• @AdmiralShat@programming.dev
      969 months ago

      Interestingly, the states rights debate is true, wholly.

      The north wanted to keep the right to acknowledge escaped slaves as free, and the south kept sending people up there to kidnap free men and women. They were even known to kidnap free born black people and sell them into slavery.

      The south also wanted to charge the north for this “service”.

      When people talk about states rights, remind them that the south was heavily infringing on the rights of the northern states.

      • Liz
        469 months ago

        It’s “true” on a technicality. It was about slavery.

        • @Wogi@lemmy.world
          409 months ago

          States joining the Confederacy were required to enshrine slavery in their constitutions. They didn’t have the right to reject it. If it had anything to do with states rights at all, it was about ensuring the states didn’t have the right to abolish slavery.

        • @AdmiralShat@programming.dev
          39 months ago

          I guess you’re one of those people who are incapable of reading between the lines.

          Or maybe you didn’t read my comment at all?

          • Liz
            39 months ago

            Eh, sorry, it seemed like you were genuinely convinced that most people were concerned about legal issues. I’ve met people who tried to make earnest arguments like that.

      • @goferking0@lemmy.sdf.org
        379 months ago

        They also put it in their constitution that slavery could never be outlawed. Sounds like a really big issue for states rights

    • snooggums
      549 months ago

      “Buy muh Southern Pride!”

      “What about the south are you proud of that involves the battle flag of the side that wanted to keep slavery?”

      • PugJesus
        139 months ago

        Real Southern Pride is the 1st Alabama Cavalry riding with Sherman to liberate the South o7

      • @rockSlayer@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        I’ve lived in Minnesota my whole life. Growing up, there was some religiously homeschooled dumb ass serving in the mn national guard who said that the Virginia battle flag was heritage. The last time I talked to him, I told him that the only heritage for us involving that flag is in the MN historical society archives.

      • Xusontha
        19 months ago

        The Pride of Racism

        (ig idk what else besides losing lol)

  • @jaybone@lemmy.world
    579 months ago

    No civil war. This time just let them go. They will quickly devolve into third world countries. And my federal tax dollars will no longer go to their bullshit.

      • @KevonLooney@lemm.ee
        169 months ago

        This is it. These people only respect power and hierarchy. Honestly most of the crazies will back down when they lose an election. January 6th was just the stupidest ones.

    • @winterayars@sh.itjust.works
      279 months ago

      They’re not gonna just go quietly.

      If they could just live their lives in peace without infringing on the rights and freedoms of others they wouldn’t need a civil war. They wouldn’t have needed the first civil war either.

    • @Breezy@lemmy.world
      69 months ago

      Noooooo. I live in Tennessee and that might be apart of the idiots! Id rather it be done and over with quickly so not to involve normal people.

  • guyrocket
    569 months ago

    Really? These clowns couldn’t take over the capitol building and now they think theyre going to take over the country? Honk your nose for me on your way our the door, k?

    • @flossdaily@lemmy.world
      69 months ago

      The problem with all the slap-on-the-wrist sentences for the insurrectionists, and a totally free pass for Trump for inciting it… Is that they are emboldened to try again.

      The only lesson they learned from the insurrection is that next time they should bring all their guns. If people don’t understand that, they are nuts.

      They came within a hair of achieving their goal last time. Why wouldn’t they try again?

      • @KevonLooney@lemm.ee
        89 months ago

        slap-on-the-wrist sentences for the insurrectionists,

        This is the largest group prosecution in the history of the US. Nothing else comes close. It’s a conveyor belt of justice sending losers to the federal pen.

        and a totally free pass for Trump for inciting it

        He was impeached for it and is now indicted for over 90 felonies. Dude will be under house arrest for the rest of his life. They’re unrelated but there’s a reason why lots of prosecutors are targeting him. Turns out the Justice Department doesn’t like it when you try to invade Congress. They took that shit seriously.

    • @RojoSanIchiban@lemmy.world
      19 months ago

      They actually believe that they can revolt, and with their AR-15s, magically take out National Guard troops and just acquire their weapons and armored vehicles.

      A member of my family is not only a veteran, but also fell into this lunacy and thinks his work as a logistics officer and his NG training puts him on the level of the Navy SEALs. And he’s almost 60. He salivates at the idea of fighting the mythical military oppression from the evil Demoncrats trying to take away his guns.

  • @Furbag@lemmy.world
    549 months ago

    I dunno, the south might give us a run for our money this time around. I mean, they have some of the most elite soldiers in the country, including but not limited to: the Gravy SEAL’s Meal Team Six, the Green Buffets, and the Roast Guard. Not to mention their many terror sleeper cells like the Yee-Hawdists, Y’all Qaeda and Vanilla ISIS.

    Scary thought to put our uniformed men and women against that crack fighting force, they might come back with some severe PTSD.

  • @GreenMario@lemm.ee
    309 months ago

    Considering the avg republican has to ride the diabetes scooters at Walmart I think the 2nd civil war will be a goddamn turkey shoot.

    Let’s find out, Trumptards!

    • BaroqueInMind
      -329 months ago

      I’m not a Trumper and I know for a fact they not only have more gun owners in Republican voting areas, they also train with them more because it’s not as stigmatized. My point is that the Democrat areas will 100% lose any fight since we’ve been told for over two decades that guns are bad

      • They have louder gun owners. My friends and I don’t advertise our arsenals, and we practice plenty. My carry is hidden from everyone around me, because many people are uncomfortable around guns, and I don’t want to make anyone have to think about it. I am not unique, and I’m in a progressive area.

        • BaroqueInMind
          9 months ago

          I promise you are in the minority of blue voting gun owners, and they outnumber you significantly to the point that it becomes trivial for them to oppress you (i.e. cops, military, and rural people mostly vote conservative and most own guns, and so they maintain the monopoly on violence).

          We literally will never stand a chance if push came to shove.

          • @Bytemeister@lemmy.world
            39 months ago

            I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. We’ve had to tell these dipshits at least twice in my lifetime not to drink bleach in order to cure diseases.

            It takes a lot more that having guns and knowing how to shoot them in order to win a war. They lack the logistics, medical and technical skills required to effectively wage a war. Every time one of these dumbfucks tries to defeat “bullet-proof” glass with a nail gun, it really shows how fucking stupid they are.

      • @Carlo@lemmy.ca
        49 months ago

        Democrats are not a homogeneous group. And they don’t have a monopoly on loathing Trump.

  • @Chunk@lemmy.world
    279 months ago

    Civil wars don’t just start. There’s a build up. Republicans will begin to engage in acts of domestic terrorism like bombings and blowing up substations. Dems will definitely retaliate and that’s how we get a civil war.

    • @31337@sh.itjust.works
      159 months ago

      I doubt even this would cause a civil war. By world standards, U.S. citizens have pretty good lives, so most people wouldn’t risk it. An unprecedented and complete collapse of the U.S. quality of life would be necessary. People would need to feel like they had nothing to lose, and much to gain to attempt to fight the U.S.

      I suppose a quick coup is possible. If the DoD/military backed it, I’d guess most people would just accept it as the way things are, or try to emigrate to other countries.

      The U.S., the “west”, and possibly the entire world is probably just destined for a long slow decline as global capitalism eats itself. Probably transitioning to something worse featuring mass surveillance, disinformation like we’ve never seen (powered by “AI” tech), and even greater inequality. But I’m a pessimist :)

      • @Chunk@lemmy.world
        89 months ago


        Paragraph 1: a civil war is unlikely

        Paragraph 2: the DoD is going to facilitate a coup to take control of the government.

        Paragraph 3: the decadent west will collapse in on itself.

        Dude you really went from 0-60 in 3.5 paragraphs.

    • @randon31415@lemmy.world
      139 months ago

      If by “retaliate”, you mean arrest people, then yes. The closest dems get to doing things outside the law is black people “getting uppity” and accidentally setting fire to the local buger king.

    • @whaleross@lemmy.world
      89 months ago

      What are you on about? Crazy cultist fraction of a political party act out in violence and the other political party decides regular authorities nor even military are not enough to handle organized domestic terrorism but retaliates by own volition? How? By blowing up the neighbouring substation? Political activists driving around in armoured gas powered SUVs vs electric vehicles competing who can damage society most? The absolute majority of people that just want a stable life and feel generally disconnected from politics goes bananas and start shooting and looting and killing over minor disagreements? Bitcoin and gold becomes the most valuable currency along with ammunition and canned beans? Or the worst crime against humanity and allow the normal course of legal process as if the leadership and participants were just like any other citizens doing unlawful activities? Oh no, where be my pearls?

      • @Beaphe@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Lol, WHAT‽

        This is the ONE time I think you should go find a sand hole and plunk your head right down in said hole.

      • @Chunk@lemmy.world
        -69 months ago

        Hey buddy, don’t be stupid. Try thinking ;)

        I don’t think Nancy pelosi is going to take to the streets with an RPG. I think individual people who identify as Democrat will take it upon themselves to retaliate.

    • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      59 months ago

      The GOP is a party of cowards. They go along with Trump and all the crazy narratives only because they’re afraid of being primaried and losing their positions.

      There is a potential for violence and domestic terrorism but it would be a disorganized mess. Just the few true believers duped by the crazy narratives into doing something stupid.

  • @andyortlieb@lemmy.sdf.org
    249 months ago

    That sounds cool fun and easy but armed and untrained and undisciplined nut jobs crawling from the woodwork is not going to be a clean finish for anyone involved. Obviously this isn’t meant to be a deterrent for the justice system… but we’re working on a different tier here. It’s not going to be high profile business and agencies fighting each other. It’s going to be normal working people being attacked by deranged wing nuts and always by surprise, because there will be no centcom for them.

    So, if you think you’re going to be prepared for an outcome like this, I do wonder what you’re packing.

      • @BigDiction@lemmy.world
        79 months ago

        It’s more about having an insurgency within the states. The measures to contain and crush that will make everyone suffer.

        • @Bytemeister@lemmy.world
          49 months ago

          Nah, these morons aren’t smart or subtle enough to “go to ground” and make enduring sleeper cells. Remember, they Livestreamed their crimes on 1/06 and refused to wear masks to conceal their identities at the one time in history it wasn’t a massive red flag to do so.

        • @M0oP0o@mander.xyz
          -89 months ago

          Once again as someone outside the country, you guys are due for getting knocked down a few pegs. Like what did you think the end result of this level of bipartisan bullshit would be if not civil war?

          • Do you really think any of us (sane) people wanted this bullshit. Half of this has been spawned by the rich and the religious zelots. The other half by not cleaning up the last one properly. Seriously its not talked about too much but parts of the south became guerilla warzones after the civil war.

    • @iforgotmyinstance@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Dramatic and doomerpilled.

      The US military will aggressively dismantle any secessionist activity if it comes to blood. Hopefully we get to see some combined arms ops with the good tech for once instead of holding back.

      Meanwhile I’m gonna crack cold ones while I watch red states suffer from their own actions.

      • @Flambo@lemmy.world
        49 months ago

        The US military will aggressively dismantle any secessionist activity if it comes to blood.

        There will definitely be no mistakes they make that cost uninvolved citizens their lives. No matter what, the U.S. military will never be wielded against opponents of the ruling regime, nor in a way that serves the personal interests of those in power.

        Seriously, this is a bad outcome. This is a worse outcome. I’d rather have individuals crawling from the woodwork than the U.S. military being used against citizens.

    • GladiusB
      69 months ago

      No it’s not. These fuck twits are about as inept as a guard in Metal Gear Solid. Throw em a few bones of disinformation, throw em in a bad scenario trapped, light em up. Rinse, wash, repeat. They will infight the fuck out of enough defeats.

      “Civil War” is just some fear mongering posturing. Nothing more.

  • @Smacks@lemmy.world
    219 months ago

    I’ve been seeing a few documentary style videos on YouTube talking about the uptick in far-right groups in the US. One guy was able to talk to a former group member, saying for the past year or-so they’ve been “preparing” for a civil war. Another member said they had people intentionally join the army to try and get people on the inside.

    Documentary bro tried to contact the FBI about it and was able to get in contact with an agent, but the FBI essentially said they wouldn’t do anything about it.

    Although I don’t think a civil war is going to happen anytime soon, it’s scary to think that the FBI doesn’t seem to care about any of this.

          • @Beaphe@lemmy.world
            69 months ago

            It’s the company we keep.

            Im liberal as fuck, but for some reason my lifestyle surrounds me with right leaning folks.

            Day to day, they aren’t bad. But holy fuck, bring up politics and they almost all go fucking sideways balls to the wall conservative, and forget that they’re all felons…

            • It’s sad how so many that rebelled against authority and “the system” suddenly turn around and want to carry the riot shield to enforce it.

          • @Ashe@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            49 months ago

            I’m located in the Northeast, and the lineage of “Military families” is exceedingly rare here. Most people I know joined up for economic reasons, and tested well enough to be in operational, engineering, and medical roles rather than any infantry.

            • @Hasherm0n@lemmy.world
              59 months ago

              A friend of mine joined as a right wing conservative (the whole Christian soldier kind of thing) and came out of the military pretty left. Then in the last few years he started slipping down the Joe Rogan slide and has been moving more right again.

    • @jagungal@lemmy.world
      119 months ago

      While you shouldn’t be afraid of them, you should take their threats semi-seriously since they pose a significant domestic terrorist threat to the US.

  • PugJesus
    89 months ago

    Reconstruction this time, but the radicals never lose power.

  • @Scrof
    29 months ago

    It won’t.

  • Ian@Cambio
    -29 months ago

    I don’t think anyone really “won” the civil war. We’re still feeling its effects to this day.