A British doctor who used to work at Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s largest medical center, under which the IDF says Hamas operates a major command and control base, has confirmed that there were areas of the hospital where he could not go, or else he would be shot.

In a recent interview with the English-language channel of French broadcaster France24…

  • keardap@lemmy.selfhost.quest
    11 months ago

    It doesn’t matter how old the war is, it matters how much time IDF had in Shifa hospital.

    Where they already shown underground tunnels. They already shown the area to have military usage (making it into a valid target).

    Now they need to show access from the hospital to the tunnels.

    BTW, this is nothing new, Hamas has been using Shifa since atleast 2014. I think no one will claim Amnesty is biased towards Israel.

    • Zaktor
      11 months ago

      You’re asking for “a few weeks” before anyone decides whether invading hospitals is a good idea. It very much matters how much damage will be done in that time period. 5 days is a lot of time. They have control, technology, manpower, and a pressing need to justify this attack.

      And they don’t seem to be in any hurry, because they know that, like a police shooting, if they can just delay long enough (say “a few weeks”), attention will move on to a whole new horror. They just need to keep the outrage at manageable levels to squeeze a few more weeks of destruction out of the conflict so they can then advocate that all these pesky people should just move elsewhere for “humanitarian reasons”. No one should be starting from a place of trust about all this destruction when members of the far right government are actively supporting ethnic cleansing.

      And fuck your antiseptic deflection about valid targets. It’s not justified to kill five times as many civilians as enemy fighters. It’s not justified to tell people to evacuate south and then bomb where they evacuate to. And it’s not justified to invade a hospital for what appears to be a handful of weapons. This is callous apologia for crimes against humanity.

      • keardap@lemmy.selfhost.quest
        10 months ago

        I think the Israeli government doesn’t give a flying fuck about your rage. If all you want to do is rage, go ahead, it will only impact you and the people close to you in a negative way.

        Action to reduce the chance of further violence in the region will will be measured in years of work. If you can’t wait a few weeks to get more information you lack the emotional fortitude required for years of work.

        You said correctly that part of the Israeli government is a bunch of right wing nut jobs that want to exterminate the Palestinans. You failed to mention they are not part of small war cabinet, and they are pissed about it.

        What I’m looking at is the time it took Israel to get to the tunnel they got to, and breach the blast door.. It means they are taking the time to be carful, both on their soldiers and, as much as possible Palestinan civilians.

        As for your rage about my claim that they are carful about Palatinatan civilian with so many dead. The war created between 100k to 200k Israelis refugees, placed many millions under constant rockets attack and costs Israel over one billion shekel per day. This is a lose Israel didn’t have to take, they have the weaponry to wipe out Gaza in 24-48 hours. They could have killed every last Palestinan cheaply and quickly without the harm to Israeli population and economy. They lost between 300 to 400 IDF soldiers already. They keep losing soldiers in Gaza. Just because they didn’t want to wipe out Gaza (the right wing nut jobs want that, but they don’t get to vote on that).

        Is what happening currently in Gaza horrible? Yes, it gives me nightmares. Is Israel going into the hospitals a war crime? No, the second Hamas used them for military purposes they lost their protection.

        Most of all, it makes me sad to see the progressive left tie it self with Hamas (WTF). Replying from from rage and calling to the extermination of Israel (not very progressive) with false claims about the war in Gaza. With zero understanding of the reality of war.

        You are missing the plot, israel’s war crimes are happening in the West Bank. The right wing nut jobs live and develop their hate over there. Israel can stop them by treating the West Bank settlers as terrorist (they are). But that not going to happen.

        Do you want to stop that? Go for the money and freedom of movement of settelers in the West Bank. They are sponsored using private money of crazy Christian Evangelists, mostly from the USA. They want the settlements to spread so it will to create conflict that bring Gog and Magog.

        Do you want to prevent further bloodshed in the area? You will also need to stop money flow to Hamas and other radical Islamist groups in the area. They will stat wars with Israel no matter how Israel treat the Palatinans.

        tl;dr: war is ugly, brutal and horrifying. If you want change, you need to economically strav religious nut jobs from both sides. Enough of the money is ‘outside influence’ that it may be done.

        • Zaktor
          10 months ago

          I think the Israeli government doesn’t give a flying fuck about your rage.

          Don’t push it off on the Israeli government. I’m not talking to them and you’re not a neutral third party just making observations. I’m talking to you and your shitty justifications for mass murder. You are an active participant.

          It means they are taking the time to be carful, both on their soldiers and, as much as possible Palestinan civilians.

          How on earth do you believe this? This is your brain on decades of nationalistic propaganda.

          They could have killed every last Palestinan cheaply and quickly without the harm to Israeli population and economy.

          You want a pat on the back for not just nuking it? Even Israel’s rightwing regime knows there are limits before even the US has had too much. So they go slow and steady, destroying infrastructure and houses and then says “look how hard it is to stay in Gaza, you should just leave”. Not doing maximal war crimes isn’t praiseworthy.

          Most of all, it makes me sad to see the progressive left tie it self with Hamas (WTF). Replying from from rage and calling to the extermination of Israel (not very progressive) with false claims about the war in Gaza. With zero understanding of the reality of war.

          No one is rooting for fucking Hamas. This is a straw man to make you feel like the people calling you out are ignorant or immoral so you don’t need to address it. And I understand the reality of war and the culpability of the individual citizens. When my country was beating the war drums and then committing crimes against humanity, I protested, not made excuses for it.

          • keardap@lemmy.selfhost.quest
            10 months ago

            I’m talking to you and your shitty justifications for mass murder. You are an active participant.

            How sweet, I am however not an IDF soldier, never was, never will be. You have funny definition of active.

            How on earth do you believe this? This is your brain on decades of nationalistic propaganda.

            Because they sent foot soldiers in, instead of flattninf Gaza Strip.

            Even Israel’s rightwing regime knows there are limits before even the US has had too much.

            Israel government is not ‘right wing’. The majority of it is populist, they have no values, their only agenda is theft of public funds.

            It does contain right wing elemnts, they don’t only want to kill every person in Gaza, but every non-Jewish person in the area of greater Israel. By their world view, Jewish born that don’t follow religious teaching should be killed too.

            The temporary war government also contains elements that want peace with the Palestinans and willing to share Jerusalem.

            No one is rooting for fucking Hamas. This is a straw man to make you feel like the people calling you out are ignorant or immoral so you don’t need to address it.

            First, the call ‘from the river to sea’ is a call against the two states solution. This is a call for mass murder. If you call it while waving Palatinate’s flag, I will assume you support Hamas. Secondly, if you missed my opnion about West Bank settlers: a bunch of terrorists that should be treated as such.

            • Zaktor
              10 months ago

              How sweet, I am however not an IDF soldier, never was, never will be. You have funny definition of active.

              You’re speaking. Defending mass murder. Do you understand that “being an active participant” in “justifying mass murder” is not about actually shooting people? It’s not Israel or rightwingers or some other impersonal entity justifying mass murder. It’s you.

              You keep responding to words with weird responses that don’t make sense and I can’t tell if it’s reading comprehension or deflection.

              • keardap@lemmy.selfhost.quest
                10 months ago

                You missed the point of what I wrote.

                Israel, currently, has two options:

                1. Dismantle Hamas’ infrastructure - requires mass murder
                2. a. Get constantly bombarded and invaded again by Hamas … b. Seem weak, which will lead to attacked by more more parties.

                Meaning that Gazans or Israelis, someone getting mass murdered. That the situation there.

                • Zaktor
                  10 months ago

                  Those are very definitely not the only two options, but thinking in such a binary is a good way to pretend you had no choice but to mass murder. There are a lot of ways to fight a war other than indiscriminately dropping bombs on civilian areas. You just can’t drop more bombs on a tiny area than the US dropped in a year and pretend its a measured response. Hamas simply isn’t beneath half the buildings in Gaza.

                  Flattening entire neighborhoods isn’t making Israel safe. Dropping bombs that kill journalists and UN isn’t making Israel safe. Invading hospitals for what appears to be stale intelligence and a handful of rifles isn’t making Israel safe. You can’t mass murder your way out of terrorism. Hamas doesn’t need the half-dozen rifles Israel tries to use to justify storming a hospital. They need people to viscerally hate Israelis. And frankly, Israel could have prevented the mass murder simply by actually defending its border instead of shifting military east to support the illegal land grabs, so presenting that as an inevitability is just an excuse to silence the voice that knows what’s happening in Gaza is wrong.

                  You seem like you want to be a moral person concerned about injustice, but you’ve constructed all these flimsy justifications to come to the conclusion that ten thousand dead and most of Northern Gaza being destroyed is the only possible option. It’s just ridiculous.

                  • keardap@lemmy.selfhost.quest
                    10 months ago

                    The current violence doesn’t make Israel safe in the long run. It’s a short term solution.

                    Solving the issue with less violence was possible 10-20 years ago.

                    There is solution that is completelly without violence, some of the forces are non-rational and driven by religion.