• federico3@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    He describes himself as essentially neurodivergent and tone-deaf (his word): https://www.fsf.org/news/rms-addresses-the-free-software-community

    I’ve met him and a lot of people I know and trust have been around him at conferences. In 20 years I’ve heard plenty of complains about his public behavior and I’ve witnessed various episodes of that. Nobody ever told me in person that RMS is inherently evil or malevolent, but rather unable to act appropriately around people or understand what is socially acceptable, despite having been told many times. He apologized on various occasions over the years… without changing behavior.

    Public roles are different from private life. A public speaker is responsible of communicating clearly, understanding the context of conversations, acting properly, and avoid creating these controversies in the first place.

    • Halce@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      He apologized on various occasions over the years… without changing behavior.

      But this is my point. He may not be too good at evaluating whether some behaviour is in fact similar, or the same as another behaviour, which you, as a non-neurodivergent person may evaluate as something that’s quite similar. For example, a change of place, theme, or the structure of participants, may present enough detail to a divergent person to evaluate a situation as different, even if it may appear to us as reasonably (although of course not exactly) similar to previous situations, that they have previously encountered.

      I am saying, despite his odd behaviour, his accomplishments and role (even as a public speaker) should be applauded in my opinion, especially, if we look at them through this lens of him being neurodivergent.

      Otherwise, what’s being promoted, is essentially discrimination, by people, who therefore hypocritically claim they are for a diversity of experiences and the inclusion in society of the usually marginalised.

        • Halce@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          Autism is a broad spectrum, and cannot be effectively evaluated by other people with another type of autism. To do that is the height of arrogance, and disregards personal experience.

          I also find the position that if people are in leadership, their issues in terms of neurodivergence should not be taken into account as antithetical to any sense of justice, or inclusion. You essentially are saying that these people do not deserve the opportunity to participate, due to their condition?

          I find this notion elitist, and quite frankly disgustingly discriminatory.

          • federico3@lemmy.ml
            3 years ago

            You keep putting words in my mouth and keep confusing personal life and public roles and the accountability that comes with the latter.