A British doctor who used to work at Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s largest medical center, under which the IDF says Hamas operates a major command and control base, has confirmed that there were areas of the hospital where he could not go, or else he would be shot.

In a recent interview with the English-language channel of French broadcaster France24…

  • Zaktor
    11 months ago

    Those are very definitely not the only two options, but thinking in such a binary is a good way to pretend you had no choice but to mass murder. There are a lot of ways to fight a war other than indiscriminately dropping bombs on civilian areas. You just can’t drop more bombs on a tiny area than the US dropped in a year and pretend its a measured response. Hamas simply isn’t beneath half the buildings in Gaza.

    Flattening entire neighborhoods isn’t making Israel safe. Dropping bombs that kill journalists and UN isn’t making Israel safe. Invading hospitals for what appears to be stale intelligence and a handful of rifles isn’t making Israel safe. You can’t mass murder your way out of terrorism. Hamas doesn’t need the half-dozen rifles Israel tries to use to justify storming a hospital. They need people to viscerally hate Israelis. And frankly, Israel could have prevented the mass murder simply by actually defending its border instead of shifting military east to support the illegal land grabs, so presenting that as an inevitability is just an excuse to silence the voice that knows what’s happening in Gaza is wrong.

    You seem like you want to be a moral person concerned about injustice, but you’ve constructed all these flimsy justifications to come to the conclusion that ten thousand dead and most of Northern Gaza being destroyed is the only possible option. It’s just ridiculous.

    • keardap@lemmy.selfhost.quest
      10 months ago

      The current violence doesn’t make Israel safe in the long run. It’s a short term solution.

      Solving the issue with less violence was possible 10-20 years ago.

      There is solution that is completelly without violence, some of the forces are non-rational and driven by religion.