Bro, I thought the pottery workshop in slide 67 was actually a home pharmacy. Was wondering if the cocaine came with the house.
Bro, I thought the pottery workshop in slide 67 was actually a home pharmacy. Was wondering if the cocaine came with the house.
Every homeowner’s dream is to maintain 3 miles of fencing.
It’s amazing how so much of our wealth is tied up in “assets” as opposed to liquid cash. I probably have just slightly less in assets than AOC at the moment, but I also don’t own a home, so if I ever managed to buy one my net worth would skyrocket beyond hers but I’d be housepoor and most likely living paycheck to paycheck. I’m not even close to being considered conventionally wealthy, and the distance between me and a billionaire is almost literally unfathomable.
That 500k net worth of hers isn’t sitting in a bank account waiting to be spent, moron.
We live in a country where black men gained the right to vote before any woman did.
Misogyny is the original prejudice.
His ethics disqualify him from taking the spot meant for a career neoliberal corporatist.
He didn’t build Tesla from scratch.
This guy is so fucking allergic to hurdles he pays other people to play video games for him so he can claim he’s in the top skill brackets.
Being rich does not make you smart, it just insulates you from the consequences of failure. A lot of really fucking stupid people also happen to be filthy rich. Elon Musk is no exception, regardless of the mythology people have built around him.
It appears to be real. The federal government is currently in the midst of the most comprehensive purge in the history of the nation, and many career civil servants are being asked to retire early with a severance “or else”. The worrying part should have come when Project 2025 laid out the groundwork for what is happening right at this very moment, back when it was first revealed. Trump intends to replace all of these government workers with yes-men and cronies who will be loyal to him and him alone, and not the constitution or the American people they are meant to serve. The damage being done right now will probably never be reversed in our lifetimes and will pave the way for absolute executive control - in other words, a dictatorship. This is not alarmist, this was the plan all along and nobody listened.
If you don’t have a plan to GTFO in case things get even worse, I would start making one right now. You have to set an uncrossable line yourself and be prepared to act on it, because other people are going to continue to go along with this until the very end, so you can’t count on other people to be giving you signals on when to bail out.
I want my prehensile tail back, not this vestigial piece of SHIT!
Trump has loudly announced his presence on the world stage and made sure nobody can ignore him.
Sure they can. China already is. The last time Trump tried to hit China with tariffs, they retaliated and then the Trump administration bailed out the farmers by giving $60 billion in welfare to red states to offset the cost of his failed trade war. Why would they do anything different this time?
Starting with high or ridiculous demands is his way of getting concessions.
What concessions?
No, seriously, answer the question.
The “concession” that he got from Trudeau was already an agreement that Canada had made under the Biden administration.
The “concession” that he got from Sheinbaum for sending 10k troops to the southern border was something that Mexico regularly agrees to do - it happened during Biden’s term and also during Trump’s first term. Evidently, all you have to do is ask politely.
So far, neither country has conceded anything that they haven’t already previously agreed to or have historically been willing to do without threats of economic sanctions or tariffs.
We don’t know what negotiations are taking place behind closed doors.
Then if we don’t know what he actually negotiated for, how can he or anyone else for that matter claim it was effective? We have no evidence that he’s getting anything more than what was already promised to him for backing down.
You can stop simping for Trump now, he’s not going to call you back.
The main question I have is that I’ve been hearing from Americans for decades now how gun ownership means you have a 2nd amendment based militia ready to go to protect the constitution and yet in the face of what is completely obviously the initial stages of a coup, I see no signs of that militia. Where are you?
This was always posturing. It was a dumb fantasy invented by the right to mythologize the country’s origins, skew the intent of the framers, and most importantly, give them plausible deniability in the gun control debate.
If gun owners truly believed in the myth of the “people’s militia” being a necessary apparatus to prevent government oppression or tyranny, they would have picked up their rifles and stopped the insurrectionists attacking the capitol building on January 6th, 2021. A literal violent coup and they sat back and did nothing. No - worse than nothing, they agreed with the people trying to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power!
The idiot masses won’t stand up to tyranny with force or strength of arms, ever. The propaganda machine will convince Americans to shoot their neighbors long before they ever even think to shoot at their ruling class.
Trump is such a coward. He can’t commit to anything he says. I thought actually implementing the tariffs was the goal? What about that whole schtick on eliminating income taxes with tariff revenue? Do people just dream big on Trump’s pie-in-the-sky fantasies, get on board, and then get brought back down to reality and conveniently forget all that big talk only to still have the audacity to call it a fucking W? The threat of the tariffs accomplished nothing. Trump is incompetent beyond belief.
50 protests
50 states
1 day
Thus 50501
I don’t actually feel bad for this guy at all. He was a scammer and probably deserves to be deported, but I’m not going to credit Trump for accidentally doing a good thing, his rhetoric just happened to align with reality for a very brief moment.
There’s a few comments like this, but what would rolling over look like and / or why would a country do that?
Look no further than Colombia, who was likewise threatened with tariffs by Trump if they refused to accept our deportees. They caved and accepted them after initially refusing them.
Now, in that case, I’m sure some people in the Colombian government likely did the math and determined that it would be cheaper to just accept the few hundred people Trump deported than to have the tariffs damage their economy by depressing the demand for exports like coffee.
The entirely expected and appropriate response is to apply retaliatory tariffs. This doesn’t take bravery and isn’t “standing your ground” it’s just the obvious default response.
It is if the tariffs were meant to stand on their own merit. Trump has only historically used tariffs as a threat to get what he wants. The one time he implemented targeted tariffs on China in his first term, it led to him having to bail out farmers with the money that was collected from the tariff revenue as a result of the retaliatory tariffs on agriculture exports. You would think he would have learned his lesson about using tariffs as a bluff and then following through anyway when it’s called, but then again, we are talking about Trump here. You don’t get to bankrupt a casino and still claim to have a shred of business acumen.
Longer than that, most likely, since tariffs raise prices on the end consumer and once those tariffs eventually go away there’s no incentive to lower the price back to pre-tariff levels.
Trump using examples of effective US economic policy from over a century ago and trying to apply it to modern international trade is peak Trump.
Ah yes, the “free market” in action.
We are rotten to the core.
Could this finally be the term that Trump speedruns the economy crash so the Republicans can be properly blamed for it happening due to their policies and leadership, rather than the Dems always inheriting a timebomb and wasting a whole ass term fixing it?
Good on Canada and Mexico for sticking to their guns and not rolling over for Trump. Show him that winning trade wars isn’t as easy as he likes to think it is, and then force him into favorable terms when he implodes his own economy.
edit: lmao, well that was short. Tariffs don’t go into effect until tomorrow and Trump already caved to pressure from Trudeau and Sheinbaum. Trump got the massive conciliation prize of… Canada and Mexico agreeing to do stuff they had already agreed to do under the Biden administration. lol.
Guarantee I’d be sabotaging shit on this side to help you guys win. Every sensible American loves our Canadian neighbors and respects their sovereignty.