year ago

    PG 2 of the Fedizens Times June 5

    The Beehaw financial report with alyasha

    our hopefully-final update of where we stand is a break-even of $54 a month or $648 a year. (please once again ignore OC’s estimated yearly budget–we don’t determine it lol)

    our expenses are currently:

    • $48/mo toward our host, Digital Ocean. (reversible. if we need to commit to further than this it is also likely we will seek another host since DO is on the expensive side)
    • $2/mo for weekly backups
    • $4/mo for daily snapshots of the website, which would allow us to restore the website in between the weekly backups if need be.

    for a total of at least $54/mo in expenses. this may vary from month to month though, so we’re baking in a bit of uncertainty with our estimation.

    we currently have, for the month of June:

    • $85/mo in recurring donations (at least for June)
    • $620 this month in one-time donations

    for a total of $705 this month. our total balance now stands at 726.51.

    that balance means we now have about a year of reserves currently, if we received no other donations and have no unexpected expenses. i’m sure we’ll have churn in our monthly donations and such though, so please don’t hesitate to donate on our OpenCollective page if you’d like to keep the site going.

      • @ThePhoenixFire@lemmy.perthchat.orgOP
        51 year ago

        Tbh it should really be a separate post, I’m not used to anyone reading posts on this sub let alone commenting.

        Tho I also don’t want this sub to be “Beehaw drama and lore” and it would be that if every single beehaw lore update was a separate post.

        Changed the OP comment to make this a bit more clear

      211 months ago


      I pay more than that for a mail server and VPN peer in Toronto. Like, three times as much.

      It’s obvious I need to migrate to like kitsufi or something.

      -21 year ago

      am I the only one that thinks if someone is complaining about $54/month for hosting costs then maybe they shouldn’t be running a node? I

        111 year ago

        I… can’t see anywhere where they are complaining? This was just a post about how much the server cost to run. They updated it over time with new numbers as they beefed up the server capacity. But the post basically says “Here’s how much it costs to run, and we have plenty of money”. I don’t see the complaining?

      • Rentlar
        91 year ago

        You are looking at a quote from the financial report. It’s not a complaint it’s just a statement.

  • @_ed
    31 year ago

    Wow I missed that. Totally belongs here.